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"You only get so many choices in life

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"You only get so many choices in life. You only get so much time in life. And if you don't become the one choosing, life will happen to you, not for you."

- Drue Grit

"You're hiding something from me kid, I can tell." Morgan says, tilting his head while slightly frowning. "Whatever it is, you can tell me." He tries once more, a genuine look in his eyes. Emily sighs, shaking her head. "You're going to be so mad at me Derek, and I don't want you to be." She says, biting her bottom lip while thinking about his possible reaction. "Em, I promise you I'll try my hardest to see where you're coming from, even if it's bad." He reassures the raven haired woman, squeezing her hand gently. 

Prentiss pushes herself up, sitting a little straighter than before. "Okay, I'll tell you." She sighs, wiping a few strands of hair out of her face. Derek looks at her expectantly, his head still tilted. "It's about JJ." Emily mumbles, afraid to say it any louder. Morgan's expression changes to one of disappointment, but he tries his best to hide it. "What about her?" He frowns, hoping it's not what he thinks it is. "Well, whatever we had going, it never stopped. That was a lie we told you and Spencer to avoid hurting the both of you." She starts, her eyes focused on the wall. She's too afraid to look her friend in the eyes, not wanting to see his disappointment. 

"And it's been so nice. We love each other Derek- It all feels so real until I think of Will." Prentiss says, slowly tearing up. "And- and it makes me feel like shit. I don't want to be some aldulterous whore, definitely not when I know I'm doing it to a guy like Will. He's so good to her, I just- I can't help it." She pauses, wiping away the first few tears, her eyes still remaining on the wall. "Every single time we're together I have this tiny bit of hope in me, telling me she's going to pick me, choose me, love me." Her voice breaks, and the tears are now streaming down her cheeks. 

"I know it's stupid. Trust me, I know." She takes another break to take a deep breath. "But I love her Morgan, I have for years. I can't let her go now that I've finally got her, even if it means sharing her with a man." Emily finishes, biting her lip again as she waits for Morgan to get angry at her.

Instead of a screaming voice, she feels a hand cover her own, intertwining his fingers with her own. The raven haired woman frowns, finally returning her focus on her friend. He doesn't say anything, he just sits there. The look on his face tells Emily he is indeed angry, but understands. He lifts their hands and kisses the back of Prentiss' hand before dropping both of their hands back on the hospital bed. After a full minute of comfortable silence, Derek finally decides to speaks up. "I know you love her, and I know what love can do to a person. So as much as it hurts me to know JJ is cheating on Will, I know you must feel as if there's no good way out. I'm angry at you, but I understand." Morgan says, and it almost looks like his eyes are glassy. 

"Thank you." Is all Emily manages to get out, whispering. From those two words, Derek can tell she's on the verge of more tears. "Let it out, it's okay." He confirms, and as he does, Prentiss finally lets out all the tears she's been keeping in since the affair started.


"Don't forget darlin', we have an ultrasound at noon." Will reminds Jennifer, who hasn't left their bed yet. JJ nods in response, giving her husband the confirmation he needs. The second he leaves their bedroom, the blonde bites her lip. The anxiety comes flushing over her, thoughts entering her head relentlessly. It's been like this for the past few days. She doesn't know how to handle her current situation, and JJ can't help but feel alone. There's really no one she can talk to about everything going on in her life. 

She wonders if Emily feels the same way, because as far as she's aware, the older woman doesn't have a lot of friends outside of work. Thinking about it, Jennifer realises that she only has a few college friends she meets up with every few months, and that's it. No other friends or family. She just feels as if her current life is already absorbing enough, and her job doesn't exactly give her a lot of spare time. Besides, having her friends at the BAU is enough for her. They're her family.

The feeling of guilt has increased drastically over the past days. JJ wants to make a choice, and tell everyone the truth, but her heart is stopping her. If she chooses Will, she won't have to make any extreme changes. No one else will have to know what happened, not even her husband. The thought of losing Emily is a lot to carry, but Jennifer knows her soon to come baby will fill that void. She just isn't sure if she'll be able to live with the guilt, or if she'll be able to work with the older woman, having to look at her every single day. If she chooses Emily, she knows she'll be truly happy. It would just be very complicated to deal with Will and their newborn child. Will they get shared custody? Even the thought of not having her baby with her at all times makes the blonde want to cry. So the bigger question is, is it really worth it to be with the one you love, if it means something as big as shared custody? She loves Will, JJ knows she does. All the thoughts are eating her up alive, but Jennifer knows what it's building up to. She knows what she's going to have to do, and she's absolutely petrified.


"Hey, I didn't know you were coming back in already." JJ says, smiling softly. Prentiss just walked into the office, and is now being greeted by all her friends. The two women's eyes meet, and Emily can feel herself melt all over again. The amount of love she feels for the blonde in front of her is tremendous. "I'm not cleared to get back into the field anytime soon, but I'll take anything at this point. So I guess I'll be glued to paperwork for a little while." She chuckles, putting one of her hands in the front pocket of her jeans. 

After all the hugs and small talk end, Prentiss finally drops down on her desk chair, letting out a huge sigh. "Feels good to be back, huh?" The blonde passes her a smile she quickly returns, revealing the raven haired woman's dimples. "Yeah, yeah it does." She answers, looking around the office once more to take everything in. 

Suddenly, Prentiss notices JJ's change of demeanor. Her face now looks very stern, and maybe even sad. It looks as if she's just made a realisation, or if she's reliving something traumatic. "You alright?" Emily tilts her head, furrowing her brows together. Jennifer shakes out of her daydream, looking back at the older woman. "Yeah, no I'm fine." She swallows, shaking her head. "Just uhm- could we talk? Soon?" She asks, biting the inside of her cheek as soon as she finishes her question. "Of course." Emily nods understandingly, but from the inside she feels terrified. She's worried about what she could possibly have done wrong. For the rest of the work day, she remains with an odd feeling in her stomach, feeling as if something really bad is about to go down.

Words: 1333

Hey guys! Quick apology for if my writing seems kinda off, I've just been very unmotivated BUT I really want to continue this story + hopefully finish it before 2024...

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