Hurt And Healer

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(look! I can write things other than smut! Possible sadness coming your way.)

It had been three weeks since their little vacation away, just the two of them. No surprised that when they got back to base. König was called for another mission. So she hunkered down in medbay, taking care of the soldiers that came in. Setting and wrapping broken bones. Stitching up wounds and so on. It had been a long exhausting day, when the sun had set she thought she was off for the night. She could hear the helicopter blades buzzing overhead as it was landing.
She of course thought nothing of it.

Just as she was putting away some folders into the filing cabinet, the med bay doors got pushed open, Two field medics carrying König in, with him walking limp. His arms securely around each medic to hold him up. Immediately she gasped and dropped the folders. Patient records flying out into an unorganized mess. Dread and anxiety washed over her as she stood completely frozen. "He's got a bullet in his side, we tried to retract it but he refused any and all medics. Told us you had to do it" one of them said quickly as they gently laid König on the cot.

"Jesus Christ he's losing a lot of blood, go to his folder. Check his blood type and go get some bags" she was trying to remain calm despite the heavy pressure of the situation. The man she adored was laid out on her cot, bleeding out. Possibly dying. One of the medics ran to the filling cabinet rifling through it until he found the right one. As soon as he had it he dashed out the doors to the other side of the building going to the other specialist, asking in a hurry.

When the medic left she pulled on some gloves and walked to König. Watching the way he was taking shallow breaths. It pained her.
She kneeled down next to him and tried to push her feelings aside. She was his medic after all. That's what she started as. "Es tut mir leid liebe" she breathed as she gently delved her finger into his wound, locating how far the bullet was. Once she found it she grabbed sterilized forceps. Replacing her finger with the tools. Trying to grab hold of the bullet.
Her heart ached hearing his faint grunts of pain, even if he had been put into a drug induced state to keep him calm. Once she had the bullet she pulled it out slowly. Making sure she didn't cause anymore internal damage or bleeding.
She pulled the bullet out and dropped it and the forceps to the floor. Immediately grabbing a needle and the proper "thread". As she was about to start closing up the wound, the medic ran back in carrying two bags of blood. He immediately hooked up the iv to his arm, taping the needle in place. She took her time sewing up his wound to make sure he would heal properly.

When the medic put the needle into Königs arm she stood up and placed her hand on his forehead over his snipers hood. Feeling the intense wave of emotion wash over her. The tears started to flow, down her cheeks falling onto him. In his drug induced state he looked up at her. Reaching his arm out to cup her cheek. Using his thumb to wipe a tear away "Liebling. Please don't cry" his voice was low and calm as he spoke, wanting to bring her security in this messed up moment.

"I can't lose you König... I just can't" she whispered, looking down at him. He shook his head before he looked at the other two medics then looked back at her. She got the signal, she looked at the medics and took a deep breath "would you both step out for a few moments" she asked politely, they both nodded and stepped out the door and closed it behind them.
Once the door closed she pulled up his snipers hood so she could see his face. "Schatzi. If I make it through this. Let's get married. Me and you. We can have the biggest wedding you want" he smiled weakly at her as he spoke. This causing her to cry a little more. She moved her head over and kissed the palm of his hand "we can get married. Anything you want. I want to spend the rest of my life with you" she sniffled turning her head back to look at him "I don't need a big wedding. I just need you" she added on, then leaned down and pressed her lips against his softly. He of course kissed her back. It was a sweet tender kiss that lasted a while. When she pulled back she brushed some of his hair out of his eyes "we can get a house, start a little family, and you will make it through this. I'm your medic and it's my duty" she chuckled through her tears. Watching him chuckle with her and nod "mhm, we can have all of that and more. I  promise. I am so damn glad you're My Medic" the color was slowly returning to his face as he spoke, a sign he was more than likely pull through. She stood up straight kissing the palm of his hand again before she walked to the doors. Opening one of them to speak with the field medics. "He's going to be fine, I appreciate you for bringing him in so fast, I can't thank you enough. Please. Go rest both of you" she smiled reassuringly to them and watched as their stiff shoulders started to relax, as well as their expressions. They gave her a nod and one gave her a smile "no need to thank us. Just following colonels orders"

After they left she stayed by Königs side the whole night. Not wanting to leave him alone. She could feel her anxiety start to subside as the hours passed by. Giving her more hope for his recovery.

(Hi... I'm sorry for this. But I need to get it out of my head. I do apologize if it's sad but hey. That's hurt and comfort for ya. Anyway. Please. Tell someone you love them. It would make their day. Till next time, Roman.)

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