Chapter 13...

13 3 5

(it's the next day from the last chapter)

Julian: so, we got the plan right?

Robin: yep!

Humphery: as much as I can get it.

Kitty: no can we go over it one more time?

Julian: right Kitty, this is the plan Capius. we are going to set up Captain and Julius by holding secrets cub. now I couldn't get Pat to help us because he said it wasn't any of our business. So, we don't have that going for us but otherwise, this should work. In the secrets club, we ask questions (kinda like truth or dare but idk if they all would understand the idea of a dare) and they have to answer them. all we need to do it set up the questions just right and plan Capius and a success.

Kitty: why is it called Capius? 

Humphery: it's called a ship name kitty. 

Kitty: what does this have to do with a bout?

Robin: yeah, why bout not car?

Humphery: this is a different kind of ship. it's not a bout. it means that we want 2 or more people to date each other.

Robin + Kitty: oh. ok.

Julian: so, does everyone have the plan now?

Robin + Kitty + Humphery: yes.

Julian: alright. Kitty you go get Captain from his room and bring him to the living room, then Humphery and me will go get Julius. Robin makes sure that pat doesn't try to call a club since he wouldn't help us. alright go!


(if you have a better shit name please go ahead and comment)

Julian: thank you everyone for coming to secrets club.

Julian was standing Infront of everyone with Julius sitting on the couch to the left of Captain and kitty to the right of captain. Humphery had his head sat on a side table as his body was currently M.I.A. as usual. Robin was sitting in his chess chair waiting for Julian to sit across from him.

Julian: would anyone like to start the questions?

Kitty: can I?

Julian: sure, go ahead. (he sits across from robin smiling at him)

Kitty: Robin, how are babies made?

(What you thought I wasn't going to drive this joke into the ground? I laugh at it every time.)

Robin: well, you see kitty. when man and women like each other they do it. then sometime later baby comes out women's-

Julian: alright robin I think that's far enough for one day.

Kitty: what is it? and where does the baby come out of a woman?

Julian: Anybody else? please?

Robin: Julius. you gay? bi? 

Julius: Gay, Julian is bi.

Robin: trust me, me know.

Kitty: how do you know? 

Robin: we talk later kitty.

Julian: no, you say nothing Robin.

Captain: come on it painfully obvious.

Julian: says the oblivious.

Captain: And what do you mean by that?

Kitty: He means that you can't tell that Julius is madly in love with you... oops I wasn't supposed to say that was I?

Julian: No, it's alright kitty we were going to get there soon enough.

Captain: he what?....

Julius: JULIA-

Julian: if I wasn't going to do it you know you wouldn't have either and we all know Captain wouldn't have either.

Julius: alright fair point fair point. that's 4 arguments you have won since our deaths.

Captain: (blushing, speechless)

Julius: (turns to look at captain) So... um...


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