Hide and seek with hyung

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Taeil walked into the living room to find very few of his brothers in there. 

"Who wants to go to the store with me?" He waited.

"Me!" Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle, Jisung, Jaehyun, and Yushi all raised their hands.

"Alright, go get your shoes on. I'm going to tell dad I need his car" Taeil went upstairs, finding Taeyong.

"I'm taking some of the kids out to the store with me but I need your car cause they won't all fit in mine" Taeil explained. Taeyong grabbed his keys off the side of his table, tossing them to his oldest kid.

"Thanks" Taeil turned to go.

"Wait! Can we come with you? Please!" Ryo ran over.

"Yeah please?!" Sakuya added, joining his twin. Taeil looked at Taeyong to make sure that was okay. Taeyong nodded and Taeil agreed, telling the maknaes to get their shoes on.

"Hey, just don't lose any of them. Make sure they know to stay near you, especially those two" Taeyong motioned to Ryo and Sakuya.

"I'll try not to lose anyone" Taeil promised, going back downstairs with the twins. The other boys were all ready to go so they all left and went to the store.

"Okay, you guys know the rules. Just because your with me and not dad does not make them any different. Do not wander off and don't touch anything. If you behave, then I might be persuaded to buy each of you a small treat as a reward. Anyone who doesn't behave doesn't get a treat" Taeil warned.

"Come on hyung, we're not babies. You don't have to worry about us" Jaehyun argued. Taeil glanced at the younger boys as if to prove his point. Taeil was honestly less worried about Jaehyun and the triplets than he was about Chenle, Jisung, Sion, Yushi and the twins.

"Oh. Right" Jaehyun corrected himself.

"We're not babies either! We can behave" Yushi argued. Jaehyun just patted him in the head.

"Okay. Ryo, Sakuya, I want you two holding someone's hand. You too Yushi" Taeil grabbed a cart, knowing that he would need it if any of the kids started misbehaving.

"But I'm nine!" Yushi argued again.

"And small enough for someone to easily grab you. Hold someone's hand or hold the cart" Taeil repeated. Yushi huffed and grabbed Renjun's hand, pouting. Renjun tried to make him feel better by pointing out different toys, snacks and anything else a nine year old could possibly like. Nothing worked until Yushi caught sight of a camera for sale and he came to a halt, one hand flying up to point at it as Renjun's attention turned to him.

"We have to go" Renjun didn't even look at his brothers object of interest.

"Hyung, look! Can we get it?" Yushi pleaded.

"No. We need to stay with Taeil-hyung. Come on, Yushi" Renjun glanced nervously at where his brothers were going, none of them even noticing that Renjun and Yushi were no longer with them.

"But hyung! I want the camera" Yushi whined.

"Please, before we get in trouble" Renjun tugged on Yushi's hand but it was no use. Yushi seemed to have gotten immensely stronger in the past two minutes, his strength fueled by his determination. Renjun was a little embarrassed the longer they stood there as he felt panic rising inside him. Taeil and the others were no longer in sight and Renjun hated to admit it, but he was close to tears just at the thought of being in trouble as well as being lost in the store.

"Lee Yushi! I am not going to say it again, let's go" Renjun tried to be firm but he was not used to scolding his brothers. That was Taeil's area of expertise.

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