Religion and Obsession

Start from the beginning

He would lay his head on your lap and closed his eyes and listened to you reading a novel. He always said that you have a soothing voice. At first you thought he was exaggerating but soon you gto convinced otherwise by him always falling asleep when you read to him.

After taking out a book you sat down on the light brown leather couch and covered your legs with beige woolblanket. Then you opened the book and began reading. Soon you lost track of time, getting lost in the pages. You were so focused on the novel that you didn't notice someone entering the library.

"'The Cross'? Can't say I ever heard of that novel."

You flinch together, startled by the sudden voice. As you look up, your eyes met the amthyst coloured ones of Fyodor.

"H-Huh? Oh yeah, it's not really popular. Not many know about it."

Fyodor sat down on the couch beside you.

"Do you mind teling me what it's about?"

You closed your book, putting a finger between the pages you were currently on.

"It's about a man who gets obsessed with his religion and therefor neglects his health, work and even his loved ones. And when he realises what his actions caused, it's already too late."

He nodded with an interested face, the hint of a smile on his lips.

"Do you think it's realistic?", he asks. "Do you think it is possible for a human to become so obsessed with something that he loses everything he loves and values?"

You thought for a moment.

"Don't we have examples of that in real life? Like stalkers who become obsessed with someone which often results in ugly outcomes. So yes, I think it is possible to become so fixated on your obsession that you neglect everything else."

He nodded slowly, carefully listening to your thoughts.

"I see what you mean. It is true that people tend to get fixated on things so much, they forget everything else in their life. Would you mind if I borrowed this book some time?"

"No, of course not. You can borrow it anytime you want. You can read any book in this library if you wish to."

He smiled at you slightly and got up.

"I appreciate your offer, my dear."

With that he walked around the shelfs, searching for a book that would catch his interest. He stopped in front of the shelf with your religious books. Even though you weren't religious yourself, you were interested in the diffrent religions and their history.

"May I ask you another question, my dear?"

You didn't look up from your book, but smirked slightly.

"Didn't you just do that?"

You heard a chuckle of the russian as you said that. It's obvious he's amused by your response.

"That is true, but I assume you know what I insinuate."

"Yes, yes, go on and ask your question."

"You have scriptures of many diffrent religions here in your library. However I must wonder, are you even religious yourself?"

Shaking your head, you closed your book again, leaving a finger between the pages as a bookmark and looked up to Fyodor.

"No, I wouldn't say I'm religious or faithful yet I wouldn't lable myself as an atheist. We neither have proof of a God's exsistence nor of a God's nonexsistence, so I don't deny that there's something like a God but I'm also not convinced that there is one."

"That is an interesting opinion, my dear. So due to the fact that we don't have evidence of God, you don't believe in something that might not even exsist. In my opinion that is very reasonable."

You smiled at his words. He was so respectful and careful with his words and his heavy russian accent was very soothing in your opinion.

"What about you? Are you part of a religion?"

His eyes layed on the bookshelf again, while he nodded. Then he took out a thick book. The cover was red with a golden cross on it. The bible.

You understood immediatly.

"You are christian?"

"Christian Orthodox to be exact."

Making a humming sound, you nodded in acknowledgment. You didn't really know how to react to this since you didn't know that much about the Christian Orthodox religion if you were honest.

Awkward silence fell between you two as you turned back to your book and he sat down beside you on the couch again with the bible. The both of you began to read. The silence, first uncomfortable and awkward, slowly became pleasant and enjoyable. Just the two of you sitting beside each other in peace, the only sound in the room was the one of your breathing.

After a while you got into the mood of some tea. You liked drinking tea or coffee while reading, though you were more of a tea person. A snack was also welcome sometimes.

Just as you had decided to get up and ask Fyodor if he wanted some tea as well, you hear the library door open. You turn your head in the direction of the entrance to see a messy looking Nikolai. He had a sullen expression on his face what was something you actually never really saw in your life. It must've been due to his hangover.

However when his eyes layed on Fyodor and you, his face immediatly got brighter.

"Good morning birdie, good morning Fedya", he greeted the both of you as he threw himself between the two of you, his arms over the backrest of the couch.

"You still don't seem to have fully recovered from the alcohol Kolya", the russian said with an indiffrent tone, not looking up from his book.

"Nah, I'm fine don't worry Fedya. What are you reading by the way?"

Fedya? You noticed how Nikolai didn't call him Dos-kun anymore and instead called him by this nickname. If you were not mistaken it meant something like 'a divine gift' or 'a gift of god'. Still it made sense that he called him this since it was a short form of the name 'Fyodor'.

"What do you think I'm reading? It should be quite obvious to be honest."

Fyodor seemed slightly annoyed by Nikolai interrupting him while reading.

"Ouu, it's the bible of course. Spoiler, Jesus dies."

You held back your laughter by putting a hand over your mouth, still there was an amused snort heard from you. Fyodor now shifted his gaze from the book to Nikolai, the annoyance visible on his face. In your opinion, his expression was priceless.

"Was that really necessary, Kolya?"

Kolya. The name Fyodor called Nikolai. This one also made sense. It was the short form of the name 'Nikolai'. To the best of your knowledge it meant something like 'Victor of the people'. All in all you could understand why they called each other that since they seemed to be friends.

"Oh come on, it was just a joke Fedya. It was funny, right birdie?"

Nikolai shifted his head to you. You just shook your head amused.

"Yes Niko, you're hilarious."

Niko. The nickname you called him when you were younger. Back then you had many nick- and petnames for each other. You either called him Niko, Niks or Honey. Sometimes even the ukrainian form of 'Honey'. His nicknames for you were Songbird, Dove or Sweetheart, though he used the Ukrainian forms more often.

Nikolai's face seemed to brighten at the old nickname and for you it also felt natural to call him that since you actually called him by this more times than his actual name.

"Now, does anybody want tea?"


WHOO, longest chapter so far, hope you like it.

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