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Naruto woke up on a bright morning, he just lay on his bed, not wanting to do anything for once - even training. His thoughts went to the events that went down some days back, and his meeting with ... Her. At first he thought Kurama played him just to get him to stop, but it didn't feel like that to him ... It felt all real. He thought of Sasuke and his mood dimmed slightly, he got the beating he deserved, but now that Naruto's eyes were opened, he realized exactly how Sasuke felt, all the hatred, the anger, the thirst for revenge. He thought it would feel good to get his revenge, but now he felt nothing, Sasuke was behind bars, paying for his crimes, and this felt somewhat better, at least he would be alive to see the error of his ways - not that he particularly cared, Sasuke wasn't his friend anymore, not by a longshot. He just felt slight pity for the Uchiha knowing his brother was roaming around the elemental nations. He got up from his bed, he needed to speak to the Harunos, at least to tell them that their daughters killer had been captured. Naruto hadn't seen or spoken to anyone since the mission. He sighed and went to take a shower before heading out.

The rookies were all in one group listening to Ino tell them about the mission, it was only after a day or two that they could reveal all that happened. Most of them shocked that Naruto actually almost killed Sasuke.
"Honestly I was glad he snapped out of it, I don't think any of us there could've stopped him" Ino said. People like Neji, Shino and even Lee were quiet, thinking of how Naruto became this way.
"Speak of the devil" Shikamaru whispered. They looked up the road to see said person walking absentmindedly, not even noticing them. Kiba called out to him
"Hey man, it's been a while". Naruto looked up from his feet, to the people around him. "Hey, didn't see you there, sorry" he replied lazily.
"We heard what happened some days before, we're glad you didn't do it Naruto" Tenten added. To their surprise Naruto's sharingan spun into life for a brief moment, before he just sighed and dropped his head down.
"Yeah ... Glad I didn't ... ". With that he walked past them. "See you around" he said waving. The others just looked at his retreating figure in shock. They thought after this he'd at least be happier, but apparently it didn't help much. Shikamaru sighed, his friend was still suffering and he couldn't do anything to help. "Troublesome" he muttered to himself.
Naruto had made his way to the civilian district to visit the Harunos. The walk to their home was as usual, but he didn't get those hateful glances anymore. Now that he had grown up, looking at him anyone with a working brain would know exactly who he looked like. He stopped at their door, before softly knocking. Mebuki opened after some moments to see Naruto, looking as depressed as ever.
"Naruto, please come in". Naruto did just that as he sat down. Mebuki could tell something happened, he looked more serious than he usually did. Kizashi walked downstairs hearing voices and saw his wife with Naruto.
Naruto seeing him got up and bowed. Kizashi just waved it off. "Come on Naruto, you don't have to be so formal". They both settled down, waiting for him to speak. After some moments he spoke up.
"Some days ago we were tasked with a mission to find Orochimaru, we did, but we ended up running into him as well, but long story short, he's behind bars now". Mebuki's eyes widened in shock. "Y-you fought him?". Naruto smiled a bit. "I wouldn't really have called that a fight, he was out for the count after three hits, It was underwhelming, and I thought then and there that I should kill him ... But my teammates, they wouldn't let me ... And I snapped, I lost myself in rage, all I wanted was to see him dead ... I was about to ... but she appeared to me". Both parents eyes widened at the boys words. "At first I thought ... I thought ... It was just an illusion to calm me down, but to me it felt real ... Like she was ... Actually there ... I may never know the truth behind that, but I just came by to say you can rest now ... That bastard is behind bars, where he can never cause anyone pain ever again, thank you fo-". He didn't finish his sentence as both parents hugged him crying - mostly Mebuki. "Thank you ... Thank you Naruto ... because of you our daughter can rest in peace, and we can finally move on". Naruto accepted the hug, a bit of water gathering in his eyes, but he was happy, happy that he brought peace to this family. After everyone calmed down, Naruto stood up to leave. "I'm going to see him ... I still have some scores to settle". As he was about to close the door Kizashi said.
"Thank you Naruto, for everything". Naruto smiled at them, "you're welcome" before flashing away.
Konoha Prison
Sasuke Uchiha sat in a cell, wrapped in sealing tags, chakra suppression and all. He was cursing his luck, he missed his chance. Orochimaru was killed, Kabuto ran away and he was captured. A thought of his brother came to his mind, rage boiling within him. He hated Konoha, he hated everything. It was all Naruto's fault. If the blond hadn't been there he would've been free to kill his brother. Deep down Sasuke knew he had himself to blame, if he hadn't been so weak. Though he was shocked at how one sided the fight was, if he could even call that a fight. In truth it was an assault. He stood no chance. Was this how weak he was? Was Naruto this strong? When did he get the sharingan? His thoughts raced around, until he concluded that he wasn't weak, 4 years of training with a Kage level shinobi meant he couldn't have been weak, and that infuriated him even more, because that meant Naruto was just that powerful. He wondered for a moment if Naruto at his current level could beat Itachi - most likely seeing as Orochimaru said Itachi's health had deteriorated. He grit his teeth in frustration because he knew that the only reason Naruto became this powerful was because of what he did the day he left. Naruto used his anger and hatred towards him exactly the way he should have towards Itachi. For some moments he actually regretted killing Sakura, not because he actually regretted, but because that was the sole reason he was behind bars at the moment. He looked up at the sound of his cell door being opened, his eyes narrowing in pure rage at the person standing in front of him. "You ... " Sasuke hissed out. Naruto looked at him with no emotion "me ...". Sasuke was taken aback by Naruto's response, it certainly wasn't what he was expecting. He got a good look at Naruto, his eyes widening a bit at how much he had changed, he didn't see the same Naruto that was on team 7, no, this was a killer, one who did so with little remorse. It struck a small wave of fear into him, his expression was unreadable, his stance was open, yet he felt like he would be killed at any moment. Naruto sat down opposite Sasuke, both looking each other in the eye. Sasuke spoke up "what do you want? Came to gloat or something?". Naruto waved him off.
"If I let you go, will you still go after Itachi?". Sasuke looked at him in pure shock. "W-what do you mean let me go?". Naruto sighed. "Hypothetically if you were to mysteriously escape, would you still go after Itachi?". Sasuke spat back. "Of course I will, he killed my clan, from what it seems OUR clan. He deserves to die".
"And you don't?". Sasuke could feel the cold pressure coming off Naruto, it was unnerving.
"My father was an Uchiha yes, but a half Uchiha, an outcast, so he completely dropped the name, I don't particularly care what happened to the Uchiha clan, seeing as it was an Uchiha that was responsible for my parents deaths ... The Uchiha weren't as good as you think they were, they were traitors to the village, and Itachi made the ultimate sacrifice, I'm telling you this because as much as I want to kill you, it's not my place to do so."
"What do you mean, Itachi is the traitor!! He killed innocent people!!! He killed my parents!!!". Naruto's laugh stopped Sasuke from saying more. "did you ever stop to think of why Itachi did what he did? He's not a stupid person, and he wouldn't just do it for the sake of testing his power or whatever you're thinking". Sasuke wanted to say more, but stopped to think about it. Naruto dropped a file in his lap, before walking out.
"There's a lot you don't know, I suggest you read up ... Oh and once you're done it'll automatically burn up ... I never gave you this".
Sasuke looked down at the file in front of him using his mouth to flip the page, he began to read ...


Naruto walked down the street wondering why exactly he did what he did. He sure as hell wasn't forgiving Sasuke, but he didn't want to see him blinded by vengeance. He'd been there too, and he hurt the people who cared for him. He thought of his friends, how he had been so distant from them, and had shut out most people from his life. It was time that changed, he wanted to move on, he wanted to laugh with his friends, joke around with Kiba, accept Lee's outrageous challenges, he wanted the old life he had back, but there was one problem. He wasn't the same, emotions had become a strange concept to him, he couldn't just go back to the happy go lucky boy he once was. That boy was dead ... But he could at least start to change for the better, his wounds had stopped causing him pain, but they never healed. It was about time he did so. He unconsciously headed to Ichiraku ramen shop for a meal, maybe that'll be a good start.
"Hey, old man, Ayame" he greeted as he sat down. Teuchi looked at the boy he saw as a son of some sorts fondly.
"Hello Naruto, what can I get you?". Naruto smiled at him "the usual, two bowls". Teuchi nodded and began preparing his meal. Naruto felt someone sit next to him, turning to see Temari who seemed a bit nervous to talk to him. "I don't bite" he said sighing. Temari exhaled before saying "I just feel like you ... You know need space, you're not exactly the most predictable person around". Naruto nodded in agreement. Temari ordered her bowl and for a while they ate in silence. Naruto suddenly spoke up
"Thank you ... For showing me the right path ... I was wrong, we all need people in our lives ... And I'm sorry ... For attacking you back then". Temari was surprised. This was the longest string of words he had ever said to her. Maybe he was changing for the better, this thought brought a smile to her face. Naruto continued to eat his ramen after that, they both had little conversations from time to time. Eventually both were ready to leave, Naruto insisted on paying.
"Its not like my money's going anywhere anyways". They both headed down the now empty road, a comfortable silence between them, Temari occasionally glancing at him.
"When are you going back to Tsuna?" Naruto asked. Temari turned to him
"Probably tomorrow, I have some things to do over there, why do you ask?". "Oh ... Nevermind its ... " He paused. "it's what?". Naruto looked down and sighed. Temari took his hand reassuringly "you can talk ... I'm listening". Naruto looked back at her,
"I really don't understand why you chose to help me, to stick by me, supporting me the way you do, I can barely feel emotions, I can be rude, I only find thrill in training my ass off ... I just think that they're plenty people out there ... Better than me. Over these few weeks since we met, it's like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, but I can't do the same for you ... I can't make you as happy as you need to be." Temari burst into a fit of laughter earning a confused look from Naruto. "That's ... What you're worried about?". "Hey it was hard enough telling you, you don't have to laugh at me".
"Well, I admit I did help you initially because of what you did for Gaara, but eventually I found myself worrying about you, I didn't know why ... but now I do".
"Why?". Temari didn't answer, instead closing the gap between them and planted her lips on his. Naruto just froze there, processing everything. Temari pulled away with a slight blush, "Goodnight Naruto". Naruto just waved as she left, for the first time in quite some time ... He felt something, not anger, not sadness, he felt ... Happy. He gained slight composure, walking home, with his face entirely beet red.
Meanwhile Sasuke was in his cell fuming with rage, he read the truth, the man he wanted to kill with all his heart was a hero, not the traitor the leaf painted him to be. His resolve to break out almost doubled as he had a new goal. 'I will find you brother, and I'll get my answers'.

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