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A lone blond figure was seen standing on a pillar in Konoha. Naruto Uzumaki had returned after 4 years of training. He looked across the village, his cold eyes glancing over everything as if examining them. He dropped down and started to walk towards the Hokage office. His walk to the Hokage tower was ... Interesting. A few hateful glares from those who recognized him. Other than that it was mostly girls whispering, winking and giggling at him, and to be honest he didn't give a shit. His appearance had changed over the years. He was about 6 feet tall, lean but muscular build and his hair which had grown quite a bit was now completely black at the base. His eyes ever so cold but with a little twinkle, and his well angled face framed by two bangs much like his father. Stopping at the receptionist who was a blushing but coordinated mess. He gave a small wave when she gave him permission to move on.


Tsunade and Jiraiya were conversing with Shikamaru and Temari when Naruto walked in. Everyone except for Jiraiya blinked. Was this Naruto?
Naruto seeing his long time friend gave a small smile and waved.
"Been a while". Shikamaru smiled at his friend. "You've certainly grown up". Naruto turned to Tsunade.
"Hey granny". Tsunade smiled at her surrogate grandson. He was still her Naruto even through all that happened. Temari was the most surprised, she hadn't seen Naruto since the mission and to say that he had changed was an understatement. He looked more mature but his eyes, they were so lifeless holding back so much pain behind them. He wasn't the same kid who saved her brother. Sakuras death broke him. She was so shocked she didn't even mind the fact he completely ignored her. He went to the window and talked to Kakashi for a while, then came back. He simply stood there staring into space, completely ignorant of the fact she was staring at him. Not going to lie he was goddamn hot, but that wasn't why she was looking at him. He was hiding alot of pain behind that mask of indifference, much like her brother. It was like a well built dam, holding back the tears. He probably trained himself half to death everyday she thought. Maybe she would talk to him when she was done.


Naruto was walking out of the Hokage office when he felt a soft feminine hand on his shoulder. Turning to see Temari who he just noticed for the first time. "Uh ... Naruto right?". She asked trying not to make things awkward. Naruto raised a brow.
"What do you want?". He asked in quite a dismissive tone which put Temari off. This was going to be difficult. Naruto sensing her tension sighed. "Gaara's sister right?".
"Temari" she replied. Seeing he eased the tension she decided to try her luck.
"I would like to speak with you ... In private". Naruto shrugged putting his hand around her waist earning a squeal from Temari as they flashed away. Naruto had taken them to his family compound which he had been given access to.
"You could have given a heads up" Temari hissed. Naruto paid no attention to her which made her twitch. He was acting like Shikamaru except way worse, at least Shikamaru acknowledged her presence a little.
"Speak" he said turning to her.
"What happened to you?". She asked trying to sound disinterested. Naruto never answered rather finding the small pond more interesting. Temari grew a tick mark. She was about to make a sharp remark when Naruto broke the silence.
"When you lose someone you loved, life loses color, meaning and all you can think about is what could've been if you they were still alive ... And living with the guilt that it was all your fault" he finished bitterly.
"You weren't responsible for her death, and besides she wouldn't want you to be like this, I know it's not my place to tell you this seeing as we're not really friends, but you need to move on, there are other things to look forward to". Naruto turned to her with a look that would terrify most, but she could tell the animosity wasn't directed at her.
"When I kill that bastard, then I move on, I promised that not only to myself but to her parents as well, I never back down on my word, and I never will". She thought to when she first heard those words. 'Some things never change' she thought to herself.
She didn't know why she was bothering herself with this, she was sure it just repaying a favor. That she just felt indebted to him for saving Gaara. Still she had seen what hatred can do to someone firsthand, her brother and Sasuke being prime examples. "If you need someone to talk to sometime, I'm here okay" she said a bit surprised at her words.
Naruto simply looked back at her, his expression blank and unreadable.
"I don't think I will". He grabbed her again and they flashed to where they initially came from. Temari with another tick mark. Seriously a heads up would be nice. She frowned at him and then looked away. Naruto paid no mind to this. Temari wasn't going to just give up like that.
"You need to talk to someone, it helps" .
"Don't frown, you'll look older than you already are" Naruto said with a slight smirk on his face before disappearing. Temari who stood there red with annoyance. That little shit!!!
Stomping away not even noticing a pineapple haired Nara watching them. Shikamaru just smirked. Maybe things would finally get lively.

Few days later
Temari was getting seriously pissed at Naruto, he had the nerve to turn her down. Even she didn't fully understand why she was so mad, I mean he and her brother were friends but that was it. He was only an aquaintance, nothing more. She only felt obligated to help him out because of how he saved Gaara from the darkness. "You save so many people from darkness that you become consumed by it" she sighed. If she couldn't talk to him about this, maybe Shikamaru could, they seemed to be very close. A messenger bird came through the window and landed on her bed. Seeing the Tsunagakure symbol she guessed it was urgent. Taking the scroll to read it only to drop it in shock. Gaara had been captured by the Akatsuki, and Kankuro was hospitalized and in critical condition. Taking her fan she dashed out of the house towards the Hokage office.


Naruto was in the middle of his near fatal training routine when an anbu dropped in front of him. "Uzumaki Naruto, your presence is needed at the Hokage office". With that the anbu left. Naruto guessed it was bad news, sighing and deciding to go. He shunshined into the Hokage briefing Kakashi, Temari and Ino who was to accompany them on this particular mission. Deciding not to say anything he just listened quietly. Tsunade when she was done noticed Naruto. "Oh you're here, i-". "I was here the whole time, I heard everything". He cut in.
Tsunade just sighed, she was used to this by now. "Well since you're already informed, Kakashi will take lead on this mission, Ino you'll be the medic for this mission, and Naruto ... Keep Temari away from trouble, I know they're her brothers and that could lead her to irrational decisions.
Naruto just nodded. Tsunade took another sheet of paper from the pile and tiredly went on with her work.
"Dismissed". They all set off to the sand village.
Temari was having other thoughts 'keep me from trouble, I'll be damned if I let someone stop me from saving my own brother'. She then suddenly turned to Naruto whose face was unreadable as usual. She felt a bit angry that he didn't even flinch after the news of his friends capture. Naruto who noticed her stare just sighed and said "don't go having funny thoughts in that head of yours, I'm not that heartless"then moved away from her. She sighed a sigh of relief, frankly she thought he didn't care. Naruto on the other hand was starting to get tired of her meddling in his affairs, why was she insisting he needed help? He didn't need help, to him help was an insult, an evidence of weakness, and Naruto Uzumaki was anything but weak. His goal was clear, to kill that damned Uchiha, nothing would stop him. Pushing those thoughts away he then thought of Gaara his old friend, hoping he was still okay. ' I'm coming for you Akatsuki '

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