Last Mission

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Temari woke up with a groan, and slowly sat up looking around. She realized that she had slept off in Naruto's room, but looking around he was nowhere to be found.
Wondering where he could be she rolled off the bed and decided to look for him, but instead found a note.
- Sorry about this, but I'm on a mission, one that is very important, Hanabi Hyuga has been captured by an Otsutsuki, one of Kaguya's clansmen. I'm not sure how long it'll take, but I'll be back. I promise
- Naruto.
She sighed and dropped the note. Well that was that, but when did he leave? Come to think of it she didn't really remember what happened yesterday.
Her stomach growled as she got up, she needed something to eat.
With Naruto
"You sure leaving a note is okay?" Shikamaru asked concerned.
"I don't know myself, but I think she'll understand. It was a mission after all"
"I see something" Hinata said calling their attention.  The team stopped there as they waited for her to grab whatever it was. It was a kunai.
"This is Hanabi's"
"We're on the right track then" Naruto said looking forward.
"Then let's get moving. We can't waste any more time" Hinata said determined to get her sister back.
They flew off again but stopped at a strange waterfall.
"There's a passage behind that waterfall" Hinata said.
"Good to know. I'll go ahead" Naruto said leaping off the ink bird he was flying on and throwing a kunai through the water. He disappeared, and it was all silent. Then suddenly ...
BOOM!! ... then a wooden puppet was sent flying towards them shattering before it even reached them.
They all jumped in to help, but found that Naruto had already taken care of the puppets, and was holding one up by his neck.
"You were saying?"
"I admit you're quite strong, maybe more than I can handle at this point, but eventually I'll have the power. And then I'll beat you ..."
As he said those words he fell limp.
"A puppet" Naruto stated.
"Who was that?"
"Another Otsutsuki. He's the one who kidnapped Hanabi" he stated.
They moved forward through the passage, and then they stumbled into a genjutsu. Naruto however wasn't affected and broke the others out of it.
"This is pretty weird. We aren't even wet" Shikamaru said examining himself.
"It was a genjutsu. Now be alert ... something's here" Naruto replied looking around intently.
The ground began to shake as a giant crab emerged and attacked the ninja.
"Get behind me" Naruto said creating a fire style rasen-shuriken and throwing it at the beast.
It made contact and exploded, taking it out, but also the cave they were in. They all ran out before it collapsed.
"Wait ... am I seeing things?" Ino asked.
"No, I think it's real" Shikamaru said to looking in disbelief. In front of them was basically another world. It even had a sun. It had to be fake.
"That's where we're supposed to be going" Naruto said pointing at the glowing orb in the sky.
"I suppose you have a way of getting us there unnoticed?" Sai asked speaking for the first time.
Naruto nodded.
"I can sense Toneri, with my rinnegan I can teleport straight to him"
Shikamaru spoke up.
"What if we split up? It will help us cover more ground"
Naruto raised an eyebrow.
"What do you have in mind?"
"Well I say you and Hinata teleport in, and then you'll be the main targets"
"Leaving you guys to enter unnoticed" Naruto finished. It was actually a pretty smart move, plus he and Hinata were adept at fighting so it was a safe bet.
"Well then. Ready Hinata?"
"Y-yeah" she replied.
A purple ripple enveloped then and they disappeared.
As soon as they landed in the compound Toneri sensed Naruto and paled a bit. He wasn't expecting him this early. The Tenseigan was not ready yet. He gritted his teeth and made his way to Hanabi's room.
His puppets stormed through to where they sensed the disturbance. Naruto and Hinata quickly got into a fight as they were rushed from all sides.
Naruto's eyes picked up on something, in the far distance a white bird flew in unnoticed. Shikamaru's plan worked. Now they just had to hold out till reinforcements came.
It didn't take long, as some of the puppets froze in their attack, paralyzed.
"Took you long enough" Naruto said with a smirk.
"We'll take care of this. You can go ahead"
"Gotcha" Naruto said as he ran off infi the building after Hinata who had already gone after Toneri.
He ran in pretty much without any obstruction as all of Toneri's forces were outside.
He got into a room where he saw that Hinata was standing there frozen, while Toneri had Hanabi beside him.
"You make any moves and the girl dies"
Naruto narrowed his eyes. Something about Toneri seemed different, his eyes. They were new.
"You sick bastard"
Toneri chuckled thinking he had them cornered.
"It may be immature, but the Tenseigan is too much for humans to contend with"
Naruto took another step forward, but Toneri held up his finger to the girls head.
"Hinata. When I make my move grab Hanabi and get out of here" he whispered.
She was confused, and scared, but nodded regardless. She could trust that Naruto knew what he was doing.
To Toneri's shock, Hanabi was no longer in his clutches, but he got a mean elbow to his sternum, then a spinning backfist sending him flying.
Hinata took her sister and made her way out of the room.
"What have you done?!" Toneri asked in a rage. His eyes stung as a result.
"Now it's just you and me. No running away Toneri. It's over" Naruto said in a cold voice.
Toneri laughed as he erupted in a light green chakra. He sent a huge gust of wind at Naruto who dodged activating his own chakra cloak.
They began to clash, and very quickly Toneri realized that he was outmatched. He began to use cheap tricks to at least distract Naruto. He exploded with chakra that broke through the world and onto the moon's surface. Outside Naruto could see what the Tenseigan was about to do. The moon was breaking apart, and huge chunks of it were falling into the earth. He punched Toneri hard in the face sending him into a boulder. Toneri got up groggily, his eyes stung. Most of his abilities were cancelled out by Naruto's rinnegan, and his other eye made him impossible to hit.
"It ... can't end like this. It's not possible! How can I lose to a human?!" he screamed as he charged a very large beam in his arm.
The Tenseigan wasn't matured yet, and this was probably his final attack, but Toneri was sure he could end it with this attack.
He turned the beam into a blade and slashed at the moon's surface, grinning maniacally, but Naruto's facial expression didn't change much. To Toneri's shock, the beam went through the moon, and disappeared, but then suddenly reappeared behind him slicing him in two.
"H-how...?" he coughed out in disbelief.
"You got cocky, which lead to your demise. Much like most of my opponents" Naruto said walking away, leaving Toneri in his last moments.

"And that's the mission complete. Good work, all of you" Kakashi said with an eye smile. They all bowed and left the room, but Naruto remained.
"Hey sensei, I have this mark on my arm. It's kind of weird, and I can't seem to understand it, but when I killed Toneri this appeared, and I've been hearing his voice in my head" Naruto said seriously.
Kakashi looked puzzled for a while before speaking up.
"He must've tried to reincarnate inside you, like transferring his conscience into you"
"Hmm. I didn't think he could do that" Naruto said looking at the mark. He could tell one thing. It was definitely powerful.
"I'll be going. Thanks for your time"
"Anytime Naruto"
He exited the Hokage office and headed home. Honestly he wasn't expecting anyone to be there, but was surprised to see Temari lazying on the couch, munching on some peanuts.
"I didn't expect you to be here"
"Well here I am. How did the mission go?" she asked in an amused voice.
"You know, saved Hanabi, fought an Otsutsuki, he tried to take my body, nothing crazy" he replied earning an incredulous look from Temari.
Did he really ANY of that was normal?
"Go take a bath, I'll make you something" she said pushing him off.
"Hey, isn't that my shirt?"
"Yeah, it is ... I wore it because ... well ... Just go take your bath!" she snapped.
"Aye aye" Naruto said, but unbeknownst to him, a smile slipped out. A genuine one, the classic goofy grin not everyone got to see anymore, so it felt all too special.
"You're smiling like an idiot. If this makes you happy I guess ... I can do it more often" she said looking away.
Naruto walked over to her, and very gently kissed her on the forehead, making her jump back red-faced.
"W-what'd you do that for?"
"Not telling" he said leaving.
Although red-faced and slightly annoyed by his sneaky move, she couldn't help but smile too.
"Wait, I could've sworn my nuts were here a minute ago ... NARUTOOO!!!"

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