Chapter Two

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"Mama," Izuna called out, tugging at his mothers apron. She smiled down at him, bending down to pick him up but wincing as she bent, a hand resting on his stomach as she straightened back up.

"Sorry, Izuna-chan," Izuna shook his head in reply. He pointed towards the door and continued,

"When will Ita-nii be back?" She chuckled at that, it seemed the boy only ever had his brother on his mind. Glancing over at the clock she frowned. It was later then Fugaku had told her the patrol would be back. The war was certainly coming to an end but it didn't make her worry any less for his and Itachi's safety.

"It should be soon," She offered and he merely nodded, his expression not changing from its usual neutral look. Mikoto watched him jog over to the door and sit on the step, focused on the handle.

It was too soon and she knew it. She shouldn't have let Fugaku take Itachi out on a patrol, even if he was gifted for his age.

The house was quiet Mikoto prepared dinner, sparing a glance over at Izuna every so often. In all honesty, he concerned her. The boy never seemed to grow attached to anything other than Itachi, even her and Fugaku. He had no toys he cared about, none he even played with. Every moment he could spend with Itachi he did, the older boy not minding. Not even kids at the park could pull him into playing with them. More than just his apathy for anything not Itachi, she also worried for his future. It's not that he was slow in his training or struggling to keep up with Itachi but the opposite. He excelled in everything. It's not like Izuna was going to tell her he remembered his life as the second strongest of the Uchiha clan from before the village was founded.

She stopped stirring the pot as Izuna perked up. He jumped to his feet and grinned. His eyes lit up the way they only ever did when he saw Itachi and she smiled, her shoulders relaxing. It meant Itachi was home.

Mikoto froze as Izuna's smile dropped. There was a look on his face that she'd never seen before. Rage. She rushed around the kitchen to see out the door, turning around the half wall that blocked her view. Locking eyes with Fugaku she picked out the almost regretful but stern look, the one he had when he had to push aside his fatherly affections in front of clan meetings and in training.

Itachi was the next thing she saw. He looked dishevelled, to say the least. Eyes wide and hands shaking. There were splatters of blood on his clothes and skin. Her heart sank.

"Itachi!" She knelt down beside him and brushed away hair and clothes, looking for any wounds.

"He's fine," Fugaku took a step into the house. Mikoto was more than pissed at him but another voice cut through the air before she could speak.

"Fine?!" It was high pitched and childish, Izuna. Mikoto turned to him. The glare wasn't all that, coming from a two year old, but the feelings behind it were clear. He had nothing but hatred for his father at that moment. Fugaku looked taken aback.

"Watch yourself, Izuna," Fugaku went back to his usual stoic mask and met Izuna's eyes for a second before continuing into the house. She saw the toddler take a step to follow him but stopped him, the hand on his arm not budging.

His glare turned to her but softened as he met equally angry eyes. He looked over at Itachi before grabbing his older brother's hand and pulling him towards the bathroom. Mikoto let the two boys go, sighing as she slowly got back up to her feet. She followed Fugaku, the food in the kitchen went cold that night. 


NOTE: At four Itachi went with Fugaku and witnessed war casuallties in the third war, this is set then.

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