🩸Two Minutes (pt.52)🩸

Start from the beginning

We had a small, brightly colored play structure in our backyard that we barely touched. I set him down on the swing and grabbed the handlebars, gently pushing him back and forth.

He was still sniffling, but it did seem to calm him down. I had to swing them lightly because he was still younger than the advertised age and was capable of falling off.
Although, I suppose with his enhanced strength, he probably would've been fine. He wasn't ever interested in using it though, unless he was being especially clingy. In which case, it was hell trying to keep him off me.

Melanie came running back out, crusty periwinkle bunny in hand.

I knelt down to her level, forcing away a sigh.

I tried to settle her down, holding her by her shoulders as she bounced up and down.

"I'm fine with you helping me with your brother, Mel. But...you aren't me or Mama," I said.

"I know," she answered, eyes wide.
"You can't be his parent all the time."

"I-I'm sorry."
"It's okay, lovely. Let's go play."

Theo sat still on the swings, waiting for his delivery on Bun-Bun.
She ran over to him and shoved it into his lap, earning a giggle from him.

I quickly grabbed the handlebars of the swings before he toppled over and he stared at me blank-faced.

"Apologies for trying not to let you fall," I scoffed, beginning to lightly push him again.

"Mommy, I want to go!"
"You can go on the other one, lovely."
"I want that one!"

Toddlers never failed to make me confused. It was like how she'd rather drink out of the pink cup rather than the green cup when they both had the same drink and the same amount of said drink.

"The swings are the same," I told her.
"That one's better!"

I sighed. Theo wouldn't care if I switched him, he'd barely bat an eye. But on the other hand, Cleo would advise me not to give her what she wanted, that it wasn't a good teaching lesson or something. I just didn't want her to be mad.

"Both of the swings are the same, Mel," I repeated, "you have to...share,"

I wasn't really sure that was what sharing was. Whatever.

She just looked up at me with a desperate pouty look on her face.

I held back a groan, Cleo couldn't expect me to say no when she looked at me like that. They were literal toddlers, it should've been easier to say one word.

I focused back on Theo. "You share your dolls all the time. You can take turns." I said.

She just plopped onto the grass and crossed her arms, "Fine,"

"Theo will have two more minutes, then you can go on this one."
"That's soooo long!" She cried, launching her back onto the ground and throwing her arms up.

This was supposed to be easy.

"It isn't, lovely, I promise."

"Mama- Mama would let me!"

I was completely sure Cleo would never let her.

"Well, regardless..." I mumbled.

She spoke up, "Why do I have to share?"

"So you can be nice to other people," I replied simply.

I already knew where this was going.

"So you don't hurt their feelings,"

"Why?" She asked again.

"Because...you want to be nice to people, Mel."


I sighed, "Why do you think?"

It was the play of a typical Cleo card and was supposed to make her quiet.

She pondered for a moment, "I asked you, Mommy." Her face was stern.

It was nearly impossible to be mad at her sass.

I turned to stare at her, my face completely blank.

I was at a loss for words. What was I supposed to say to that?

"I'm not sure, then."

I forced a smile, "Oh look, Theo's time is already up."

I lifted him off the swing and he grabbed onto my neck, holding Bun-Bun.
Melanie was quick to jump up and hop onto the swing, immediately kicking her legs, and getting it moving. I gave her a little push, trying not to get caught. If she caught me pushing her, I was sure to get berated.

She was happily swinging, until her lips became pursed. I knew more questions were coming, and I tried to mentally prepare myself.

"Mommy, why did they make Hell?"
My eyes widened.

I coughed. "Wh-what?"

"I will not repeat myself!"

She'd picked that up from Cleo, who had said it to her a million times when telling her to go to sleep.

"Where did you hear about...Hell?" I'd barely managed to not trip over my words.

She wasn't watching anything bad, we hadn't been talking to her much about any vampire-y things, and not anything religious.

"Well that's helpful," I muttered to myself.

I raised my voice, "Why don't you ask Mama when she comes home?"
Cleo had done it to me a million times, it was time for payback.


Thank God.
Not to be ironic.

"Today, at night. Mama will be home once you wake up tomorrow."
I guess that made it another day for them.

"Okay! Yay!"

They'd be asleep when I would go to pick up Cleo from the airport, so Faris would be home with them. I might've been even more excited than them for her to come back.

After a little while, I took us all inside and Melanie got some time on her tablet. Meanwhile, Theo wasn't letting go of me, and I was sure it was his way of insisting on cuddles.

So I crept up onto the sofa and scooped him into my lap. He threw his arms around my neck once again and put Bun-Bun in my lap.

But after some time, he became uncomfortable and switched positions. Now, lower in my lap, he clung onto my arm and began to nibble. It didn't break skin, or anything. It barely felt like a poke. His fangs weren't in yet, but it almost seemed as if he was teething all over again.

I'd have to ask Cleo about it. But it felt like time was passing ever so slowly until I'd get to see her.

One thing I knew for sure, Melanie sure didn't try to eat me when she had started teething.

One thing I knew for sure, Melanie sure didn't try to eat me when she had started teething

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(A/N, marine sure made quite an entrance there)

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