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Entering the training room, it still looks like back from your days white almost mirror-like floors and walls with benches on the sidelines.

Walking further in you see 7 people sitting on the benches.

Four men who look to be in their 20s one younger woman and an older one however to the right you see one person all alone.

A little girl no older than ten years old.

however shaking your head and pocketing your hands you walk into the room.

All eyes instantly fall on you.

You stop a couple of meters in front of them "Well, hello everyone, I will be your fighting instructor for today, now by no means is this voluntary this task been forced on me by higher-ups."

You hear snorts coming from the four males that sit on the benches "Now just because this isn't voluntary doesn't mean I won't teach you."

Before you can speak again you are cut off by one of the recruits standing up, it's a young muscular man with short black hair.

"And what makes you so special to teach us?" He says as he walks up with a cocky grin.

"Why should we listen to these people? Their nothing special" He says as he laughs along with the other men.

You sigh and rub your temples.

"What? I'm right, aren't I?" He jabs even more and turns towards the other men.

" why are there always people like you in these groups, fine, lets make a deal, if you land a single hit on my body I'll leave right now and you can try teaching."

He spins around to meet your eyes "You sure you wanna do that? I was a black belt" He says as he walks ever so forward.

However, you are a little surprised and ask "What are you doing?"

"What?, too scared to fight me now. "

You stare at him for a couple of seconds, and then in a blink of an eye you dash in front of him and cup his chin in your right hand "No, it just wouldn't be fair for you to fight me one-on-one" You say while you call forward the 3 other men with your left hand while still holding eye contact with the first.

Stepping away you stand in the middle of the room, arms extended. "Now come, show me what you got."

The assailants look at each other confusedly until the "black belt" steps forward and takes charge.

Running at you, he goes in for a sharp right hook.

However, he's a little too slow, and you kick him in the chin, sending him flying back through the air and onto the ground.

Almost immediately after the rest of the assailant's rush in.

On tries to go in for a kick, but you counter with your own. Hearing a snap in his leg, he stumbles back.

Using the momentum from the kick, you connect the kick with the skull of another, sending the man skidding across the floor, first knocking him out.

The last one tries to go in for a jab, but you simply weave out of the way of the slow punch.

You grab his arm, twist it behind his back, and trip him up, sending the man flailing down onto the ground.

While still holding his arm behind his back, you push your foot onto his shoulder and squeeze the arm forward, dislocating it and making him scream out in pain.

Looking around, all the others are down too.

So, stepping forward You begin trying to say something.

When you're interrupted by the screaming of the man.

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