Chapter 7

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Everyone had just arrived back from grocery shopping, thanksgiving only two days away. Once placing everything away, Rebekah orders the guys around in setting up the tables and chairs for guests.

“Turn the table horizontally,” She ordered, turning her hands to show which way she wanted it to be.

“And a little more back,” she explains, as they pull the table back.

“Now bring the next table in and place it beside that one, although leave some room in between those,” She tells them, as they do as she says, bringing in the next table and placing it beside.

“Now we need the chairs, 18 chairs for both tables, 8 on one side, 8 on the other side, 1 at the head of the table, and 1 at the end of the table,” Rebekah orders, snapping her fingers as they quickly place the chairs around the tables.

“We’ll need two more tables, for the food and desert,” Rebekah orders and once that was finally complete, she huffed leaving the balcony from critiquing the placements, and Freya and the other women of the family stored and sectioned all the food, organizing the refrigerator for the many food items.

The next day was very chaotic, everyone ran around the kitchen preparing food.

With one day to go, everyone ran through the house preparing foods and making sure everything was perfect.

The next morning, the family enters the courtyard, the smell of pumpkin hitting their noses. Hayley vamped to the kitchen, her hormones taking over.

"Niklaus, what have you made now?” Elijah asked, seeing his brother in the kitchen, taking something out of the oven and placing it on the counter next to another pan, as she took one off the sheet.

“Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls, dear brother, apparently they are supposed to be a ‘Delightful Fall Yummy Treat’” Klaus said, reading the box beside the stovetop and Rebekah chuckled, going to try one.

“Well they’re certainly delightful and yummy,” she says, taking a piece off of one to give to both of her children, then Marcel, eating the rest herself.

“Well, this is one way to start the morning, thank you Niklaus,” Freya says, grabbing two, giving one to her children to share, then splitting one between herself, Keelin, and Vincent.

The others ate one as well, leaving two for Hope and Lizzie once they arrived from their apartment on Bourbon Street.

“Shall we start cooking? Hope and Lizzie will be over with the Apple Pie and Ice Cream,” Sage asked, and Rebekah agreed, Finn cleaned the kitchen from the Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls, and started gathering the pots and pans for the feast.

Klaus gathered the two twenty pound turkeys that he and his father would be cooking, placing them in a pan as Ansel and him removed the neck and giblets of the turkeys.

Meanwhile, Elijah dried both hams, placing them into two pans with butter and water, glazing them with seasoning and honey, before placing them into the oven to cook at 325 degrees fahrenheit.

Freya starts to spray down a pan with butter spray for her famous Broccoli & Cheese Casserole, preheating the second oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit, as she boiled the broccoli for a minute then straining it.

She cut the cheese, putting it into a pot with milk, cream, salt, pepper, and cayenne, melting everything and adding the broccoli in, then some cracker crumbs, putting it into the pan and topping it off with the cracker crumbs, placing it into the oven to bake.

Marcel on cranberry sauce duty, started by rinsing them under cold water and placing them into a sauce pan. Adding cranberry juice, maple syrup, and orange juice with a little lemon zest, stirring everything together while boiling it on high, turning it down and stirring it until it thickens.

Klaus made the stuffing as the turkey was cooking, and Esther had made some homemade bread rolls.

Davina had made some Baked Macaroni, Kol made Loaded Baked Potatoes, Keelin made Collard Greens, Hayley made a salad, Rebekah made a Green Bean Casserole, Vincent made the Cornbread, Finn made the Mashed Potatoes, Dahlia had made the Sweet Potato Pie, Gia made Pumpkin Pie, Sage made Pecan Pie, and Mikael made the Gravy.

Keelin wiped her hands on her apron once finishing the greens and noticed they were missing the Potato Salad and Green Beans, along with the drinks. “Damon, Bonnie, would the two of you mind running to the grocery store and buying some Green Beans and some ingredients for the Potato Salad, also some drinks?” Keelin asked them, and they nodded, pulling on their coats and headed for the store.

“I can help make the Potato Salad,” Stefan Offered and Klaus smiled, “Fantastic,” He said, cleaning his hands from making the stuffing.

After a while, Damon and Bonnie reentered with the groceries, Damon setting the drinks on the serving table, and Bonnie gave the ingredients along with the can of green beans to Stefan.

“I brought the yams,” Cami sings out, walking into the delicious smelling compound.

“Great, Love, can you just set it on that table,” Klaus says, pointing to the serving table as he quickly went upstairs to change, Cami chucked to herself never have seen him in an apron before.

“We’re here! And we brought the Apple Pie and Ice Cream!” They hear Hope shout out, her and Lizzie having entered about 30 minutes after Camille.

“You can set it with the other food on the table there,” Hayley says, getting off the couch to hug her baby girl. Finally after 5 hours of cooking, the food was finished and everyone sat around the two huge tables, this includes Esther, Mikael, Ansel, Dahlia, Freya, Vincent, Keelin, Andrea, Nikolas, Rebekah, Marcel, Maya, Raymond, Kol, Davina, Joshlynn, Klaus, and Hayley, all sat at the first table.

Finn, Sage, Logan, Elijah, Gia, Ellie, Greyson, Damon, Bonnie, Stefan, Caroline, Josie, Lizzie, Hope, Josh, Aiden, Camille, and Alaric all sat at the second table, in total making 18 people per table and overall 36 people gathered.

They laughed and shared memories they were fond of, the Mikaelsons telling stories about their life over the course of a thousand years and children babbling away. 

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