And holding it up is a pile of moulded schoolbooks; the walls are a disgusting grey color, looking worse than the default Nord from Skyrim; and the floor (from what you can see) has hundreds of holes, from mites, you assume.

Looking closer into the corner of the bed, you see a little girl with her head in between her knees.

The room is suddenly flooded by a bright light. You turn around (barely able to do so), and before you is the mother.

But something is different about her; she doesn't have a bright smile plastered across her face like she did when she was with Harry.

But why are you here? Why is she here? And who's the little girl?

Before you can answer your question, the mother speaks.

"You're supposed to greet a grownup when they enter a room," she says coldly while looking down at the child in near disdain.

"I am sorry, Mother." The little girl squeaks out, followed by the mother's sigh.

"It does not matter; just remember for next time."

" yes Mother"

The mother scans the room slowly before looking back at her. "Have you finished your homework?."

"Not yet, Mother; I still have a couple of questions."

"Well, it better be finished. But, as I am feeling generous, I will give you dinner to get you motivated. But of course, not too much; you already put on too much weight."

You investigate the mother's words and look the girl over.

And she's perfectly fine—not too skinny nor too fat. You look between her and the mother and wonder why she would say that if its a lie.

"Thank you, Mother, but I am not hungry," the girl says meekly.

At first, you think it's a normal answer; sometimes your just not hungry, but looking over at the mother, you start to think differently.

By the way she is looking at the girl, you'd think she killed her dog and fucked her husband in front of her.

Her left hand twitches violently at her side, along with her right eye.

In what feels like a blink of an eye, she throws the plate she was holding at the wall above the girl's head, and the shards of ceramic fall and hit her.

The girl immediately reacts by holding her hands over her head and somehow crawling deeper into the corner.

This, however, doesn't hinder the mother; she grabs the girl's ankle and begins to beat her mercilessly, all the while the girl begs to be forgiven.

When the mother stops, she fixes her hair, takes a deep breath, looks at the girl, and coldly says, "No dinner for a week; learn some manners."

Before she leaves, you look through the door and see...

The meat pie sitting on a dresser in the corridor she gave Harry, meaning she came here before going there.

Before you can think about it further, you are once again drawn through a wormhole.

When you open your eyes, you are once again greeted by the massive iron-clad door.

"Hey! We meet again, big fella!"

"Indeed, we are reapers."

"Wait, you know who I am?"

" I am a door, but I am not a dumbass; now let us begin the second riddle."

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