|♠ 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝖾𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗏𝖺𝗅 𝖻𝗎𝗋𝗇𝖾𝖽 ♠|

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♚ 𝐕𝐈 ♕


She would put on an act in front of everyone, especially Five; she'd roll her eyes, arms crossed, and talk smack about Dad all the time. She would scoff whenever he was brought up as a point of concern. She would act like she didn't care.

But she did. And I saw it. I saw it in the way she looked at him whenever she knocked one of us down in a training match, the way she pleaded desperately for his praise with her eyes. The way her expression crumbled every time he told her to do better, even when there was nothing to improve.

In a way, we were all looking for his approval. But Y/N most of all, even more than Luther. She needed Dad's acceptance, needed his reassurance that she was good enough, but she never got it. And so she would try harder, and harder, until eventually she was pushed over the edge.

I remember that day in particular. 

Five was locked in his room, and I don't mean his bedroom. It was a special room, made just for him. It was carefully built so that he wouldn't be able to use his powers in it, and to be honest, Dad locked him in there all the time, especially since he was a rebellious kid. But this time, he was stuck in there for a particularly long time. It might've been about a month.

Whenever Y/N needed praise, needed approval from Dad, like I said earlier, he wouldn't give it to her. 

And so she'd go to Five. 

Five was her anchor. He kept her from drifting too far out into the sea. Sure, they hated each other, but did they really? Wasn't there some sort of affection hidden behind their malicious eyes, their biting words? Probably.

So when Five wasn't there for her, what could Y/N do? Go to Vanya, sure, but they weren't nearly as close. I think Y/N was embarrassed about it, too. Needing Dad's words of accommodation, something she had never even heard before.

It was a mission that day. Five was a strong part of our team, and he gave us confidence, too. I felt more like a team when he was around. That day, though, he wasn't.

The mission went terribly. Y/N froze up several times, almost like she was expecting Five to pop up and fill in the empty space. That's how close they were.

I pulled back my tentacles, feeling slightly weak, and I looked over at her. She was standing, wide-eyed, right in front of a man with a gun. She didn't really look scared. More surprised than scared. 

I frowned. Diego started to grab a knife from his belt, his focus on Y/N and the man with the gun, but all of a sudden Dad was there, and he pulled Diego back, his grip on his shoulder tight. Our brother flinched and looked up at Dad, confused. Dad just shook his head. 

He wanted to see what she would do.

Everything was taken care of. All the bad guys were dead, all the victims were safe. It was just Y/N and the one man with a gun, and all of our siblings stopped and stared.

Allison came up next to me. "What the hell is she doing?" she muttered.

I shook my head. There was nothing stopping her from using her powers to make the man fall asleep. 

But instead she stared right at the gun, pointed straight at her. She didn't move.

"Finish this, Number Eight," Dad barked sharply.

But all she did was take a single step back, and then Dad grabbed a gun and shot the man in the head, blood splattering everywhere.

I WAS GOING UP THE STAIRS TO TAKE A SHOWER when I passed the living room. Y/N was seated on one of the couches, her gaze on her hands, which were folded tightly in her lap. There was blood on her fingertips, and she was picking at it restlessly. Dad was standing before her, and it was a familiar scene. He was scolding her, like he often did.

"What happened today was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen," he said. I could've sworn I saw a tear run down her cheek, but he kept going. "You are a disappointment to us all. Perhaps I should have collected a different student for the academy rather than going to you. Or maybe I shouldn't have adopted you at all."

"That's not true," Y/N said quickly.

"The lack of independence you have shown today is unacceptable. You cling on to Number Five like your life depends on it, and from what you have displayed to me today, perhaps it does."

"It was just a mistake!" she shouted, her eyes full of tears. 

I should go, I thought, but I couldn't bring myself to move. All I could do was watch what unfolded.

"There is no room for mistakes here, Number Eight," Dad said sternly, unfazed. "Either you make none, or you will be viewed as a failure."

She stood from the couch, enraged. "You make us all failures! You're a horrible dad! I hate you!"

I tensed, watching as Y/N drew back, fear and regret clouding her wide eyes. But our father hadn't even flinched. All the emotion he showed was minor annoyance.

Then there was a blur of motion, and suddenly, Y/N was on the floor, her hand to her slightly reddened cheek, her expression shocked. Dad was standing before her, his face apathetic.

"You will go to your room," he said coldly before walking away, leaving Y/N on the ground.

I should get Five. Quickly I ran back downstairs, darting around the banister and rushing through the hall when suddenly Dad was in front of me.

I skidded to a stop, feeling as though cold water had suddenly washed over me. "D-Dad–"

"Go to your room, Number Six," he ordered. "And do not pay a visit to Number Five."

I stared for a moment before retreating back up the stairs, pausing for a moment to see if Y/N was okay. All I saw was her hunched over figure, face in her hands, shoulders shaking uncontrollably. I saw blood on her fingertips, and blood on her shoes.

a/n: this one was a really short one but i felt like i kind of needed to put more detail into how y/n reacted to the dad's kind of neglectful nature, and how she took in everything and stuff.

this one's sort of just a flashback chapter, but i really like writing these because it gives me more freedom with what i want characters to say and do and all that.

hope you liked it!


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