Know Pain

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Naruto Uzumaki sat in his bed the next morning - apparently still in a state of shock. He wasn't the type to dwell on such, but this was different. Last night he actually felt something, happiness, embarrassment, a slight twinge in his heart, not much to go by, but something none the less. He would hopefully go to train himself back to normal - at least that was what he planned. Meanwhile his friends all were on a break after some missions, and well it's not alot they all were free at the same time. They were heading to Naruto's house to ask him I he'd come for a beach day - though some doubted he would. Naruto went to answer the door to see his friends.
"Oh hey guys, what's up?". He sounded a bit cheerful today, so maybe it could happen. Shikamaru started. "We're going on a beach day, thought you might come with us, you don't have to if you don't want to though". Naruto was about to answer before a feminine voice cut in.
"Oh don't worry he's going". They all turned to see Temari. Naruto blinked, and a small tint of red graced his face, it wasn't much but Shikamaru being the observant bastard he was saw it.
"What do you mean? I get to decide" he said to Temari firmly, betraying his inner reaction. They both stared each other down, the others a bit unnerved, it was rather intense. Suddenly Naruto sighed and closed his eyes conceding "Fine ...". The rest of them were shocked. Did Naruto just cave in? No way!
"Why are you still here though?" Naruto asked Temari. "I was about leaving, and decided to say bye, glad I walked in on all this, you need some tan on you bean sprout, anyways I'll see you all when I can". They watched as she walked off, Naruto ruffling his hair awkwardly. "I guess I'll be going with you guys then". Shikamaru turned to him "You're actually gonna do it? I thought you were just saying it to get her off your ass?". Naruto sighed. "I would've, but something tells me she would know if I lied so ... Let me get ready".
"We'll be at the gates, don't take too long". Naruto saluted and closed the door.
"Anyone else think that was weird?" Neji spoke up. They all nodded, Naruto, the guy who had become a shut in for years, the guy who did nothing but trained, had almost no emotions, just caved in to pressure.
"I guess there's a first time for everything" Kiba said.
"Now that I think of it, he does have a soft spot for her particularly, and I've seen them together a couple of times" Shino said in his analytical voice.
"You don't think that they..."
"No way!!!" Kiba and Lee screamed.
They couldn't tell the relationship between them, but it was obvious Temari held some sort of control over him, in the sense where she could tell him what to do and he'd actually do it.

All through the day Naruto's mind was on loop. The scene that happened the previous night playing again and again. At first it wasn't noticeable but eventually the others started noticing his weird behavior that day - and mostly his cheeks beet red. Naruto cursed himself, the heat on his face wouldn't go away. All because of a stupid kiss. It was quite the sight to see Naruto of all people walking about flustered and confused. The day soon came to an end and they started to head home. "Say Naruto, why's your face all red?" Choji asked. Naruto looked around as if trying to find an answer "I'm not feeling too well I guess". The others could tell it was a lie, but they didn't pry further. They approached the village, the gates now in sight, but something felt off. Naruto's demeanor did a complete 180 as he entered combat mode, his sharingan blazing into life. The others saw this and got serious as well. As they got closer, the utter destruction that befell the village was insane. There was a massive crater in the middle of the village, where he could see shinobi fighting some unknown ninja. "Akatsuki" Naruto said as he wiped blood on a seal on his arm, his shinobi gear poofing into existence.
"Check for civilians, I'll handle the enemy" he said flashing away.

Pain was on a rampage, destroying everything in sight. With the power of the rinnegan he was seemingly unstoppable. Jiraiya was already killed, Tsunade wasn't in the best of shapes either, Kakashi was dead, most of the shinobi forces wiped out. Naruto appeared by Tsunade catching Pain off guard. "Jinchuriki, you are coming with me". Naruto looked back at pain with rage. "This is only a glimpse of the pain that awaits you should you oppose me ... I am a god, and with these eyes I will take your tailed beast and create a world of peace". Naruto dashed at him at a speed he wasn't expecting 'He's faster than I anticipated, but I don't have the rinnegan for nothing'. The other paths of pain charged at him from all sides, attacking in coordinated waves. Naruto ducked and dodged, weaved and countered to get to the main path, but was blown back by an immense force. He got up dusting himself and smiling. "It's about damn time". Elsewhere a clone of Naruto poofed out of existence and he felt the rush of power flow through him, his eyes gained a new hue around them as sage energy erupted from him. Naruto with his new power boost rushed again at the paths of pain, successfully managing to destroy one that absorbed chakra. He was caught off guard when a giant rhino slammed into him, sending him flying back, then another path shot a fast approaching missile at him, he substituted at the last second barely escaping the blow. 'They must have a way of seeing all around them, there's no way he saw me coming'. The barrage of attacks continued to fly towards Naruto who was on the ropes. The paths of pain were really pushing him back. His sage mode would soon run out, he had to be quick, now that he had identified each ability of the rinnegan. He threw a kunai at the path that summoned the king of hell. "I'll start with you!!". The path dodged easily but Naruto appeared right by the kunai with a sage powered rasengan destroying it's body. He jumped away just as another missile barely missed him. "Damn you're annoying too" he hissed. "Give up jinchuriki, your defeat is inevitable". Naruto scoffed before rushing towards them. "All Mighty push!!" the main path yelled as a wave of destructive force blew away everything in it's path. Naruto had teleported to a kunai behind the paths of pain, charging a large amount of chakra into both hands he winced as the attacks formed. "This is gonna sting alot!! Sage art, Rasen-Shuriken!!!". Both massive attacks were hurled towards the paths of pain, destroying all but two, the main path and the animal summoning path. Naruto started to pant as the chakra loss started to get to him. This led to him being blasted away by another All Mighty push. The voice of Kurama called to him. "Kid, it's about time you used my power, you won't beat him otherwise". Naruto went into his mind scape, walking towards the cage. He started to rip the seal but a hand stopped him before he could do so completely. Naruto's eyes widened at the man standing before him.
"Naruto...". "Dad?" he asked as tears started to form in his eyes. "I-" Minato was cut off by a punch to the gut.
"Do you have any idea what I've been through because of your decision!? Why did you decide to force a destiny on me!? Why ... Did you have to die? he said calming down. "I really am sorry Naruto, but at the time I had no choice, and I believed in you, I'm proud of who you've become, though I understand that grief made you this way, I'm still proud nonetheless". For a while they had a little talk. "My time is up with you son, make me proud, and one more thing, my eyes are hidden in a secret training facility in the compound. When the time is right, use them to gain eternal light. I'm proud of you Naruto, and I love you" Minato said disappearing. Naruto wiping his tears ripped off the seal, as a wave of chakra engulfed him. A burst of bright yellow chakra engulfed his being as his mangekyo came to life. Pain watched in interest and slight worry. 'He's evolving'. The animal path summoned animals that rushed to attach Naruto but he vanished from sight as the next thing that was heared was the loud ringing of wind chakra before the animal path was completely destroyed. "It's just you and me now!!" Naruto yelled. Pain launched towards him, engaging him in a fierce taijutsu bout. Both were dead equal due to their dojutsus, but Naruto was slightly faster. Pain got kicked away as he used his powers to pull Naruto towards him. Naruto created a rasengan about to smash his head in but he got blown back again just before he could hit pain. A massive spike of chakra erupted from pain as the ground beneath Naruto began to break and surround Naruto.
Soon the small ball of rocks became the size of a meteor as it kept growing.
"PLANETARY DEVASTATION!!!" Pain yelled as his attack was completed. He relaxed for a bit thinking he had won, but soon enough the mass of rock and debris exploded as Naruto charged a Rasen-Shuriken, the biggest he had ever made - on both hands. "SAGE ART RASEN-SHURIKEN!!!" he screamed as he hurled them at Pain. Pain focused his power to blast them both away, but Naruto smirked. "Got you!!". One of the Rasen-Shurikens disappeared into a rift in space, as the All Mighty push collided with the first Rasen-Shuriken. Pain was caught off guard as the second appeared behind him, hitting him square in the back completely annihilating his body. Naruto dropped to the ground panting, "I ... Won ...". He dropped to one knee as his sage mode ran out, his friends running to him. "Naruto are you okay!?" Kiba asked as they reached him. "Yeah ... There's still something I have to do though" he said picking up a chakra rod. "Man I'm so at my limit". He activated sage mode for just a brief moment, getting the location of the real Pain. "Found you" he said launching a kunai in the direction. It didn't take him long to find the tree that Pain was hiding in.
"Naruto Uzumaki ... You have defeated me in battle. What will you do now?" Nagato asked. Conan was about to attack but Nagato stopped her. They had a long talk about peace, both revealing their ideas and beliefs. Eventually Nagato was convinced that Naruto would be the one to bring peace to the shinobi world. He used the ultimate revival technique of the rinnegan to revive all he had killed in exchange for his own life. Both Naruto and Conan lowered their heads, one out of sadness, the other out of respect. "I will be taking one of his eyes, if I'm to fulfill this task, I need it's power". Conan nodded agreeing with him and Naruto took one of the rinnegan sealing it away.
"Where will you go now? You can remain in the hidden leaf if you wish to". Conan shook her head "I belong in the rain village. There is much I have to do there". Naruto nodded before heading out "Good luck Naruto Uzumaki, I put my faith in you just as Nagato did". Naruto gave a small smile before flashing away.

Cheers and shouts of joy filled the air in the hidden leaf village as the silhouette of their hero came into view, his long flowing hair blowing in the wind, his bright blue eyes looking as tired and disinterested as ever, his slouched posture as he trudged towards the village. He was rushed by joyful villagers as they carried him all the way to the village center, where he was thanked profusely by everyone in sight. From little kids to elderly people, they couldn't help but express their gratitude towards him. Naruto felt ... Happy. He finally got the recognition he craved as a kid, his goal to earn the respect of the village was completed. 'Dad...' he thought.
All through the day the village was in a celebratory mood, the civilians singing and dancing about, children running around. They survived. That's all that mattered to them at this point. Naruto on the other hand wasn't faring so well, he was on a hospital bed, a scowl on his face, during the attack the prison was destroyed and Sasuke Uchiha had escaped. A sadistic smirk found it's way to his face as he thought of the rogue Uchiha. 'Sasuke...'

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