Birthday Surprise

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Sabrina Carpenter
female reader as Violet Kelton

Today is Sabrina's birthday. Her girlfriend, Violet is planning on surprising her with something she's wanting since they first started dating five years ago. Well, two things.

The first, is a puppy. Sabrina was never allowed to have pets as a kid because her father was allergic. Violet, however, has had animals all her life and recently her childhood dog passed away. So, now she is going to get a puppy for Sabrina. A Golden Retriever puppy.

The second, is a ring. Violet is planning on proposing to Sabrina with the help of said puppy. Her parents and Sabrina's are all in on this birthday surprise and are even helping Violet.

"My mom's here to take me out to lunch. Are you sure you don't want to come?" Sabrina asks Violet.

"I'm sure. I'm helping set up for your birthday party remember?" Violet says. The setting up is partially true, but mostly a ploy to keep Sabrina out of the house.

"Alright, love," Sabrina sighs. She gives Violet a kiss on the lips, "What color should I get my nails done?"

Violet grins, "Any color that will look good grasping at our bedsheets with."

"So.... pink," Sabrina smirks. She gives Violet another kiss before leaving the house.

Sabrina's mom is taking her out to lunch and to get her nails done before the dinner and party. Violet's mom and dad are going to be setting up for the party with the help of Sabrina's dad. Violet will be out picking up the puppy and the ring.


"And Sabrina was so mad!" Sabrina's mom exclaims at the dinner table. They are sharing old stories while eating cake. Violet stands up, ready to propose.

"Can I get everyone's attention? I would like to give Sabrina a very special gift," Violet announces. She goes into the kitchen and comes out with a big box wrapped in colorful paper. There are holes in the top of the box that she can't see. She slides it across the floor carefully.

"Thank you, love," Sabrina smiles. She begins to open the box and then squeals with joy, "You didn't! Oh my god, Vi! You didn't!"

"What? What is it?" Various friends and family members ask. Sabrina stands up and pulls out the puppy. He fits right into her arms but will quickly grow to full size.

"A puppy! How sweet! Oh cute!"

"Thank you, Violet! I love you so much!" Sabrina smiles.

"Look at the name tag," Violet says. Sabrina frowns.

"You named it already? I wanted to—- Oh my god!"

In the split second Sabrina had looked at the tag on the pup's collar, Violet knelt down with the ring in her hand. The tag read "Will you marry me?"

"Sabrina Annlynn Carpenter, will you marry me?" Violet asks. Sabrina's mother video tapes the whole thing from behind them.

"Yes. Yes!"

Violet stands up and the two kiss while Sabrina still holds the puppy. Violet slides the engagement ring on Sabrina's finger. Everyone at the party claps and cheers for the couple.

"So you haven't named the puppy?" Sabrina asks once everyone's calmed down. Everyone laughs at this.

"No, I haven't named him yet," Violet smiles, "He's yours, you get to name him."

"How about Pippin?"

"It's perfect."

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