Chapter Sixteen

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I can't believe time has flown by. What has only been a few weeks feels like months. It's the night of the homecoming dance and for the first time since I became a freshman two years ago, I don't plan on attending the school dance or any of the after parties.

Instead, I am sitting here at the teen center on the ground on a beanbag of all things and reading my bible while I wait for the movie to start. That's right, all the kids from the church and friends have gathered here tonight to watch a Disney movie instead of going to the dance.

I look up from my bible to see that Irene is still playing a pool game with Marco and I smirk because she is so obviously kicking his butt. I look back down to my bible and I read Matthew chapter 6 about how if you donate or do any good works; you are to do it in secret and from the heart and not for the praise of others.

The same goes for when you pray. Prayer is known for being a sacred thing. I slightly jump at the voice that comes from behind me, but I don't jump because I'm scared because the voice belongs to who I now know as Brad and I jump because it came from nowhere.

He's reading over my shoulder, "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward."

I can't help but to Laugh as he contagiously laughs out half of the verse. Clearly, him startling me has amused him in some sort of way. He sits next to me on the other bean bag and folds his arms.

As he announces, "I noticed Mr. R. Can't take his eyes off of you.."

I turn to look and see the same middle-aged man I was so attracted to last week looking at me. It's the same look a month ago I would have loved but a week ago I confronted him and told him it couldn't go anywhere and now I keep catching him staring at me, but I don't want Brad to know.

I kind of have a crush on Brad, and I don't want him to think less of me. At this moment, Brad admires me and my relationship with God, and I don't want that to go away.

I shake my head and look back at him and ask,
"want to read with me?"

He smiles and, giving no verbal agreements, his actions speak louder than words as he struts over to his chair and grabs his bible and joins me. He sits down and opens it to Matthew chapter 6. He stares at his bible then looks up at me.

sarcastically states, "stop creeping on me and read...It's your turn!"

I gasp and my mouth opens wide dramatically and we laugh together. I take a deep breath and go back into my serious mode.

I continue to read where he left off, "But thou, when thou prayest, enter thy closet, and when thou have shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which Seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

I admit out loud, "I'd feel a little silly praying in my closet.."

He stops me and I can tell he's trying not to laugh as he asks, "Don't tell me you actually prayed in your closet?"

I nervously shake my head and replied defensively because of his tone, "No but of course I will, because that's what it says!"

He doesn't hold it back anymore when he laughs way too hard.

He tries to explain himself,  "He means to pray your personal prayers in silence. Don't do it for attention. Don't pray for competition. Pray for the love of God and to help others."

Now I'm laughing at myself and I point an accusing finger at him, "Don't you dare tell a soul!"

He pretends to zip his lips.

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