"I...it was just a joke! I didn't think he would get upset" Johnny defended himself. He didn't really think that what he said was all that bad. Kun was not sensitive either so Johnny had been confident in the fact his little brother would not get upset. 

"What did you say to him?" Taeyong repeated again, getting more annoyed the longer that Johnny stalled. Yuta got up, trying to leave but Taeyong stopped him.

"Sit down. I want to talk to you too" Taeyong pointed back to the bed and Yuta sat down. 

"I just told him that he was bad at playing the game and he would've won if he didn't get distracted. I didn't mean anything by it" Johnny explained.

"Are you serious? You may not think Kun would take that personally but wouldn't you?" Taeyong pointed out. Johnny just shrugged, knowing that deep down, he would have reacted the same as Kun had.

"I'll apologize to him" Johnny got up and went to find his younger brother. 

"Good. And then your grounded from video games for a week" Taeyong decided. Johnny heard him and said nothing. It wasn't worth arguing. 

"And you, why did you take Hendery's basketball? You know what that means to him" Taeyong turned to Yuta next, who was avoiding looking at him. 

 "I know I am not speaking another language. Why did you take his ball?" Taeyong waved his hand in front of Yuta's face.

"He was trying to hit me with it so I caught it. I didn't hide it or anything, at least not for very long. I only put it on the shelf in the garage" Yuta explained. Taeyong crossed his arms.

"So not only did you take away something that meant a lot to your brother but you climbed on the shelf even after I've told you countless times not to? Am I right?" Taeyong scolded. Yuta realized now what he had accidentally done. There was a tall shelf in the garage that none of the boys, not even Taeil, could reach unless they climbed the bars on the side of it. Some of them had gotten hurt from that, Ten had a scar on his forehead from falling off that shelf and Mark had broken his arm because of the same thing. So Taeyong had banned the boys from going near the shelf but none of them listened. He knew that now.

"Yes?" Yuta knew he was done for now. He hoped his brothers knew which flowers he wanted at his funeral because he would come back from the dead and haunt them if they didn't. 

"Leave your brothers alone. If I find out about you playing jokes on them anymore, it will not be fun. Do you understand?" Taeyong lectured. 

"I understand. Am I grounded like Johnny?" Yuta wondered. Taeyong thought for a minute but then nodded.

"Your lucky all you are is grounded. I should spank you for climbing on the shelf but I won't. This time" Taeyong warned. Yuta just smiled nervously and swore to not make the same mistake of ratting on himself ever again. However, that was not the last that the two twelve year olds tested Taeyong's patience. 

"Can you set the table please love?" Taeyong walked over to the couch, tapping Yangyang on the head. Jaemin got up with him and they set the table together. Johnny walked in, seeing what they were doing. Taeyong was busy upstairs, changing the babies before bringing them downstairs so Johnny took this chance to play with his brothers. 

"Hey! Give it back, we're supposed to be setting the table" Yangyang pouted. Johnny held the bowl high above his head, where neither Jaemin nor Yangyang could reach. 

"Well let me help" Johnny took the rest of the bowls from Yangyang and started setting them on the table. The younger two watched, confused. It wasn't like any of them to willingly offer to do one of the other's chores. 

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