His Sisters Keeper

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[Ava is in her tent and hears someone come in and sees bellamy]

bellamy: You're up?

ava: Yeah. Knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on The Ark makes it pretty hard to sleep.

bellamy: Raven's flares will work.

ava: Her radio would've worked better.

bellamy: Have you seen Octavia?

ava: No. It's Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies.

bellamy: ava, I've checked the camp. She's not here.

ava: Ok. I'll help you find her. Let's check again. You go to the dropship. I'll check the rest of the tents.

bellamy: Thank you.

ava: no need to thank me...she is my best friend

[ava then walks off as bellamy watches her go with a smile]


[bellamy is addressing everyone at the camp]

Bellamy: Hey, everybody, gather around and grab a weapon. My sister's been out there alone for 12 hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without her.

clarke: Hey, Jasper, you don't have to do this. You haven't left camp since we brought you back.

jasper: Clarke, I need to do this. 

bellamy: We need all the people we can get.

ava: We need a tracker...finn...get out here

[bellamy and ava turn leading the group until one of them stops and looks at the sky and seeing flashes in the sky]

Man: Guys, guys. Come here! Did you see that? Look up there. It's so beautiful.

Raven: They didn't work. They didn't see the flares.

Bellamy: A meteor shower tells you that?

clarke: It's not a meteor shower, it's a funeral. Hundreds of bodies being returned to the Earth from The Ark. This is what it looks like from the other side. They didn't get our message.

raven: [pushing through the crowd towards bellamy] This is all because of you!

bellamy: I helped you find the radio.

raven: Yeah, after you jacked it from my pod and trashed it!

clakre: Yeah, he knows. Now has to live with it.

bellamy: All I know is that my sister is out there and I'm gonna find her. You coming or what?

finn: Yeah.

bellamy: What are we waiting for? Move out!

[bellamy then turns and ava follows him]


[the group is walking in the woods and stop near the edge of a hill]

man: Look! Over here!

bellamy: What is it?

man: Right there. You see it? Is that Octavia's?

bellamy: Rope.

ava: What are you doing?

bellamy: We need the rope to get back up.

bellamy: Flashlight.

[bellamy then takes the rope tying it to a tree and takes the flashlight and goes down the hill and finn and ava look at one another]

bellamy: (Breathing heavily) It's hers.

[finn then looks at ava]

ava: what

finn: after we find octavia...can i talk to you...in private

[understanding what it means meaning raven and clarke she nods]

ava: of course...you can

[the two then look back at bellamy]

Bellamy: I'm going all the way down.

[jasper then graps the rope and goes down and finn and ava follow shortly after and see bellamy crouched down looking at a rock with blood on it]

bellamy: Someone else was here.

finn: The prints are deeper going that way.

ava: He was carrying her.

jasper: If they took her, she's alive. Like when they took me.

[everyone then gets up and makes their way deeper in the woods and they come across a grounder camp]

ava: I don't speak Grounder... But I'm pretty sure this means keep out.

Man: Let's get out of here. It's crazy.

Different man: I'm outta here.

Different man: Yeah, me, too.

Different man: I'm out.

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