Chapter 1

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September 6th, 2023, is when Christian and I started dating. My heart beamed with joy when Christian finally asked me out. We met In December of 2022 through a mutual friend. I was told Christian always had somewhat of a crush on me from a distance. Our relationship was moving slowly, which I liked. I'm pretty old-fashioned. I'm a prude when it comes to anything in a relationship.

I only had one other boyfriend in the past, who was named Jonah. We were on and off again for some time, but he was the second guy I ever went all the way with. Things became toxic over time, and I realized he wasn't the person I was destined to spend the rest of my life with. My girlfriends constantly whispered in my ear that guys with "J" names are bad. Now I know that saying is deemed accurate.   

My relationship with Christian was different. He was kind, charming, and gentle. He never pushed me to try anything I wasn't comfortable with. Christian just met my parents last weekend; they loved him. This weekend, it was my turn.

I leaned my head against the window as I admired the drive. We were on a winding road covered with beautiful trees, getting their color back after the brutal winter. As we drove further, we passed a small sign beautifully carved: Eugene, Oregon. 

"How close?" I asked nervously.

Christian smiled, keeping his eyes on the road. "Ten minutes."

I breathed in deeply, trying to calm my nerves.

"Hey, don't be nervous," Christian says confidently. "My parents are going to love you."

I gave Christian a light smile and wrapped my arms around myself for warmth and comfort.

I did not doubt that Christians parents were going to like me. I've never really met someone who hasn't. I don't mean that in a cocky way; I'm just a people person. I love to meet and engage with new people and their interests. 

Christian told me on the way here more about his parents—their likes and dislikes. He told me about his childhood a little but played coy about a lot of it. I sensed a lot of tension back then, so I decided not to pry. Hopefully, he will tell me when he feels ready. 

The car's speed slows as Christian turns his blinker on and makes a quick right onto a long side road.

"We're here." 

We coast up the driveway, unable to see a house yet. The beautiful orange and green trees block most of the view. As the trees part, a lovely two-story Tudor home appears. Mostly white with black covering the shutters and roof. The driveway leads towards the house, creating a perfect circle at the front. The wind shakes the leaves slowly as the car comes to a stop.

"Welp, this is it," Christian says after putting the car in park. 

"Wow, it's beautiful. Have you always lived here?" I asked, looking out the back seat window towards the home.

"Yup, born and raised." Christian opens his door, stepping out.

I follow.

Christian walks towards the back of the car and offers his arm to me. "Ready?"

"I guess so," I smile as I fix my skirt.

We follow the cobblestone up towards the steps and take them together. I hear jazz music playing softly inside, creeping out the open windows. The smell of homecooked food fills the porch as we approach. Christian rubs my hand slightly as he opens the door.

"Mom, Dad. We're here!" Christian calls out. 

"Shoes on or off?" I whisper.

Christian chuckles. "Whatever you want." He reaches behind me and removes my coat.

Behind Closed Doors ; Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now