Chpt. 1: Prologue

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"I hate this."

"You hate everything." Lightning laughed.

"Exactly! I. Hate. Everything. But right now, it's this."

Lightning laughed again. "Going on a walk?"

Which was what they were doing. Lightning saw it as a fun pastime, Fanny? Not so much.

"Hm." She watched as her legs moved. Walking in sync with his flying. "Yeah." She said proudly.

"Hahahaha! Fanny you're funny!" He threw his arms around his sides.

Fanny smiled. She didn't think she was trying to be funny, but Lightning's laugh was worth it, whatever she did. I mean, it was true. She did hate everything. Well, almost everything. She didn't hate Lightning, he was her friend after all. She didn't really have a lot of them.

"Why are we even doing this anyway?" The fan asked, honestly.

"I don't know," Lightning shrugged. "Since Two is doing... whatever their doing, we need to do something. And walkings fun, well..." he looked down, "You know what I mean."

Two. She hated Two. They invited them to play in their show, then they just left to do, God(what's something that makes fans??) knows what. Probably hanging out with Four and X during BFB. She hated BFB and she hated Four and X too. Now they were just waiting for them to come back.

It was boring without a game to play though. But the objects found things to do.

Lightning liked going on walks around where the competitions used to be. Pillow liked being a nuisance, and gambling, who knew. She would often play with Puffball, Nickel, Bomby, Coiny, YellowFace, Naily, Bottle, and Marker.

Basketball and Robot Flower were really close, they hit it off almost immediately. Though besides Basketball, Robot Flower would often hang out with objects that shared her robot-ness, ie. TV and Remote.

Remote hung out with her old team, Death Pact. Though some seemed to leave the alliance all together. But besides that, they mostly stayed pretty close together.

'Must be nice', Fanny thought to herself. Besides Lightning, Snowball was the only other person left from her old team and they really didn't get along.

SB, Pen, Blocky, and Eraser were still bestfriends. Jocks, mostly. They enjoyed playing aggressive sports, on the rare occasions, aggressive video games.

Golfball and Tennisball always seemed to be doing some sort of science nonsense. Rocky hung out with them quite a bit.

Rocky also hung around with the younger contestants. They liked to stick together, like some little gang. Grassy, Marker, and Rocky, though they used have a fourth before he got eliminated back in BFB.

Pin liked to bake, sometimes Coiny would help out. He's a real friendly/helpful type. Almost friends with everyone, so he spends most of his time doing things with other people.

Puffball liked to fly?? Fanny really didnt know what she did. She hangs out with Fries sometimes. Fries liked gardening, Donut, Pin, and PB would often help out.

Donut really like to help out, he was almost like everyone's dad or something.

Nickel hung with the people that were left of his old team, along with Bomby.

Book and Pillow seemed sorta close. Pillow liked to read her (even though she can't read). But Book liked to be alone most of the time. Well, with what happend in BFB, she doesn't get along with alot of people anymore.

Fanny didn't know much about YellowFace, besides he runs the gambling. Frankly, he kinda scared her.

Ice Cube liked to hang out with Needle, or really anyone from BFDI. Needle liked jogging in her freetime, or swimming, or anything athletic that she can do by herself. Kind of a loner.

Gaty and Saw were dating, which was cute and all, but Fanny found it annoying. So she didn't really pay much attention to them to know how they like to spend their time.

Cake spend time with Clock, or he tried to at least. Clock was a real loner and Cake really missed Loser.

Naily did... whatever Naily does?? She gambled with Pillow and that's all Fanny knew about her.

Bell liked to sing. With the help of the other contestants, she would put on little concerts and some times talent shows.

Eggy tended to spend her time with the people from her old team, The Losers. Barfbag was a bit of a loner, or at least, that's what Fanny thought of her. Foldy used to be close with Stapy and Marker, but since Stapy got eliminated, they don't hang out much anymore.

But Fanny didn't really have anyway to spend her time besides spending it with Lightning.

"Hey there, Fanny!" Pillow hollered, running at her.

"Ah!" She quickly dodged her. Pillow ended up falling face first into the grass. Fanny looked at her confused and disappointed.

"Oh my Storm Clouds! Pillow are you alright?" Lightning asked, flying down to give her a hand.

"Yep! I'm fine." She bounced back like nothing happened, ignoring Lightning's hand.

"Anyway!" She wiped the dirt off of her cloth. "Fanny, I need you!" She pointed at her.

"Um... why?" Fanny said rather apprehensively.

She shrugged her shoulders "Cuz!" The plastered smile she kept never left her face for even a second.

"Go on." Lightning slightly whispered towards Fanny, pushing her gently forward.

She groaned. "Fine."

Dont know if u can tell butOne of my fav ships is PillowFaning Aka pillow x fanny x lightningIt'll will show up more :)

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Dont know if u can tell but
One of my fav ships is PillowFaning
Aka pillow x fanny x lightning
It'll will show up more :)

There are so many tpot characters agh!

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