Chapter Fourteen

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We get to the church. We go inside and it looks like every other church that I've driven past but when I get inside the actual size of it causes me to spin in a circle in awe of how big this church is. The one on Wednesday is small and Quaint but this one is huge. I can't lie when I say that I'm lost. Irene is nowhere in my sights and she makes me jump when she loops her arms around me.

Whispering, "Want a donut?"

I gasp at the sound of my stomach rumbling. The sudden growl causes Irene to laugh. She yanks me by the arm to a giant auditorium. It has an upstairs and downstairs. The downstairs has abunch of basketball hoops.
She points with her hand towards what looks like a kitchen and my eyes go wide and my mouth waters at the smell and look of these donuts. I lost all sense of manners as I ran to the breakfast desserts.

My eyes wander as my mind is at a loss and incapable of choosing just one. With All tough decisions put behind us Irene and I make our way upstairs to what she calls the teenage Sunday school.

It doesn't take long before I find myself lost in the words of the youth group leader and my thoughts are consumed in his sermon.

He asks, "Is it easy to forgive?"

Of course other kids mutter, "Of course not.."

I have to Refrain from rolling my eyes when a group of girls argue and act like they forgive everyone and it's so easy. I'm surprised to see Irene remaining silent as she just sits there and writes down notes.

The youth group leader suggests that everyone opens their bibles up to Colossians 3:13. I'm surprised when I see that only five out of twenty of us brought our bibles.

I observe and am filled with disappointment as I watch people fiddling with their clothes and doodling on paper as he reads, "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against anyone. Forgive them as the Lord forgave you."

I whisper, "WWJD."

I give Irene a knowing look and she nods her head at me and I giggle. The youth group leader fist bumps the air and brings his elbow to meet his knee in the air.

He points a victory finger at me As he agrees, "What would Jesus do!"

He spins on his heels and paces around the table.

He passionately continues, "Jesus forgave you for every sin you and everyone around you has ever done so you can forgive your neighbor for one or two things they may do right?"

He doesn't wait for a response.

He continues, "Jesus was hanging by nothing but nails on pieces of wood when he forgave us."

We all remain silent.

He runs his hands through his hair and looks like he wants to rip it out and he raises his voice, "Nails were ripping through his skin when he prayed out loud father forgive them for they know not what they do!"

He sinks into a chair.

He speaks with an ache in his voice, "Let us pray!"

He squeezes his eyes tight and we all follow suit and listen closely and quietly.

As he prays, "Dear Heavenly Father. Please be with us this week as we strive to forgive those around us in the way you forgave us. In your holy and precious name amen."

We all mimic him in a mini echo, "Amen."

He dismisses us and I follow Irene down the stairs.

We enter a giant room and Irene proudly and excitedly whispers, shouts to me, "This is the auditorium."

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