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It has been a few months since Sakura's death and things went back to normal in the leaf village- at least in most cases. Naruto Uzumaki never remained the same. Gone was his happy go lucky attitude. Nowadays he rarely showed what he was thinking and always had a tired look. His eyes which used to be bright and full of life were now lifeless orbs, blue and cold as ice. His hair had also lost its bright tint and now looked very dull and shaggy, and most recently has a few black strands at the base of his hair.
Shikamaru was one of Naruto's closest friends but even he only made Naruto smile once in a while- at least he even could, the only other people who could do so we're the Ichirakus, Kakashi and the Harunos who he had become close to over the few months. He stopped looking at the clouds thinking how his friend had changed so much.
Troublesome was the only word he could say. His thoughts were broken when he saw a mop of dull blond hair walk silently past him.
"Naruto?". Shikamaru called after him but it's seemed like he was lost in thought. Most likely what new training routine worked best. That had become his obsession, to gain power. He feared his friend would go on a dark path if this continues. Apart from he and Chouji, Naruto became distant to the other rookies, and he wanted to fix that.
"Naruto". He called louder and was answered when Naruto stopped and turned around.
"Oh hey, didn't see you Shika". He said softly. "I was lost in thought I guess" he said while rubbing the back of his head. At least he retained some habits. Shikamaru thought.
"All of us are getting together at the barbeque shop tonight, and well ... you're going to have to see them eventually". Naruto gave a small smile. It was true, since the funeral he hadn't seen anyone. "I guess so, I'll be there".
"We'll be there by 8, but you don't have to come early if you don't want to". With that they went their separate ways, each to his own thoughts. Naruto sighed. Shikamaru was right, with that he set for the training grounds. Friends would have to wait. He had a goal, and nothing would make him waver.

Naruto fell down panting heavily, sweat pouring down his face. He had been training for the past 8 hours without rest, thanks to his inhuman stamina he could do this every single day. He picked a water bottle a took a sip, only to stop mid sip as he sensed a familiar chakra signature.
"Kakashi sensei" he greeted with a distant tone in his voice. Kakashi looked at his student. He felt sorry for the kid, just like him, he never remained the same. That was why he could probably relate to him the best, because he had gone through that as well. They both sat in silence for some minutes, then Naruto asked.
"How did you move on?". Kakashi was a bit surprised at the question but found his words rather quickly.
"Simple, I didn't. These things happen for a reason and we can't just forget them. You learn to deal with it but so far I don't think its possible to forget".
Naruto chewed on that for a while. Kakashi knew another question was coming.
"Do you think he regrets doing what he did". Kakashi feeling the rage from his voice could only guess he was talking about Sasuke.
"Who knows, what if he does, what will you do then?". Naruto looked at his teacher, his sharingan blazing into life, tomoes spinning violently. Kakashi already got the message. Nothing would make Naruto waver, nothing would stop him from killing Sasuke, the world be dammed. He feared that his only student would go down the same dark path that Sasuke did. He then thought of Naruto's friends, maybe they could help him deal with his demons. He then suddenly remembered that Naruto said they were having a get together dinner.
"Aren't you running a bit late?". Naruto sighed with a slight annoyance. "I guess so, I'll see you later sensei". With that he shunshined away.


Back at Yakiniku barbeque shop, the rookies were eagerly waiting for Naruto to show up. They hadn't seen him since Sakura's funeral and they really wanted to know how he was doing. They all waited to see a blond haired boy walk in with a big smile and his signature orange jumpsuit. They were in for a shock. Naruto walked in lazily, a look of indifference on his face. "Sorry I'm late". He said softly and quietly sat down. To say the rest of the rookies were shocked was an understatement, even Neji was openly gaping at Naruto like a fish out of water. His eyes cold and lifeless, his hair dull and shaggy. The Naruto they knew wasn't there anymore, any hope of that was blown out the door.
"What happened to you man?". Kiba asked being the first to find words.
"Y-yeah, you look tired" Ino added worriedly. Even Shino was getting in on the questions. The only silent person was Hinata. She was almost in tears, the boy she looked up to, the smiling blond that always made them laugh, he was gone. He no longer looked like the Naruto she knew. It was all Sasuke's fault. Her resentment for the damned Uchiha growing even more. If she could get her hands on him.
Dinner was a bit awkward at first because of the Naruto shock, but it all mellowed down and they soon started  chatting and laughing, except for Naruto and Shino who seemed to be in their own worlds. Time flew by and it was time to all go home. Naruto suddenly announced.
"I'll be leaving Konoha tomorrow". Everyone turned to him in shock. Surely he didn't mean what he said.
Shikamaru asked " you don't mean ... "
" I'll be on a 3 year training trip with Jiraiya, may be longer I don't know, I just thought you all should know". They all seemed pretty relieved, they didn't want another Sasuke fiasco again. Naruto waved and shunshined away shocking most with Shikamaru smirking. 'Good luck Naruto, I hope you get better'. With that he set off for home not wanting to incur his mother's wrath.

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