LEAVE ME ALONE! (chapter 11)

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Mysterion and chaos just stared at each other. Chaos was now hyperventilating tears streaming down his face. "Buttercup-" mysterion was cut off "Kenny leave." Mysterion was surprised "butters i-" "leave I hurt you! Kenny I can't... You can't be around me right now" "mysterion grabbed his chest running away into the darkness.

(Mysterion Pov)

I ran as fast as I could tears flowing off my face. "Chaos is butters!?" I thought as I ran into the cold night. I ran and I ran until. I stopped, I turned around to see chaos on the roof of you-store-it looking down at me the moon casting his shadow on the pavement. I saw chaos turn around and leap to the ground.

(Chaos pov)

I leapt down from the building running home. I couldn't bare to know that the boy I loved is the boy I hurt the most. I ran home not caring if I got grounded. I ran upstairs to my room ignoring my dad's yelling. I closed my door behind me tearing off my costume and throwing it in the trash. I jump onto my bed tears escaping my eyes. I grab my I pod and put in my headphones I turn on stick season by Noah kahan. Falling asleep tears covering my pillow

(Time skip to the morning)

(Still butters pov)

I wake up to the sun in my face. Shining in my eyes, I look over to my trash can seeing the costume I ripped last night. A sigh escapes my mouth as I lay back down not getting to close my eyes before my dad yells "butters get your ass up it's time to get ready!" I stand up and put on my green cargo pants and teal jacket. I look in the mirror to see the scar I got in fourth grade, a slash across my eye making it go partly blind. I brush my hair and head downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning son" my dad says handing me my backpack and breakfast. I eat the breakfast and head out the door. I deside to walk to school seeing Kenny was to much of a risk.

(Kenny pov)

I wait at the bus stop my three friends there as always. No butters though, I knew he wouldn't come but I was some what disappointed. The bus arrived taking us to school

(Time skip to in class still Kenny's pov)

I look over to butters he's sitting at the front of class farthest away from me. I sigh going back to working. "Hey dude?" Stan taps my shoulder. "Hmm?" Is all I respond with "you good? You seem.. different" "yeah I'm fine dude" I say trying to sound confincing "if you say so" Stan says turning back to Kyle. "They're definitely dating" I think to myself. The period bell rings. And I head out of class looking for butters, I see him getting books from his locker. I tap his shoulder, he turns around when he sees me his eyes widen "Kenny what did I say-" I cut him off "butters no. It's fine you didn't know it was me!" "I hurt you ken! I can't take that back.." he yelled back at me attracting attention to us. "Buttercup please!" I say trying to get him to confide "Kenny not here" he says quietly. I grab his arm dragging him into the bathroom. "Ok now tell me!" I say to butters

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" butters says tears in his already red eyes. I grab butters hands. "butters I love you and nothing can change that" butters froze before breaking down onto Kenny sobbing into his chest. "Kenny I have to tell you something" he said to me "huh?" "It was Eric he told me to hurt you he had my accomplice. If I didn't he would hurt him I'm so sorry mys- Kenny.." he said still sobbing into my chest "Cartman?" I say my knuckles tightening in anger. I grab butters hand storming out of the bathroom, I run up to Eric "CARTMAN!" I yell in his face "geez Kenny what's up your ass" he says smugly. I punch him to the ground, blood falling from his nose "come near butters or chaos again and I'll kill you." I say before turning to butters "you ok butters?" I say putting my hand on his cheek. "Yeah.. thank you ken" "no problem" I say before kissing him. Infront of everyone, a bunch of people we're whispering. Kyle and Stan were holding hands smiling. And Cartman he just looked up and said "knew it" before passing out dramatically.

Ok so this is the end thank you for reading my first book hope you enjoyed sorry for any misspelled words or anything like that anyway

(Word count 803)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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