Earth Kills

26 1 0

[The next morning with BELLAMY, ava and murphy ]

( JASPER moans in the background as MURPHY tries to throw a Knife and stick it in a tree )

Murphy: That damn kid, always messing with my head.

[ava then shoots her arrow at the tree that hits it dead on]

ava: not my aim

[ava then sends a smile towards murphy as bellamy clears his throat]

Bellamy: He's not gonna last much longer. Better think of a new excuse.

( BELLAMY shows off by throwing his axe into the tree and it sticks )

Bellamy: That's how it's done.

[bellamy then sends a smile towards ava as ATOM and other members of BELLAMY's group approach )

Atom: We searched a half-mile all directions. No sign of Trina or Pascal.

Murphy: Visit your special tree when you were out there?

Bellamy: Atom took his punishment. Let it go.

Atom: Could be Grounders.

Murphy: Yeah, or they could be in pound town. Lot of that going around recently. [sending a suggestive look to ava]

( JASPER continues to moan )

Atom: Look, Bellamy, people are scared, and that dying kid, he's not helping the morale around here.

Bellamy: Morale will go up when I find them more food.

Delinquent: And what do we say when they ask about Trina and Pascal?

Bellamy: Now? Nothing. It's possible they're just lost. We'll keep an eye out for them when we go hunting later.

Murphy: Let's go kill something.

Bellamy: You're not going.

( BELLAMY stops MURPHY from following )

Bellamy: I need you to stay here. If the Grounders are circling, we can't leave this place unprotected.

Murphy: Fine. Somebody better tell goggle boy to keep it shut.

bellamy: [nodding]'re with me

[ava then pulls murphy in a kiss]

Ava: i'll see you when i get back

[murphy then nods and watches as she leaves with bellamy and a few others from camp to go prep for hunting]

[ava/murphy's tent]

[ava is packing her things and turns and sees finn]

finn: where you going

ava: bellamy needs people out there hunting..thought i would make myself..useful...besides...i am the best archer here

finn: i don't like this ava...

ava: like what

finn: you...and bellamy...

ava: there is no and bellamy...i have a boyfriend...

finn: i know that...and i trust you...i just don't trust him...i mean you see how he is around the camp

ava: yes...he has a certain..way..of how he gets things done..but finn...whatever he is is working..we are surviving...and if we want to continue..i need to go hunt

[finn then nods as ava pats his arm]



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