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"So that's the full story" Naruto said as he looked on to his audience. Tsunade furrowed her brows in thought. The other three foreign shinobi stood tensely behind Naruto. The blond didn't budge under the stares he received from the council. To his utter annoyance, the old war hawk Danzo spoke up "The girl is an Uzumaki?". Naruto hissed at him before answering "I just said that, perhaps you shouldn't be in meetings and in a retirement home". Some giggles were heard from the shinobi council and those who didn't like Danzo - Tsunade included. "Watch your tone jinchuriki, perhaps you've been given to much leverage". "I'm glad you know I'm the jinchuriki, and you're aware of my capabilities, I wouldn't mind personally if the so called demon ripped you apart". "Is that a threat?".
"Hardly, but if you want your dirty little secret to remain so, I suggest you shut up and let me talk, or would you like me to show why exactly you have a seal on your eye?". Danzo visibly tensed at these words and begrudgingly sat down. Tsunade watched in amusement as Naruto had simply put the old man in his place.
"So what is your end goal out of this?" she asked him. "If it's not too much to ask, they should be recruited into our ranks given their abilities, and I would also like them to stay at my residence. Karin here is a fellow Uzumaki, and her friends need a place either way". The council began to murmur, some already plotting schemes to increase their wealth.
"We agree to your demands, but we also have one in return" Koharu spoke up. Naruto turned to her, his annoyance visible. "We demand that you and the Uzumaki girl get married to repopulate the Uzumaki clan in the leaf". Naruto blinked at her in surprise. "No" was his simple answer.
"Then I'm afraid your request can't be granted" Koharu said. Naruto sighed
"What I mean is I can't marry someone I just met, give a bit of time for them to settle in. We'll have this discussion at a more convenient time". The elders nodded in understanding, and Tsunade spoke up
"This meeting is adjourned, you're all dismissed. Naruto, take them with you". The blond motioned for the three to follow him as he lead them to his home.

"And that's pretty much the whole house, make yourselves at home, and try not to destroy anything please. I'll be out for a while, I'll see you later". Karin watched the blond walk out of the house before soon disappearing out of sight. Naruto was walking towards Ichiraku ramen to have a well deserved ramen chowdown when he saw Temari up the road. At first he wanted to simply sneak by but she saw him and waved. Sighing to himself and using every ounce of willpower he surpressed the red hue that was forming on his face.
"Where are you heading off to?" she asked him. "Ramen". She sighed remembering he was like this.
"Would it kill you to eat something else?". "I do, just thought I deserve a reward". She cringed at his tone, about to give a sharp reply but he cut her off "I thought so, you changed your hair ribbons" he said thoughtfully. A surprised expression found it's way to her face. "You noticed?" she asked in shock. Naruto actually noticed a small seemingly insignificant detail like that, but it made her happy. "If you want to ... or if you're not busy ..." Naruto started.
"I don't mind" she said getting the hint. They both walked in an awkward silence. Naruto and Temari had the same thoughts. The kiss. It happened in the heat of the moment, but now they both realized that the other probably wanted to pretend it didn't happen. "About that day ... sorry i-". "It's fine, I ... don't mind" he said softly. They reached the shop and Teuchi greeted his favorite customer and his female friend. They both ate in silence before Temari started laughing suddenly. Naruto raised an eyebrow at her and asked "What's so funny?". A small smirk showed on her features as she whispered to him
"I kinda liked it ... You know, the kiss".
Naruto's face went from stoic to a red that would make Hinata proud. He choked on his food and spluttered incoherent words. Regaining his composure he frowned at her - at least tried. At the end it was more of a pout, "That wasn't funny" he hissed as Temari laughed at him. To his annoyance Teuchi and Ayame joined in the laughter as it wasn't everyday Naruto became Hinata's disciple.
"Not you too" he groaned at Ayame who simply continued to tease him. After a while of teasing he was done with his food, dropping enough for the both of them he grabbed Temari by the arm and led her away. The girl had a blush as he never touched her like that before. They were soon out of sight and he flashed away to the Hokage monument. They both looked on at the village, the lights illuminating the whole area. Naruto sat down coincidentally on his father's head with her sitting next to him. They were both silent, but it wasn't awkward, it was peaceful, a small smile etched on Naruto's face as he stared into the distance. "I know I've said this already, but thank you Temari". Temari ruffled his hair much to his disapproval. "I told you already ... I'm here for you" she said placing her hand on his. Naruto turned to her, looking into her eyes as they both remained like that, he found himself interlocking his fingers with hers. Gulping, he slowly leaned forward, summoning all the courage he could muster and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Temari felt his lips against her forehead and made a small sound of surprise. She thought he was going to kiss her on the lips so she closed her eyes in anticipation. Naruto seeing her annoyed expression had a smirk on "You thought I was going to kiss you, pretty daring aren't we Temari". She glared at him before turning away huffing.
"Eh ... What the hell" Naruto said turning her to him and giving her a kiss - on the lips. She froze in shock but kissed back, eventually pushing him down as their tongues continued their struggle for control. They separated after a few minutes gasping for air. "I ... I ..." Naruto started but was cut off by Temari placing a finger on his lips. He nodded silently not saying any more words as they watched the village below, with Temari leaning into him. He was happy, content, he felt at peace. Finally he had seemingly let go of the past and looked ahead to what waited.
Reluctantly he got up after she yawned tiredly. "We should get going". Sighing she got up and they both walked down the stairs leading to the monument. "We should probably keep this to ourselves for now, I don't want Gaara or Kankuro asking me dumb questions" she spoke up. Naruto gave a small smile "Wasn't planning on telling anyone, also I don't want you to become a target" he said gaining a serious tone. "The Akatsuki are coming for me, and I don't want you in the crossfire". She frowned a bit hearing this but discarded it understanding his reason. It was quite a hassle when a cult of maniacs are after your partner. They eventually reached her accomodation and she kissed him goodbye. Naruto watched her go in and smiled to himself. The old him was coming back. Slowly ... but surely.

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