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(Time for some more Exhibitionism!! Also more praise because, we all are hot for it! Ayyo! Remember! It's not for everyone. If you dislike said kink. You are free to skip it!
Anyway. Please enjoy.
Yours, Roman))

Just hours past nightfall, she had gotten done with her duties in the medical tent. Tending to bullet wounds, setting the broken bones.
It had been a long exhausting day.
Pulling off her solid gloves, she tossed them into the trash.

Grabbing a clipboard, she made some notes for the next medic that would take her place.
Once she was finished she handed the clipboard over and exited the medical tent.
Heaving a sigh as she then pulled off her tactical vest. Holding it in one hand as she walked towards her tent.

Hearing a whistle she turned her head, her eyes falling upon the Colonel. He stood next to his own tent. Arms crossed as he looked at her. He gave her a nod to follow him before he turned around. Walking into his makeshift dwelling.

Standing in her spot for a moment, she let out another sigh as she dragged her exhausted, body across the grass to his tent.
She pulled open the flap and stepped in.
Dropping her gear on the chair, getting ready to turn and face him. Within seconds, he grabbed a hold of her. Pulling her close to him. Breathing in her ear as his hands started to wander around her body. "It's been a long day. You've done so much Maus. Let me take care of you"

"But there's people all around us" she mumbled softly, leaning back into his chest

"I know, don't worry about that. You can keep yourself silent enough... Right?"
He pulled her back a little more as he sat himself on the folding bed.

With her sat on his lap.
His fingers graced along her neck, gently rubbing into the sore muscle before he reached up and let her hair down. Putting her hair tie around his own wrist.
"I think so Sir"
She pressed herself closer to him placing her hands on his knees. Leaning her head back to look at him.

"You did a good job today, as your commander. I order you. To just relax" he moved his hands off of her shoulders to reach up and pull off his snipers hood. Dropping it beside him on the Cot.

He placed a gentle kiss to her forehead, moving his hands back to her hair. Threading his fingers within the soft locks. Gently gripping onto it, smirking when he heard her breath hitch ever so slightly.
"You saved so many lives Meine Taube , I think you deserve a reward" his other hand moved to her hip. Squeezing gently before he moved to her belt buckle.
"I've just done my job, what I was assigned to do.. by you" she muttered softly biting into the soft skin of her lower lip.

"Yes Liebling, But you did amazing" his voice lowered slightly. His accent more pronounced as he spoke. Pulling the leather belt off of her. Dropping it to the floor beside their feet. He then moved to the front of her pants once again. Unbuttoning them, then pulling the zipper down.
Gently he slipped his hand underneath the hem of her underwear. Gripping her hair a little tighter with his other hand, he let out a deep growl.

"Colonel.." She gasped softly, her hands gripped a little tighter on his knees, as his fingers graced ever so slightly over the bud of nerves.
"Shhh, Just relax. I want to make sure. That you aren't too worked up for tomorrow. We've still got one more day" his head dipped as he spoke.
Placing soft kisses to her cheek. Moving his lips to her ear.
"Prinzessin, you're doing so well"

His finger pressed down upon the sensitive bud for a few moments before he kept moving his hand further.
Adoring every little noise she made as she tied to keep herself together.
But of course they both knew she would ultimately fail.

He released the hold he had on her hair and moved his hand to hover over her mouth.
Waiting as his other hand continued to tease.
Once he was satisfied he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, she saw that look in his eyes when he pulled back.
That mischievous glimmer in his eyes.

"Are you ready?" He asked trying to keep himself calm. When she gave him a nod, a smirk cracked across his lips.
His fingers delved into her heat.
As his other hand clasped over her mouth. She let out a stifled moan while she rocked her hips against his hand.
Earning her a dark chuckle from his chest. Watching her breathing quicken, and the way she was trying to keep her eyes on him.
"You're such a good girl hm? Look at you, Schatzi. Already working for it with me?"
The tone of his voice was almost mocking her.

She moved one of her hands from his knees to reach up, slipping her soft fingers up the back of his neck . Intertwining within his hair. She fisted her hand in his Dark blonde locks giving it a good tug, Still rocking her body against him.

"Oh, My dove. Are you close?"
He laughed into her ear while Adding another digit into her.

"You feel like it, lassen Sie es gehen. Release it for me."
He could feel her fingers starting to grip tighter on his hair. Taking that opportunity to move faster.

He let out a deep growl when he felt her start to release, her muscles tensed up. Tears brimmed her eyes from the pleasure that was coursing through her.

"Good girl. Very good. Keep your eyes on me. Shhh" he breathed, uncovering her mouth slowing his movements. Allowing her to come down from that high.
"You've done well, Schatz. Breathe. Once you're feeling okay.. I'll go grab you some clothes"

He waited as long as he needed to. Waited for her to calm herself enough.
He slowly and gently removed his hand from within her clothing and placed gently kisses along her cheek.

"Colonel.. I can feel you.. I can. Take care of it for you" she hummed. Her breath still shaking slightly.

"Nein, just because I'm hard doesn't mean I need to finish.
This was a treat for you. Even if it was also a treat for me"
he laughed lightly as he wrapped his arms around her.
Holding her close to him.
The night ended with her 'accidentally' falling asleep in his tent. With him holding her close. A protective hug. A warm gentle embrace.
He was falling more and more in love with her, every single day.

She belongs to him.

His medic.

(HAPPY 300! ALMOST 400! Ayyo! I adore everyone of you reading. Thank you so much!)
lassen Sie es gehen - let it Go

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