Unity Day

20 1 0

[bellamy's tent]

[as the sun gleams in through the tent bellamy stirs awake and turns and sees ava sleeping beside him naked and he smiles and pulls her closer kissing her and she opens her eyes]

bellamy: morning

ava: morning...

bellamy: so last night

ava: [smiling] it was...unexpected but fun...

bellamy: something that will occur again? maybe?

[ava then smiles and gets up putting her clothes on]

bellamy: i did mean what i said..by the way

[ava then turns to bellamy smiling]

ava: i know..and for what its worth...you're starting to grow on me

[the two then kiss as bellamy pulls ava back into his lap and he starts kissing her neck]

ava: i should go

[bellamy continues to kiss and she pulls away]

bellamy: alright...i'll see you later though

[ava then nods her head and steps out of bellamy's tent smiling]


[clarke goes over to bellamy who is eating an apple and gazing at ava who is talking to miller, jasper and monty]

Clarke: Hey. The comms are still dead. They cut out during the pageant.

Bellamy: Best Unity Day ever.

Clarke: Do you really think now is a good time to be having a party? I mean, the Grounder is out there.

Bellamy: Grounders. By now, he's made it home. He's probably putting together a lynch mob. Relax. I got security covered. Why don't you go get a drink? You look like you could use one.

Clarke: I could use more than one.

Bellamy: Then have more than one. Clarke, the Exodus ship carrying your mother comes down here in two days. After that, the party's over. Have some fun while you still can. You deserve it.

Clarke: Yeah. Okay. So do you by the way.

[clarke then motions over to ava who is smiling at bellamy]

Bellamy: I'll have my fun when the Grounders come.

Clarke: All right.


[octavia and lincoln have just finished having sex and lincoln looks at octavia]

lincoln: i need to ask about your friend...the one with the tattoo with the circle and hand

octavia: oh...ava...what about her

lincoln: has she always lived in space

octavia: as far as i know...why

lincoln: just the tattoo on her arm...

octavia: what about it

lincoln: we have different clans...one of them being the ice nation...which represents the tattoo on your friend...

octavia: how is that possible...her parents...or brother don't have that tattoo...

lincoln: is it possible she was adopted...

octavia: no...its not possible


[ava is dancing with miller and finn pulls her off to the side]

finn: so i saw you leaving bellamy's tent

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