A New Future 🌸

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Aunt Mito walks through the busy school hallways, all the way to the principal's office. She's visiting him today about Retz harassing her nephew, and her parents will be in as well.

before she left, Gon begged her not to do this, he says it will cause a scene and it will be embarrassing for him. But Aunt Mito will do anything for her nephew, and this situation with Retz, has gone on too long.

Aunt Mito was now sitting in Principal Netero's office, and beside her was Retz's parents. Elizabeth and Nathaniel.

"Thank you, parents and mentors for coming on such short notice" Principal Netero speaks up.

Nathaniel gives Mito a glare, but Mito ignores it. She is no longer a people pleaser like she was before, she's doing this for her nephew.

"I have heard some things about your daughter, Mr. Ross, have you been aware of her behaviour?" Netero looks over at Nathaniel. Nathaniel eyebrows furrow at the principal.

"My daughter is not a menace, she does well at school with her work, and she's well behaved at home, how is it, that she's harassing her own boyfriend? It doesn't make sense" Nathaniel comments.

Mito sighs, "with all due respect, you probably don't know your daughter as much as you think you do. Gon has gone through a mental breakdown because of her, she's tormenting him every day, and bullying him, and he and Retz aren't together anymore, I thought you knew that".

Elizabeth took her husband's hand. "She has been acting different around me, maybe not you, honey" Elizabeth says. Mito looks shocked. "How so? She's the perfect little girl" Nathaniel says.

"Ever since our son died, she hasn't been hanging out with me as much, sure she does it in front of you, but sometimes she argues with me, and calls me a horrible mother. Honestly, I wasn't going to speak about this, because I thought she's going through a phase or is just mourning over the loss of her brother, but I can't take it anymore" Elizabeth starts having a crying fit in front of everyone. Her husband was shocked to say the least.

After a few hours of discussion, Elizabeth and Nathaniel have agreed to take her out of that school. To be honest, they don't know why she was so desperate to go to that school in the first place, but when Mito said her side of the story, it all made sense. Retz was an abuser, and Gon has went through so much suffering, they didn't even realise, and felt bad. Elizabeth wanted to make a fresh start anyway, since the loss of her eldest son, she's been thinking about moving Retz to a different school, or even a different country.

Once the meeting was done, Mito, Elizabeth and Nathaniel stepped outside of the office, and looked at one another.

"Our apologies once again, Mito, we had no idea" Elizabeth said, quietly and bowing her head. Mito waved her off, "it's ok you didn't know".

Elizabeth looks up at her with a smile. "You're one of my closest friends Mito, even though our children don't get along, doesn't mean we can't, I miss my old friend". Mito nods, "Retz doesn't have to see Gon anymore, but I hope she can redeem herself one day, and become a better person" Elizabeth says.

"Same here" Mito replies. The three bowed to each other and walked their separate ways back to the car park.

Once Gon got back home, Mito updated him on everything, Gon was relieved that he doesn't have to put up with that girl anymore.

~1 year later~

Students were sitting on the bleachers outside on campus. About 200 to be exact. A big crowd.

With the principal standing up front, calling each student's name in alphabetical order, to get their diploma.

Killua Zoldyck was one of the last students to get to the front, since his last name started with Z.

He saw Gon, and his friends and even his younger brother and sister, Alluka and Kalluto, came to visit. And they will be joining Killua's school the next year. Killua is so happy for them, that they can finally have some freedom, and they will be living with Killua in his apartment for the time being.

"Killua Zoldyck!" The principal called out, and a sudden roar of clapping from the crowd came to. As Killua walked up to the front and thanked the principal, and took his diploma.

Once he did so, Gon rushed up to him, and tackled him into a big hug.

"Congratulations!" He shouts. "Heh, thanks. You too" Killua replies with looking at Gon's diploma. All their friends suddenly came up to them and gave them a hug and congratulated them.

Finally the ceremony was finished, and most people went home, some stayed for the after party.

Killua and Gon and their friends sat outside on the picnic benches on campus, just chatting away about what's next in life for them.

"I'm gonna move in with Leorio, since my lawyer corse will be near to his, since he wants to become a doctor" Kurapika said.
"Finally, you two love birds figured it out" Killua commented with a sneaky grin, and Gon was giggling in the background. Kurapika scoffs playfully and punches Killua in the arm.

"What about you guys?" Leorio points at Gon and Killua.

They both looked at each other, and smiled.

"Get married?" Gon suggested.

Killua blushes. "If you want..."

"We can move in together and have kids!" Gon cheers.

"Whoa whoa, easy there, I have two kids right here" Killua pats Alluka and Kalluto's head. Gon laughs.

"But I wouldn't mind" Killua continues.

"Wouldn't mind, what?" Gon tilts his head.

"Spending the rest of my life, with you" Killua takes Gon's hands and looks him in the eyes with love, and so Does Gon.

Gon leans in and kisses Killua on the lips.

"Ewwww!" Alluka squeals , Kalluto just covers his eyes, Kurapika and Leorio laugh at their reactions.

"No kissing in public Oni-Chan!" Alluka comments.

Killua laughs, "I don't care, I love my boyfriend" he smirks at Alluka.

The group takes this moment to sit down all together and watch the sun set.

This was a new chapter for all of them.


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