Part 1.

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Aelar's Pov, 

Feeling something move against my body I slowly blink my eyes open while a groan leaves my lips, I feel like I've been asleep for years and year on end. The last thing I remember i-

Shooting up with wide eyes I see the massive body of Arrax around me and i climb over him while I just see darkness, please tell me everything was just a bad dream that those things didn't really happen! That my parents are still alive! That our home is not destroyed! 

"Arrax wake up!" I say and the dragon releases a huff before he moves his body up while I move towards the saddle and sit down on it, looking up I see a dark red like sky and my heart begin to beat inside of my throat at it, it just looks like how it I pray was in my dream. Just tell me it was all a dream and that right now my eyes are playing tricks on me! 

"Fly." I order and he moves his wings a couple of times before he flies up towards the light and it takes us a couple of seconds before the nightmare becomes reality as I see our home completely destroyed. "N-no." I shakingly breath out as I see the skyless towers destroyed, the houses destroyed, everything is just destroyed while this red air hangs around and it makes it hard to breath right now it's like it's toxin. 

"Mother! Father!" I yell at the top of my lungs as we fly over what once was our home but my heart sinks more and more as it looks like this destruction happened years ago. The Targaryen's where right Valyria got destroyed and they where able to get out years before it happened with all of their possessions. How where we supposed to know that they spoke the truth they are on of the least powerful families but now looking around me at the destruction I wished we would have listened to them. 

Releasing some coughs as the toxic air fills my body I close my eyes while I feel a tear run down my face. "Take us away from here Arrax."  I say and he releases a screech before flying away from the place that was our home, where I was born, that one day I would rule over,  we where the strongest family but  now I am alone. My parents must have given their life's to be able to save me, so that I could one day live again but now they are gone their dragons are gone, and by the looks of it and from how I remember that day I don't think anyone survived that destruction. 

If we had listened to them my parents would have been alive, their dragons would be alive, everyone could have still been alive. But we all didn't and they all paid the price of dancing to close to the fire. I remember dragons falling from the sky and that the volcanoes where so hot that the fire could kill a dragon, that the smoke was so thick that they could not see and must have flown into one another was maybe the gods who made us pay for the things we've done. 

Aelar the First was my ancestor from long ago he was said to be the first man who was able to bond with a dragon with his magic, the magic that I also hold in my blood. I never practiced Blood Magic and after seeing everything now around me I don't think I ever want to practice it. So many people died, so many dragons must have died what if me and Arrax are truly the only ones left? 

My family we hold strong magic and my mother and father must have used everything they could to keep us both safe from the destruction around us, they gave their lives and that maybe of their dragons. And now I need to make them proud of me, that I will not give this chance simply away.  I will make them proud, I will make sure that they have not given their lives in vain for I am their son Aelar of the House Vaelyreos those who are the King's and Queens of Valyria and I think now I truly understand the words of my house.

"From the ashes we will rise, Arrax." 


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