V - Low On Time

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Several days have passed since Danielle took Haerin to the tulip field. Lately, Haerin has been thinking about Danielle more than she should. Everything she does reminds her of Danielle. Every time she hears a song that Danielle said she liked or had mentioned, she is reminded of the day they met.

She knew that she hardly knew Danielle and that she should stop thinking of her, but she couldn't bring herself to. Her thoughts were only consumed by school and Danielle. It was unusual for her to feel this way. Why? Because she's realizing that she's developing a liking for Danielle and that she might even have feelings for her. But a girl? Seriously? It's her first time experiencing these complex emotions, and she's feeling them for a girl. For her it was unacceptable.

She knows that she'll get seriously hurt. For all she knows, She could be a dare to Danielle, to make the new kid catch feelings for her, they date, and then Danielle breaks her heart.

Haerin couldn't shake off the feeling that Danielle wanted to be close to her out of pity. She sighed and realized she was already late for school. Haerin decided to skip the day to clear her thoughts and figure out Danielle's intentions. She wanted a break from school to deal with her complex feelings.

Haerin lay motionless in her bed, not knowing what to think or do. She wanted everything to be solved by itself and all these thoughts and feelings for Danielle to be gone. She remembered acting all cutesy and sweet with Danielle yesterday, calling her names, and even letting her stroke her hair. But when she got home, she asked herself why she felt all sorts of things in her stomach.

Why did she panic when Danielle played with her hair? And most importantly, why did she feel so compelled to call Danielle all these couple names? They barely talked about what they were really like, and there they were acting like a couple. Haerin didn't know what to make of her current situation. She didn't ask for these feelings, and half of her didn't want to blame Danielle because these were her feelings, but part of her wanted to.

There was a sudden knock on her door, and her brother asked if she was going to school. She lied and said she was sick, not wanting to tell him that she didn't want to go to school because of a girl. Her brother left for work, and Haerin said goodbye. The girl was left alone with her thoughts once again but was brought back to reality when she got a text message...from Danielle.

The message read, "Hey, Kitty. Are you going to school today? You didn't come out to the bus...I was looking forward to seeing you." Haerin couldn't believe it, Danielle wanted to see her. Despite her skepticism, a part of her hoped it was true. "No, sorry. I'm sick," she replied. Haerin decided to take a break from texting and focus on herself. She got out of bed, took a shower, and had breakfast before heading out to the park to get some fresh air.

While walking to the park, Haerin unexpectedly ran into Danielle. At first, Haerin tried to avoid her, but when she noticed a boy walking alongside Danielle, Haerin turned back to take a closer look.

"Was Danielle really with a boy after asking me if she was taking the bus? No, that's not possible. Danielle wouldn't do that, but I don't know her well enough to be sure." Haerin shook off her thoughts and continued walking to the park, but for some reason, Haerin couldn't stop thinking about what she saw. Could that be Danielle's boyfriend? The thought of Danielle and that boy being together made her sick and hurt.

"After all the mixed signals Danielle gave me, it had turned out that I was just a joke to her." But Haerin couldn't judge her love life. How terrible of a friend would Haerin be to do that, especially to someone she hasn't known for a week?

Haerin arrived at the park and found a bench to sit on. She pulled out a book and started reading. Haerin loved the morning breeze on her face, the birds chirping, and the sun shining. It was wonderful to have a day all to herself, with no distractions or thoughts, just her and the world.

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