1: Here comes Si-woo

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Okay. I know I had said that I'll only focus on Black Swan for now, but I got the idea for this story after watching Twinkling Watermelon and wanted to write it ASAP.

Mi-Neol stopped her car near the gate of Chungju Boy's High school. "We've arrived kids, come out" she said.

"Okay Eomma" Taehyung said, and came out, his younger brother Si-woo followed him.

"Taehyung, take good care of Si-woo, it's his first day of High school" She said.

"Will do, Eomma!" He said and looked at his brother. "He seems to be inspecting the school"

Si-woo looked around the new school. There were children going to their class, some boys playing basketball in the court, some students were probably chattering, he guessed, looking at the way their lips moved so fast and the way they seemed to be laughing.

He could not hear anything they were saying.

For him, the world had always been on mute.

When he was very little, his parents only thought he was a heavy sleeper when they noticed he wouldn't wake up even when Taehyung would come crying loudly to the room, or some teens would play loud music nearby.

It was only when he was 2 and he hadn't even uttered a single word yet, and wouldn't respond to any rattle toys if it was not in front of his eyes, that he was taken to the hospital.

Where they found out about his disability, leaving his parents devasted.

However, they wanted Si-woo to not feel inferior of his disability, and help him live with it.

Both his parents, and Taehyung had learned sign language to help them communicate with Si-woo. Up till now Si-woo had been studying in a special boarding school in Ulsan, with all the students like him.

Si-woo turned out to be one of the best kids in class, and always got good grades and topped.

However a sudden turn of events led him to come back to Daegu. Their father, Jae-won, had a sudden stroke few weeks ago, leading to his death. Leaving the family devastated.

Mi-Neol wanted her younger son to be near her and not in a boarding school far away. And Si-woo didn't want to go away from his mom and brother either. Thus Si-woo transferred to the same school Taehyung studied.

Si-woo was inspecting the school when Taehyung nudged him.

Let's go. He signed and held Si-woo's hand.

After sometime, they arrived outside a classroom. Class 1-3.

This is your classroom.
Taehyung signed.
I'll come during recess, and show you around. We don't have too much time right now.

Si-woo nodded his head.
Okay. Please come. I'm feeling scared.
He signed. It was his first time in a school where everyone else could hear.

I'll come and show you around, now go to your class.
Taehyung signed and hugged him. "Bye" he waved his hand.

Si-woo entered the class. He looked around for a place to sit. He saw an empty place in the middle row near the window.

It was beside a boy who had his head down. He had kept his bag in the seat beside him. Si-woo went and nudged the boy.

"Aishhh Mingyu I told you not to wake me up before the bell rings" The boy raised his head. He had cute boba eyes and bunny tooth. He saw Si-woo. "Ohhh, are you new?" He said.

Si-woo just stared at him, and pointed at the empty desk beside him.

"Is there no other place empty?" The boy said. Si-woo stared at him, not understanding a word he said.

Just Dance (J.H.S x Male OC) (Twinkling Watermelon Inspired)Where stories live. Discover now