22 🔥 Little Bird

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7th May Continued...

I must have been dancing for hours when Freya finds us again, and says, 'You ok, Darling?'

I hug her, 'Freya, you are so lovely. You are absolutely best friend. You're sooo beautiful.'

She laughs, 'I see Roxy has introduced you to Molly. Good girl, you have a lovely time. Roxy will look after you.' She turns to Roxy and I catch her say, 'Careful with her. She belongs to Jameson.'

I'm about to protest but she disappears into the crowd. I should tell Roxy that I don't belong to Jameson. That I don't belong to anyone except myself. But Roxy's kissing me, and it's so lovely, and sensual, and the music is pumping through my body, and what was it that I needed to tell Roxy? Oh, I have no idea, but I keep looking up at the cages, maybe it was something to do with those?

One of them is empty now. Maybe we could have a turn? It would be lovely to be up there...looking out over all these beautiful people...and I know I like cages because although they keep me in, they also keep everyone else out....but I don't want to keep Roxy out... I want to keep her in there with me, because she's so lovely.....

'Amber? You ok? Why'd you stop dancing?' Roxy follows my eyes to the cage. 'Oh, Little Bird, do you want to get in the cage?'

I nod my head like a small girl looking at a Christmas tree, wanting to get my hands on the presents. I can feel the high ebbing away and being replaced with excitement, and desire.

'Come on,' she says, taking my hand again and I follow her across the dance floor, up some scaffolding steps and on to a kind of landing area.

A guy all in black nods towards the cage and Roxy gives him a thumbs up. He helps us into the it, says, 'Have fun girls. Wave to me when you're ready and I'll bring you back down.' Then he closes the door, presses a button and the cage raises up and away from the landing area.

It swings slightly and I grab the bars to stop myself falling. Roxy creates another cage around me with her arms and holds onto the bars of the cage each side of my waist.

'You're ok Baby. I've got you.' She slides her hand up under my t-shirt, wraps it around my ribs, and skims her thumb under my breast.

I close my eyes, music sinking into my soul, as her fingers dance firmly on my ribs. My head falls back against the bar of the cage. Her mouth is on my throat, goose bumps erupting on my skin, under her lips.

'Oh, Little Bird,' she sings, and I feel her hot breath on my ear. Her words are like honey being poured over my brain. 'Will you let me make you...' The cage jolts as she says, 'Mine,' and my eyes fly open as she grabs for the bars of the cage to steady herself.

'What's happening?' I yell. 'Are we going to fall?'

'No, it's ok Little Bird. They're just lowering us back down.'


'No idea. They normally wait for a signal.'

As the cage lowers towards the scaffolding landing I see you. My breath leaves my lungs and wraps itself around my heart, squeezing it tight. Your finger is on the button, controlling the cage and the moment my eyes land on you, you stop the cage.

'Oh shit!' I shout.

'What's wrong?' Roxy shouts back.

'That's my boyfriend.'

Her eyes turn to you and fear flickers across her face. 'Macallan? You belong to Macallan? Shit Little Bird, do you have any idea who you're involved with?'

'What do you mean?' I shout back.

'Macallan, he works for...' But the cage starts up again, jolting us both, and I can't hear her, as the cage lowers further, getting closer to you.

Roxy looks fucking scared and you look fucking furious. The music is escalating, and we're at the landing. Your hand is on the cage door, pulling it open, and Roxy is moving behind me, and you're leaning in towards me, looking like you're about to kill Roxy, and I'm stepping in front of Roxy, getting myself between you both, hoping you won't go through me, to get to her. Knowing if you do there's no way of stopping you, wondering if I really know anything about you at all.

Are you the kind of guy that would hit a woman? Is she the kind of woman that would rip your head off in return? Jesus, what have I got us all into?

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