« 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 »

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"Jisungie, we need to talk."

"Nuuu, we need to snuggle."

"That too, I know.
But we still need to talk, like..
Have you told your parents yet?"

And Minho couldn't help but
frown when the omega in his
arms visibly tensed.

Of course it was a sensitive topic
but the panther hybrid didn't
know how extremely sensitive
it was for Jisung.


"That's okay, sweet one.
It wasn't an expectation,
I just wanted to know.
Would you feel more comfortable
if I told my dad first?"

But the little omega only peeked
out of his blanket bundle,
tilting his head softly.

"What about your mom?"

And Minho could only sigh and
boop the little squirrel's nose gently.

"My mother passed away
when I was very young.
It's just me and my dad."

"Oh, I'm sorry.."

"It's okay, little one. I'm just sad that..
Ah, never mind."

The ravenette tried to give Jisung
the most reassuring smile he could
manage, ignoring the stinging
in his heart.

His mother would never know
that she'd become a grandma soon.

She'd never get the chance to
hold her tiny grandchild.

And the little squirrel knew
better than to push the alpha,
he could barely imagine how
hard it must have been to lose
his mother so early.

So instead he only tucked his
head under Minho's chin and
nuzzled his nose against the
older's collar bone.

He didn't quite care what their
relationship was and how they
should label it, he was just glad
to be in the alpha's arms and that
he didn't have morning sickness
for the first time in weeks.

"The baby is fourteen
weeks old already."

He suddenly stated as he slipped
his hand under his shirt to palm
his little baby bump.

"Already? Then I guess we
should really have a talk.
I mean, you can't raise the baby
in the dorm but would you feel
comfortable enough to share
an apartment with me?
I.. I want to help you with raising
the baby but if you don't
want me to-"

"I want you to!
I.. I need you, I can't do this alone.."

"Okay. But..
What about Dongwoon?
Is he still your boyfriend?"

And Minho could only sigh and
press a little kiss between Jisung's
tiny furry ears when the young
omega didn't answer.

"C-can you help me end it with him?"

"I will, of course.
But we should do it when we've
found a new place, I'm not sure
if I can share a dorm with him
after he learnt that I got his
boyfriend pregnant while he
was in the US. Also for your
protection we should tell him
soon before this little one gets
bigger and more obvious."

The alpha chuckled softly as he
gently poked Jisung's little baby
bump, making the small
squirrel boy giggle.

"I don't want him to hurt you."

Another heavy sigh left Minho but
the small omega only cuddled closer,
nuzzled his face against the older's
chest and placed the ravenette's hand
on his tummy for some tummy rubs.

All those weeks he had been dying to
get some tummy rubs from his alpha,
the baby was craving their
daddy's affection too.

Sure, there was still so much to
do and Jisung was more than
scared to tell his parents and to
end things with Dongwoon but
right now all he knew was that
he felt so safe in Minho's arms.

It made every part of his body tingle
when the alpha would give him
little kisses on the head.

As long as he was embraced by
the calming scent of rain and pine,
it was hard to worry.



"You.. You actually want the baby,

"Of course!
It's our baby, right?"

"Right, sweet one."

The last time Minho had held the
little squirrel like this, he wouldn't
have thought that they'd end up like
this again with a tiny baby between
them, growing safely under
Jisung's heart.

In fact back then he hadn't even
been sure if he'd ever see the
omega again after his heat.



"Can I call you Minmin?"

"Anything you want, sweet one."

And the small omega only sighed
happily as he snuggled closer,
throwing his fluffy tail over
the older's waist.

It was safe to say that Jisung
was extremely snuggle-deprived
and in desperate need of
Minho's presence.

Partly because of the baby,
the pregnancy naturally made
him crave for the alpha's presence
but it was also simply because the
panther hybrid made Jisung feel
so unbelievably safe.

He had never met someone who
had made him feel so important.

Maybe that was the reason why
he was so scared to tell his
parents about the baby.

They didn't care about him but
they'd care way too much that
Minho was a carnivore hybrid.

And there was nothing that'd
change their opinions.


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