Alistor shuffled his feet, staring blankly at his sister. "Okay little storm, I trust your judgment with this. I'm just happy you were able to find someone you can feel comfortable around. Just promise, you will be careful."

Calypso gave her brother a half smile as she held her pinky up. He in turn, took his pinky and wrapped it around hers. Calypso took a deep breath and said, "I p..p...promise big bro!"

Alistor smiled. It wasn't often he would get to hear his sister talk, only a very select few times, when she seemed to be happy, did he get a couple of words here or there.

"Alright..let's head out. Don't want to miss your date!"

"Not a!"


It was around 9 in the morning when the Gleam siblings graced the city with there presents, and the Boom Box was already in full swing.

"Okay kid," Alistor started as he leaped from the drivers seat, "you have fun today. Don't anything I wouldn't do."

Calypso leaped from the passenger seat of the hover car, giving her brother a punch to the shoulder as she landed.

"Okay okay. Remember, in front of Boom Box, same place, same time. Got it." His sister sported a grand thumbs up, before turning to find Veneer in the crowd.

She didn't need to look hard though, because right in her usual spot, stood that same grey hoody, but this time Veneer was sporting some dark sunglasses to cover his face just a little more. He is actually here she thought. He wasn't joking.

She slowly approached him, and lightly tapped him on the shoulder. This caused him to jump a couple of feet in the air before turning around to see it was only Calypso.
"Oh my FRAZ, you scared me. I thought you were a fan that noticed me or even worse...Crimp looking for me." That last line caused a shiver to go down his spine, which earned a giggle from his new friend. She gave him a warm smile, and gestured to his attire.

"What..oh my new glasses. Like them, thought they gave me an extra layer of mystery." He used his bendy arms and legs to exaggerate his words. Calypso rolled her eyes at his exaggeration and pulled out her pad of paper.

"Your mystery will become an open and shut case if you keep drawing attention to yourself." This statement caused Veneer to bring his dramatic self down a couple of notches. A pink layer of blush dusted his checks at his embarrassment. Which caused Calypso to blush as well.

"Well you ready for some coffee?" Veneer asked, which caused Calypso to nod her head vigorously.

Only a few blocks down from the Boom Box, Veneer and Calypso found themselves in a little hole in the wall cafe called "OMG coffee." It was small, a couple of tables hear and there with plants hanging from the ceiling and placed at ever table. A small window seat was also available for seating. And that was screaming to Calypso. Veneer noticed her draw to the open cushion seating by the window and nudged her. "Go ahead and claim it, I can get us the drinks. You okay with a latte?"

Calypso nodded in response and fast walked to claim their spot. The cushions were plush and soft. The view outside the window wasn't bad either, they had a nice view of the park that was across the street. Calypso saw everything from couples walking their pets, kids playing with each other, and...happy families...having a great time. The smile on her face seemed to dip a little thinking about her parents. The park was one of the spots they would bring her and her brother all the time, it was their little family get aways.

"Well, well, well," an obnoxious voice sliced through the air, shaking Calypso out of her seldom thoughts and brought her into a more upsetting reality. There, directly in front of her, was Vance, the guy that would not leave her alone at the club. She pretended she didn't see him and continued to look out the window.

Heart Strings (Veneer xOC)Where stories live. Discover now