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Hyunjin frowned as he walked
into their living room, his furry
white ears twitching at the sound
of someone crying softly.

"Oh sweetie, what's wrong?"

He immediately rushed to the
shaking ball on the couch but still
left enough distance between himself
and the younger male so he wouldn't
make Jisung uncomfortable.

"M-min… I- He.."

"Shh, can you take a deep
breath for me?"

"But h-he.."

"Sung, deep breath.
Inhale, exhale, there we go.
Now can you look at me, sweetie?"

The little squirrel boy sniffled softly
as he looked up at his roommate
with big, teary eyes, his piggy plushie
tightly pressed against his chest.

"Now can you tell me
what happened?"

"I.. I texted Minho if we could
meet up but.. He's in Malaysia!
Apparently they have an internship
this semester, he'll return for the
Christmas holidays… That's in
two months!"

"It'll be okay, I guess he's just- What?!"

"He's.. He's not here..
But- but the baby, I-"

Sparkling tears were rolling
down the younger's chubby cheeks
again when Hyunjin didn't say
another word, too stunned by
the news he had just gotten.

By the time Minho would return
Jisung would already be over
five months pregnant.

"Jisungie, shhh. Panicking won't
help either, let's uh.. Let's think
about this rationally.. Minho
doesn't know anything, right?
You only asked if you could meet up?"


"Then we.. Fly to Malaysia?
No. I guess there's no other way
than telling him via phone call..
Or video call? I have no idea,
this wasn't how it was
supposed to be!"

But at that Jisung only curled
back up around his piggy plushie,
his bushy squirrel tail tightly
wrapped around himself.

How in the world will he call the
alpha he had begun to like much
more than he should just to tell him
that he was having the alpha's baby?

What if he really didn't
want the baby?


Hyunjin carefully pulled the small,
shaking ball in his arms and carefully
hugged him close, enveloping them in
his sweet syrup and chamomile scent.

"He'll return sooner and he'll
help you with the little one.
You said he's caring and gentle,
then he should be like this with
your baby too, hm?"

And the little squirrel boy
only sniffled and giggled when
his roommate gently patted the
younger's small baby bump.

"Sweet one, hey! Are you okay?
I didn't expect to hear from you
so suddenly after you disappeared
without another word for literally
months. I'm sorry I can't meet you
but I'm very glad I managed to
get the internship here."

And alone hearing Minho's
carefree voice made Jisung cry again.

He had missed his- the alpha so much.

"I.. I'm sorry.."

"Jisung, hey..
Are you crying?"

But the little squirrel only sniffled
softly as he pressed his piggy plushie
tighter to his chest, imagining that
it was the panther hybrid.

"There.. There's something.. I.."

"It's okay, take your time.
I'm sorry, I guess you wanted
to tell me in person?"

"Mhm, i-it's important.."

"Okay little one, I'm here
and I'm listening."

"The thing is.. Uh.. I started
feeling unwell a few weeks after..
You know, the.. days and nights
I spent at your place..
And my roommate forced
me to take this test-"

"You- You're pregnant?"


And what followed was an
absolutely unbearable silence.

Because Minho didn't know
what to say, not at all.

And he knew that staying quiet
while his brain processed everything
was definitely a better solution than
accidentally saying something he
might regret later.

Jisung was close to tears again
when the alpha finally found his
voice again after what felt like
hours but when he heard those
words he had longed to hear,
spoken so softly and in a
comforting manner, he couldn't
help but cry out.

"I'm coming home, sweet one.
I'm not going to leave you
alone with our baby."

That night Jisung was able to
sleep without having nightmares
for the first time ever since he
found out that he was pregnant.

His inner omega was finally calm
and in peace knowing the alpha
was on the way to him to take
care of the little squirrel and their
tiny baby growing safely
under his heart.

It was as if for the first time in
weeks the small omega didn't
have to worry about the future,
about how he'd manage now
that he was pregnant.

And despite the fact that Minho's
scent was slowly fading from the
hoodie Jisung had pressed to his
chest together with his piggy plushie,
it still brought so much
comfort to him.

He couldn't wait for the moment
his alpha would be back.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now