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Amelia McCall-Mikaelson

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Amelia McCall-Mikaelson

Allison shoots the arrow at Derek. Causing Liam to catch it. She shoots another i vamp speed and catch it. Scott runs up to Derek. Malia shows up right after Allison left. I drop the arrow and run to Derek. "Can't you heal him." Mailia asked me. "If I do and he dies. He turns." I tell her. "Find Eli." Scott looks at him confused. "Derek he's not here." "He was. We have a plan. He at the car." I nod at Scott. "I'll find him okay. Just hold on." I get up and vamp speed away.

I vamp speed towards Eli. "Lia." He says out of breath. "Go I'll distract her." Allison Rises her bow about to an arrow at me and Eli. But the garage door opens. She releases the arrow at Scott. "Go go." I grab Eli's hand dragging him with me.

We run to Scott's truck, Allison shoots an arrow at the tire. "Look I know you don't remember, but if you can stop trying to kill for a second I can explain." Scott tells her. We run to the side of a car. "We're gonna have to run. I'm gonna need you to heal." "I Can't. I can't heal. I can't transform. I can't do anything's." "Well your gonna learn.right now." I tell him. "How" "like this." Scott let's out a roar. Causing Eli's eyes to glow. Healing the cut that he has in his cheek.  After Eli heals we run to the fence running through the hole.

We began running through the woods. We stop at  a river. "Listen your gonna have to go on with out me." "Wait what are you talking about." Eli asked Scott confused. "I have to try and get through to her. Lia will be with you." "She trying to get an arrow through you." I tell Scott. Scott groans looking at his hands. "What is that." Eli asks. "Wolf's bane." "You go. I can stop she can't hurt me." I tell Scott. "No you take Eli as far as possible. Away from the woods." " I can't do this with you." Scott looks at Eli. "You just learned how to heal. You'll be ok." "You did that." "If Allison has a chance to remembering who she is. She just needs the same push." "Find your dad. I think I'm going to need his help." I look at Scott. Eli gets up and runs away. "Go" he whispers at me. I get up run after Eli.

Eli and I reached to road. "Eli!" I yell once I see a car coming right at him. I vamp speed towards him. Moving him away from the car. The car stop, and opens the door. Noah gets out of the car. We walk into the house "dad" Eli says "Eli." Eli runs to Derek. Hugging him. "you're safe eli. You're safe." Noah and I walk behind Eli. "Scott isn't." He says. "Hey. We've got a problem." Noah tells Derek. "Three of them." Three oni shows up in front of us. Surrounding us.

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