16. Checking up on Toru

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He'd write it all down later but for now, he was going to fight back, lightly throwing balls back, having some fun.

Then, to Tonuk's surprise, it got out of the box and started jumping and running around while pelting him in the chest.

He sat down to let Toru have an easier time aiming, which, it was surprisingly good at, throwing hard and with a good bit of accuracy.

Eventually Toru laid down on the floor panting, Tonuk noticed that some parts of its clothes looked wet, along with that weird smell from when Toru was overheating just the day before, though in way smaller quantities.

He made a mental note of it as Toru sat back up, looking up at him for a bit.

Tonuk decided to reach over to see how it would react to being pet.

His hand alone was almost a third of Toru's height, it was adorable how small this thing was, as well as the face it made, looking super confused.

It seemed to enjoy it, until it got up, walking over to the crate, and repeating back the words he taught it, to Tonuk's surprise.

The way it pronounced words was very weird, it sounded more like a grumble, along with the tones being all over the place, but still.

It did the same with the weights, then grabbing a ball and pointing to it.

Tonuk eventually got over his surprise at the fact that maybe Toru did understand word and taught it the word for ball, then water.

Then Tonuk realized that he could teach Toru its name, pointing at it and repeating "Toru" a couple of times.

But Toru didn't repeat back the word, instead pointing to itself and saying a random bunch of noises.

They went back and forth for a while, until Tonuk gave up, realizing that maybe this thing did have a name.

Either way, he couldn't really pronounce the sound Toru made, so hopefully it would accept its new name.

This could imply that maybe there was other intelligent life other than just Tonovo and Dije.

Maybe it was a pet to one of them?

He got excited, continuing to teach Toru more words, though eventually it stopped asking for more words.

So Tonuk stopped, since maybe it got bored of it?

He watched as Toru walked over to him and sat beside him.

He found this adorable and went to pet its head again, but this time, Toru was curious about his hand, pressing on random spots and feeling his fur.

It felt funny, its small hands pressing down, but eventually it let go, to which Tonuk continued his petting, which this time it seemed to enjoy more.

Tonuk continued to think about all that had happened and decided to bring the scanning machine from the clinic to check Toru's insides, curious about a lot of things.

This machine was meant for Turos, so initially they didn't really consider using it with Toru, but he figured it was worth a shot, since their body shape was similar

He walked out, telling it that he would be coming back, before quickly going to carry the machine to Toru's room, not wanting to take it out of the warmth of the room.

He carried it back and got Toru on it, thankfully it stayed still for the whole scan.

He nudged Toru off the platform and got the readings to the tablet and his bracelet.

He had quite a TON of new info to check, though the first thing he noticed was the insane bone density on Toru.

The scan usually was able to send waves through bone to check all around, but with Toru, its bones looked completely white in the black, blue and gray/white diagram.

This made it so that he couldn't really see any organs, other than some intestines, which were, fairly normal at least.

The next thing he saw was just how much different Toru's muscles were to every other species.

He got curious about Toru's bones and muscles, so he lightly grabbed onto its arm and started feeling around it, seeing just how different it felt.

It then tapped on its elbow to hear the difference in the sound, seeing that it really was way denser than normal bones and not a mistake in the machine.

Surprised, he decided to go chat about this with Ri to organize his thoughts, packing up the machine and carrying it away.

He walked back to his house where Ri was, he interrupted him while he was cleaning, explaining the scan.

"Okay so, you know how our muscle fibers have a bunch of systems so that the muscle doesn't break or anything like that?", Tonuk asked as Ri confirmed, "Well, turns out that Toru's fibers are different, they're super thin, also, they dont have fat inside them, its around the muscle"

Ri looked at the scan as Tonuk continued talking.

"ALSO, it has super dense bones, thats why it just looks like pure white on the scan; also, something with that, if you look here", he said while changing the scan to show the exterior layer of the body, "It has a TON of pressure sensing nerves, instead of temperature sensing ones like us"

Ri was a bit confused, both were trying to understand just how that would workor feel like.

Tonuk continued talking, "So bassically, the way we feel stuff with the pads in our hands is how Toru feels everything""

Tonuk finally finished talking, simply staring, "But anyways, those are the main things that were weird, but yeah, too bad we can't see its brain or thorax because of the bones"

Ri was looking around the different layers of the scan, looking at how Toru made noise.

"It looks like it also uses vocal cords, so at least that's normal", Ri chuckled to himself, "Actually look at its tongue, it looks kind of weird"

Tonuk looked at the scan, switching around the different layers.

This went on for quite a while, looking around finding a bunch of weird stuff that they would have to research.

Other things they were curious about:
-Complex skin and systems inside of it along with certain structures that they didn't recognize, also that some spots had way more nerve endings than others
-Its different way of tasting stuff
-Teeth structure (Barely visible, but just enough to tell it was actually omnivorous and not carnivorous)
-A new organ in the intestines that they didn't recognize

This was pretty exciting though, finding out just how different this thing, and probably everything else from its planet, actually was.

They wanted to do tests on it, but since Toru was likely still not back up to 100% on health, plus, the cold was coming back so they needed to help everyone fatten up quicker.

So, they decided to first start out by testing what it could eat.

Though before just grabbing a bunch of plants and meats, they first had to look at what they could learn from the scan.

They were pretty surprised when they found out that it had hydrochloric acid for digestion.

Bassically, it could eat anything they could.

Still, they wanted to know what it liked to eat, and so, the test was on.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon