When she apologizes

Jane came back from her hunt with a smile on her face. Sitting on the couch and turning your TV on she hummed a little. "Wonder where miss shy is?" She asked herself before going to your room to see you laying in your bed curled up in the blankets. She skipped over to you to see your face stained with tears. Frowning she shook you awake. "Miss shy time to get up~" She said softly and you jumped when you saw her. She frowned more and ruffled your hair. "Why were you crying miss shy?" You looked away from her and rubbed your eyes. "Y-You yelled a-at me. I w-was just t-trying to be n-nice." Jane then understood and kissed your forehead. "I'm sorry for yelling at you (Y/N), I didn't mean it. Any of it." You looked into her pitch black eyes and nodded. "Ok, j-just don't d-do it ag-gain." Holding out her pinky finger she closed her eyes and smiled "Promise!"

When she gets jealous

You and Jane were visiting the mansion because she wanted to show you off. "Jane, I-I don't think this i-is a good idea..." You whispered to her once you were in the living room. Wrapping an arm around your shoulder she laughed. "Of course it is." She started introducing you to the other members of the household while you just blushed and looked at the ground, slightly shaking. Once you were about to meet Jeff you tugged on her sleeve. "I-I don't want t-to meet any o-one else Jane..." She sighed at your shyness and dragged you to a door that said "Lost Silver" on it. "You'll like him (Y/N), I promise. Hey Lost Silver, come meet my girlfriend!" A boy with white skin, black hair, and red eyes came...floating? You gasped at the sight of no arms or legs on him. Suddenly he had his arms and legs and was looking at you. "H-Hi, I'm L-Lost Silver, but y-you can call m-me Silver." "(Y-Y/N)." Jane smiled and left the room saying she would be right back. After she left you to somewhat started talking. When Jane came back and saw the two of you getting along really well she quickly grabbed you and carried you out of the room. "J-Jane!" "You were getting along with him too well." You sighed and let yourself be carried out of the mansion by a jealous Jane.

Time of the month

You hated your period. It always gave you the worst cramps that you would tear up and couldn't move. Thankfully Jane knew what you were going through and made you happy. Bringing you chocolate and movies and painkillers she snuggles with you while you waited for the pills to take effect. It'll be ok miss shy, it's only a week at least." You sniffled and nodded your head. It was nice to have someone that knew what you were going through.

When she meets your parents

Jane wanted to meet your dad really badly. "Well I wanna meet my future father-in-law." Was her excuse. Sighing you called up your dad. "(Y/N)! I haven't talked to you in ages! How's my little bumgorf doing?" He squealed from the other side. "I'm fine dad." You replied quietly and ignored his squealing about how cute you were." Your dad had decided to be transvestite after your mother passed away. (Now guess this anime XD) "Dad, I um, I need to come over. Is that ok?" You asked and moved the phone away from your ear as he began talking about how it's been forever since you had seen him. "I have to go dad, see you later." You sighed as you hung up the phone and turned to Jane. "Awe! Little miss shy didn't stutter when talking to daddy! So cute!" She fangirled over you as you sighed again. "L-lets just go." Upon parking your car outside your dad's house he came running out with open arms. Jane looks at you as she saw a woman coming out instead of a male. "My d-dad's transvestite." You muttered and she nodded and figured in her seat. "I'll have a mother and father-in-law all in one then! This. Is. Awesome!" Jane jumped out of the the car and hugged him tightly while you explained to him who she was. Let's just say that this day was very loud and exciting between the two.

When she has to leave

"Jane, wh-where are you going?" You asked her as she had a bag packed and her knife out. Looking over at your face she smiled and waved. "I have to go on a mission! I haven't had one of these in forever so I'm super excited!" You stood there wondering what she had to do on her 'missions' and why she had to go. "Why do y-you have to go?" She patted your head and kissed your forehead. "Well, it's kinda like my boss has a boss and we all have to listen to both bosses. So higher up boss aka not my regular boss, is sending me on a mission where I have no idea where I'll end up or how many people I have to kill." Her gaze suddenly hardened and she huffed. "I better not have to work with that asshat Jeff. God I wish I could tie him to a chair, beat him bloody, cut some limbs off, rip out his organs, make him eat them, and then rip out his intestines and strangle him with them, and then smash his skull in to squish that tiny itty bitty brain that he surprisingly has." You stared at her in horror at this image and she saw your look before laughing. "Oh don't worry miss shy, I wouldn't do it in front of you. But I have to get going. See ya later miss shy!" She said and gave you a kiss on the lips before walking out the door.

When she comes back

For a week it's been quiet and peaceful. No one to interrupt your sleeping in or reading, no one to cause you to blush and stutter, and no one to call you little miss shy. Sighing you slipped under the covers of your bed and sighed. 'Tomorrow Jane comes back.' You thought as you slipped into unconsciousness. It was 7:00 in the morning when a woman in black slipped through your window. Smiling down at your sleeping figure Jane ran to the bed and started jumping on it causing you to wake up. "J-Jane!" You stuttered and she laughed at your startled/confused look on your face. "Wake up little miss shy! We have some time to make up for." Groaning you pulled the covers back over your head and closed your eyes but Jane wouldn't have that. Ripping the blankets off of your bed she grabbed your ankle and pulled you off the bed, causing you to grunt when your body came in contact with the ground. "Come on (Y/N), time to get up and have some fun!" She whined and you sighed. "Good thing I enjoyed sleeping in when I could."

When you help her relax

"J-Jane what h-happened?!" You asked as she came limping into your living room with scratches oozing blood and bruises on her paper white skin. She growled and flopped onto your couch, causing the blood to dirty it. "Jeff the asshat is what happened." You frowned at her answer and started to clean her wounds. "Why can't he just give up and die already! I don't know how the hell he got a girlfriend!" "Well sh-she found s-something in him l-like the other girls f-found in the o-other boys." "Noooo, don't take his side!" You smiled and finished wrapping up her arm. "Done." She smiled at you and kissed your cheek, "Thank you miss shy, now I think I'll take a nice nap." She said while lying down. You frowned at the thought of more blood on your couch. 'That'll take forever to get out.'

When you get jealous

"J-Jane I think I w-want to go back h-home." You said softly as Jane kept talking to Clockwork. She ignored you and your face had a light red to it from your anger. "Why won't sh-she listen to me!" You muttered under your breath and crossed your arms. Clockwork suddenly grabbed Jane's wrist and dragged her off somewhere in the mansion, leaving you alone on the couch. Sighing you sat there in your thoughts which were abruptly interrupted by Jeff. "Jane isn't the best ya know. I mean look, she left you here all alone and was ignoring you." You shifted uncomfortably since you haven't known Jeff very long and stayed quiet. He kept talking while you sat there, stiff as a board and quiet as a mouse. Jane suddenly yelled at Jeff when she saw the two of you sitting on the couch. "Jeff! Get your filthy hands away from my miss shy!" Jeff looked at you and rolled his eyes. "Miss shy? Wow, your dead mother can come up with a better nickname than that!" Jane growled at him and the two of them started fighting. 'What will it take to get some attention from her so she can take me home!' You bitterly thought and finally stood up and went to look for Mr. Slenderman to take you home.

When she walks in on your changing

"Come on (Y/N)! Just try it on." Jane urged you at the mall. "I-I don't know Jane..." You looked at the dress and Jane sighed. "Come on, you need something to wear for our date tomorrow!" Walking to the dressing room in defeat you opened a door, locked it, and started pulling your clothes off to put the dress on. Once you were done you opened the door for her to see and she smiled. "I love it! But what about this one?" She asked holding up another dress you mentally screamed and grabbed it. Forgetting to lock the door you took the first dress off and were about to put the other one on when the door opened and Jane stood there. "Oops, sorry miss shy!" She shut the door and you quickly put your clothes on and grabbed (Dress 1 or Dress 2 Whichever dress you liked more). "W-We're leaving..." You muttered buying the dress and dragging Jane out of the mall. "I said I was sorry..."

When she gets 'excited'

"Jane, p-please stop..." You politely asked her for the hundredth time. She wanted you to go to a party with her which you did not want to go to. After having a bad day you just wanted to sit on your couch and watch some Netflix or something. "But (Y/N)!" She whined and you sighed. "I'm. Not. Going." You said quietly through gritted teeth. She then began to poke you since that usually did the trick every time buuuuut, not today. You finally couldn't handle it anymore and quickly stood up from your spot glaring at her. She didn't know how to take this since you've never acted like this. "I. Said. I'm. NOT GOING!" You yelled and walked, or more like stomped, to your room and slammed the door. Jane was sitting in the exact spot with a blush on her cheeks. "That was fricken hot... Holy shit." She said as she got up and went to the mansion to change and tell Clocky what had happened.

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