Chapter 1

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A few weeks after Halloween:

They family sat in the courtyard, the kids being watched by Cami, as the adults + Hope, Lizzie, Josie, Josh, Aiden, and the Mystic Falls group all sat discussing the Crescent/Jackson issue.

"So what has been going on inside the Crescent compound?" Klaus asked, looking at Josh and Aiden.

"Well, I know that Jackson is keeping a secret, a big one at that. Only Mary and his beta knows, the others are onboard no matter what though," Aiden said, having been in the meeting yesterday.

"Yes, and as Aiden was in the meeting, I snooped around the bayou and the some cabins," Josh said, "While searching there was this one abandoned cabin, far out into the woods, and it seemed locked, even for my vampire strength," Josh finished, the Mikaelsons looking at each other.

"Keelin, Ansel, did you both learn anything while spying on the Crescents?" Elijah asked, and they both nodded.

"As we were spying, we had to go deep into the woods because someone was headed our direction," Ansel spoke, "But as we went further, we realized the person was coming our direction still, so we hid behind a huge tree. And to our surprise it was Jackson, he had keys in his hand, and he seemed to have unlocked the door to this old cabin," Ansel finished, so Keelin could add on.

"Yes, and when the door swung open, it was a girl, all I could see was her figure and hair, a brunette," Keelin added and the same silence fell over them again.

"Okay, witches, what have you learned?" Rebekah asked.

"So we've casted many spells, and it seems to me, whatever it is, it's in a confined space. They must have a witch working with them, because the person is cloaked," Freya said, and Hope added on.

"We also tried a spell to track Jackson's movements, and like Grandpa and Aunt Keelin said, he did go into the woods, but as he went there his blood got stronger, meaning whatever he has is supernatural," Hope said, and their eyes ranked all around.

"I say we put a protection spell over the playroom, and we go about our days as usual, start getting ready for Thanksgiving and forget about Jackson. After all he is only a werewolf, there's only so much he can do without getting caught by all of us, and the majority of us have vampire abilities, such as vamp speed, if he tries anything we'll have his head in no time," Kol suggested and Hayley agreed, which pretty much settled it.

"Very well then, Rebekah, you'll get preparations for the food and decorations?" Finn asked, and everyone knew what she was planning because of the smirk on her face.

"I was thinking that maybe we should do it the normal way as a family and go shopping, buy the food and cook it here," Rebekah smiled, her eyes pleading.

"Wait, do y'all even know how to cook?" Davina asked, looking around.

"Darling, we've had a thousand years to live, of course we know how to cook, we cooked on Thanksgiving once each century," Kol said, and Hayley glared at Klaus.

"And you said you couldn't cook when I asked for pasta at midnight!" She snarled.

"Who eats pasta at midnight anyway?" He asked, she rolled her eyes.

"Your kids apparently," Hayley huffed.

"Besides Rebekah, we've already cooked this century," Klaus said, bearing reason to not cook.

"So what, I wasn't present, that day ended up horribly, Lucian, Tristan, and Aurora was there, and Hope was only 3 years old at the time, none of our kids were even born, and Hope didn't get to even get any of the food, so we're doing it again as a whole family," Rebekah stated, and Klaus rolled his eyes, going to the liquor cabinet and pouring himself a glass of bourbon.

"We should probably get a list of the items before we go shopping, I'll get what dessert the kids want, y'all find some other foods you would like," Rebekah ordered, going upstairs and entering the playroom, taking the orders of what the kids would want for thanksgiving.

A few minutes later, Rebekah came back with a list of food and Hayley gave her the list from all the adults.

"22 bloody things?!" Rebekah exclaimed, "The children only wanted 2 things," she huffed.

"Well what do you expect Rebekah, Love, you gave the list to Hayley to write," Klaus chuckled, and Hayley hit his arm.

"Well then we better get shopping, we have plenty of cooking to do," Freya said, getting up.

"You do realize that it's only the 15th, right?" Damon said, and Freya looked around.

"Correct, well in this case we're going shopping for fun," Freya said, extending her hand for Keelin, Vincent following behind them to get their children.

"Y'all just go shopping for fun?" Bonnie asked, astounded.

"You'd be surprised," Davina said, getting up to get Joshlynn.

"As much as I would love to shop, we have a doctor's appointment, so we better get going," Hayley said, rubbing her stomach.

"Are we having a gender reveal party?" Rebekah asked, and Hayley nodded.

"Give the gender to Caroline, I think she'll be a wonderful planner, and I want to be surprised," Rebekah said, and Caroline smiled.

"Okay then," Hayley said, "Bye Hope! I love you!" She shouted.

"Bye, love you too!" Hope shouted back, and with that they left. 

A Mikaelson Family ThanksgivingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ