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Emma Myers
female reader as Violet Kelton

It's Wednesday and Violet is at home. She works from home while her girlfriend Emma doesn't. She's an actress so she can't really work from home. Their relationship works because Violet can tend to things around the house while she's home and be home whenever Emma isn't filming. Emma works odd hours sometimes but always feels better knowing she will see Violet when she's done.

It's the middle of the day when Emma calls Violet. This is unusual since normally Emma doesn't have her phone on set. She picks it up, "Hello?"

"Hi, baby," Emma whimpers.

"Emmy? What's wrong? Are you crying?"

Emma sniffles before answering, "Yeah... I'm s-sorry, I'm just really stressed out right now. I wanted to hear your voice."

"Aww, love, it's okay. What's going on? Tell me about it," Violet says into her phone.

"This scene is just really hard to film cause I'm supposed to be angry and upset but every take we've done just isn't good," She sniffles, "And I can tell everyone's getting annoyed with me and I'm just overwhelmed."

"It's okay, Emma. Take a deep breath for me, okay?" Violet asks. She hears Emma sigh over the phone, "You are an incredible actress, Emma. You are doubting yourself too much. I'm sure your cast mates aren't annoyed with you. They do the same things sometimes. And it's okay to be overwhelmed, but you have to get through this. I can't do it for you."

"Yeah... you're right."

"So, to help get you in character, tell me some things that you find annoying," Violet says, "It can be about anything."

"When people smack their lips," Emma says.

"Yeah or when they slurp their drinks?" Violet suggests, knowing most of Emma's pet peeves.

"Ooo, yeah, or when people open the door by pushing on the glass!" She exclaims.

"There you go," Violet says, "Now you just have to think about those things when you're on set. Can you do that?"


"Of course you can, you're Emma Myers," Violet smiles.

"Thank you, baby. This really helped me relax," Emma sighs.

"Of course. I'll have a nice surprise for you when you get home to help that, so text me when you're done, okay?"

"Alright. I gotta get back to set. I'll text you later. I love you," She says.

"I love you too, bye," Violet hangs up the phone and gets to work right away on creating a relaxing environment for her girlfriend to return to. She starts by cleaning up the house, as she normally does. This includes washing any dishes they used, making sure the laundry is up to date, and making their bed.

Then, after that, she sets up the living room. They have a pull-out couch in their living room that they sometimes have movie marathons on. Violet gets the bed out and adds pillows and blankets. She gets out two matching pajama sets for them to wear and relaxes for a bit because the rest of her plan won't start until Emma is on her way home.

Later that night at 9PM, Emma texts Violet to tell her she's on her way home. Violet springs into action. She begins making mac and cheese for dinner. She also gets out some snacks including chips, cookies, and popcorn.

"I'm home!" Emma says as she walks through the door. It leads straight into the living room and she gasps when she sees what Violet has done for her, "Baby, thank you! This looks amazing."

Emma hugs Violet and kisses her on the lips.

"Before we eat, you are required to put these on," Violet says, handing her the matching PJ set.

"Alright," Emma smiles. The two go to their bedroom upstairs and change into their pajamas. Then they return to the living room where Violet serves Emma some mac and cheese in bed, "Thank you, baby."

"Of course," Violet smiles. The two sit in the bed and Violet turns on the TV. They begin watching Ice Age on Disney+. After they finish eating, Violet snuggles up to Emma. Violet looks up at Emma and the two kiss again.

This leads to another and another and another. Violet sits up and straddles Emma's lap. She grabs onto Emma's face while Emma's hands land on Violet's hips.

Violet moves her kisses down to Emma's neck. The girl's breathing hitches and she asks, "Are you in charge tonight?"

Violet sits up, grins, and says, "You said you needed to relax, right?"

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