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"Hey Yushi, have you seen my book?" Hendery walked into the living room, looking around.

"No" Yushi hummed, playing with Ryo and Sakuya. The Dream boys, named by Ten and Yuta, were also in the living room. Renjun was reading a book with Chenle in his lap, Haechan, Jaemin and Jeno were playing a game with Mark being the referee, which really just meant that he was making sure no one cheated. Jisung was trying to help Mark but he was really just sitting there and not doing anything.

"Are you sure?" Hendery asked, needing to make sure. It was important that he found this book because it was a library book.

"No" Yushi said again. Hendery huffed and decided to try and find it himself. Lately, Yushi's favorite word has been 'no' and it was getting on everyone's nerves. They couldn't ask him anything because he wouldn't give them a straight answer.

"Yushi, do you know how to say anything besides no?" Mark wondered. Yushi pretended to think for a minute before answering.

"No" Mark raised his hand in the air and Yushi squealed, moving away. He knocked over the twins' toys and ruined the older kids' game as well. Ryo burst into tears first and Sakuya did the same.

"Yushi!" Jaemin complained, cleaning up the game.

"No!" Yushi shook his head. Jaemin rolled his eyes. He was getting tired of his brother too. It wasn't even that Yushi only answered a question with the same 'no' as always. He responded to everything with no, even if it wasn't a question.

"What is it?" Taeyong walked in, calming the twins.

"Yushi keeps saying no to us! It's annoying, appa. Please make him stop" Jisung complaine. Taeyong just shook his head, not really believing that was all. 

"Come on Yushi, come join me in the kitchen" Taeyong held his hand out for the five year old.

"No" Yushi kept playing. Jisung looked at Taeyong as if to say 'I told you so'. Taeyong gave him a stern look and Jisung turned away, going back to helping Mark referee the Jaemin, Jeno and Haechan's game. 

"Excuse me?" Taeyong crossed his arms. All the attention was on them, the other boys now watching the scene unfold and enjoying the drama in front of them. Yushi didn't say anything and just got up, following Taeyong to the kitchen.

"Next time, you do what I say the first time. Do you understand?" Taeyong scolded.

"No" Yushi mumbled. Taeyong stopped walking and lifted the kid onto one of the counters so they were level with each other.

"Do you want to try that again?" He waited. Yushi kicked his legs back and forth but he didn't say anything. That was the second thing he liked to do. He either responded to everything with no or he wouldn't answer at all. 

"Alright, that's it. Go sit on the stairs until you can behave" Taeyong swatted the kid once.

"No!" Yushi stomped his foot. Taeyong's eyes widened in barely controlled anger. Yushi recognized this but he was feeling brave. Taeyong glanced up, seeing Ten walk past.

"Ten! Take Yushi to his room and please make sure that he stays in there. I can't deal with him right now" Taeyong demanded. Ten knew better than to argue, not with how angry Taeyong sounded at the moment. 

"Come on Yushi. Let's go play a game" Ten took his brother's hand, leading him upstairs. Yushi followed, seemingly more happy. Taeyong banged his head up against the closest cabinet. He calmed down a little, Yushi seemed to behave better as well, until it was time for bed. 

"Triplets plus Haechan and down, its time for bed" Taeyong had just came back from getting the youngest two in bed. Daeyoung got up, letting Sion and Jisung help him up the stairs. Riku gladly let Jeno carry him up on his back, talking a mile a minute. 

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