Chapter Twenty

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I finished getting ready then got Noah ready as well and all the while Trent waited patiently.

"So are we taking my car or that shiny new benz you got from your new man?" Trent ask as he file out the house.

"He's not my man anymore," I correct him. "So let's take your car."

"Okay," He chuckles before grabbing Noah's hand and guiding him to his shiny silver Honda. Trent unlocked the doors and helped buckle Noah inside expertly like he's done so many times in the past few years. Watching him make sure his son was safe reminded me of the time when Chris buckled Noah in for the first time. He was so nervous and unsure. "You okay?" Trent's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I force a smile before I go over and climb inside the passenger's seat.

"So what happened between you and homeboy anyways?" Trent asks as he begins to drive.

"The whole point of this skip day Trent was to not think about him, so..." I say irritated before I stared outside the window, now annoyed.

"I'm just curious. What, did he cheat on you with a groupie?" Trent continued to ask.

"You'd have to be together to cheat so no." I reply.

"So you weren't together but he bought you a car?"

"You're annoying me Trent." I tell him. "Whatever Chris and I was or weren't- it's over. So drop it." I command.

"Alright fine... I didn't want that nigga around my son anyways." Trent says.

"Oh because you're the better influence?" I roll my eyes.

"I take care of my son." He argues.

"Yeah, when I force you to."

"I work." Trent tells me.

"Oh and what do I do? Sit on my ass all day? I go to school and I have a job, but Noah knows he's my number one. Too bad he can't say the same about you."

"Stop arguing." Noah suddenly says behind us.

I turn my head back to him, instantly feeling bad that he had to hear this. "I'm sorry baby. Mommy and daddy were just talking loudly."

Noah frowns but doesn't say anything and turns his head to stare out the window. This was supposed to be a fun day.

I turn to Trent who's attention was solely on the road again.

"For the sake of our son, can we just try to get along for one day?" I ask him.


We arrive at the local park five minutes later.

"Mommy slide!" Noah exclaims as soon as he gets out the car.

"Cool! Let's go!" I take his hand and the both of us sprint off towards the slides.

"Wait for me!" I hear Trent yell.

"Run faster!" I giggle and Noah and I runner faster towards the slides. "Ah!" I squeal when I'm suddenly lifted from the ground when an arm wraps around my waist.

"Ah!" Noah squeals right along with me as Trent lifts him off the ground.

"Daddy got us!" I scream while starting to squirm out of Trent's grip.

"Next time y'all gonna wait for him huh?" Trent chuckles before he finally sets us down in the sand.

"Come on let's go to the slide." I say to Noah and the three of us all head up the steps that lead up to the top of the stairs. Noah is the first in line and I'm right behind him.  The two of us position ourselves to go down the slide together when all of a sudden I feel another body pressed behind me.

I turn my head to look at Trent. "What are you doing?" I try not to laugh.

"I wanna go down the slide too."

"I think it has  a two people limit."

"Guess we'll find out." Trey says then before I can react he's thrusting his hips and we're being pushed down the slide.

"I wanna-I wanna go again. That was not fast!" Noah frowns and crosses his hands over his chest.

"It's your daddy's fault." I blame.

Trent chuckles. "I'm sorry little man. Let's go up again and this time you can come down by yourself."

"Okay!" Noah squeals excitedly before he's running towards the steps again.

"I'm gonna go get a drink of water from the fountain." I tell Trent before I walk away. The closest water fountain was far from the playground but I could still see Trent and Noah from a distance. I bend down and tilt my head to the side and take a sip of the cool water.

"I didn't take you as the hookie type." A familiar deep voice says to me. I lift up my head to see Chris standing before me. "But then again you never seem to fail to surprise me."

"W-What are you doing here Chris?"

"You turned me down- more than once and I still chased you. I don't chase anybody." Chris began. "I met your son and I don't talk to women who has kids- but I still talked to you. I let you meet my mom which no other girl has done- not even the other two. But I let you do all those things Sienna because I'm feeling you. Really feeling you. You said you don't know what this thing between us is and honestly, I don't know either. But i'm willing to explore it to figure it out because i'm not ready to end this." He finished.

"What we were doing Chris- that wasn't me. I don't jump into things without thinking it through and I don't get involved unless it's serious... I want it all... Can you give that to me?"

"I can try. I never wanted to try before you Sienna. "

"You're gonna try?" I raised a brow at him.


"Okay." I smile softly.

"Okay?" A slow smile started to spread on his face.

"Okay." I repeat, taking a small step closer to him.

"So you gonna give a nigga another chance?" Chris asks.

"Yes." I giggle.

"Come here." Then he pulls me close to his body before his lips crashes on mine, kissing me deeply.

Yeah... I didn't get enough of this either and the scary part? I don't think I ever would.


Confession: That was the final chapter before the epilogue :O I've been writing this story since 2012 and that's a long time to only have 20 chapters written. I think it's time for this story to come to an end. Thank you so much for all the votes and comments over the years!

If I write another Chris story, will you guys read?

Epilogue next!

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