Sibling Secrets

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The ghosts and Alison head to the living room getting ready for food club. where they talk about food, they wish they could eat. Alison only came to these meetings to write down what they liked so they could smell it. 

Robin: (runs in late to food club with Julian hot on his trail) Hello

Julian: hello everyone. where is Julius?

Pat: The better question is where were you two?

Alison:(looks at them. She saw them out the window)

Robin: we were-

Julian: we were just walking around talking about my election speech. Well, I was talking about it.

Alison: (gives them a knowing glance) you sure that what you were doing?

Julian: yes, I am Alison. (glares at her and walks with robin to sit down)

Alison: mhm

Pat: anyways, I think it was Kitty's turn tell what she would want to eat.

Kitty: hmmm, I would want to eat........ oysters!

Alison: didn't they make you throw up when you ate them Kitty?

Kitty: oh right. I liked how they tasted though!

everyone: ???

Pat: um.... alright then everyone I think thats a good place to end food club for today. Remember that later we are meeting for tv club where I believe it is captain's turn to pick what we watch!

they all get up talking amongst themselves and heading their different ways to do their own thing.

Julian: (starts walking to where captain said Julius' room is)

Robin: where you go?

Julian: I'm going to talk to Julius. I haven't seen him in so many years.

Robin: you said we play real game of chess after club....

Julian: after lunch I swear. (Looks around seeing no one is there and kisses Robin's cheek and walks away to go chat with his brother. once he gets there, he pops his head in the door) Hey bro! came to talk a little. it's been a while.

Julius: yeah dude. I got a question for you anyways.

Julian: (he walks in and sits on the bed next to Julius) so what do you need to ask?

Julius: what's up with you and the cave man?

Julian: nothing why do you ask?

Humphery: (is under the bed whispering to himself) oh, this is interesting.

Julius: come on Julian, I know you to well.

Julian: so, what do think of your room?

Julius: don't avoid the question, Julian.

Julian: oh yeah? what up with you and Captain?

Humphery: oh...... I knew it.

Julius: you know I know you know that we both know what's going on in both of our cases. 

Julian + Julius: twin intuition.

Humphrey: what's twin intuition?

Julian + Julius: (they look at each other then at the floor)

Julian: Humphery? where are you?

Humphery: under the bed. I would appreciate it if you get me out from under here before what happened last time happen again.

Julius: what happened last time?

Julian: you know the Robin?

Julius: yeah, the cave man you're going out with.

Julian: (gets Humphery from under the bed setting him on the nightstand) think about it. you said it yourself you know me to well. 

Humphery: I'm scared of being under beds now because of it.

Julius: oh.... oh, OH. Damn Julian a cave man?

Humphery: let's not talk about this please.

Julian + Julius: oh, right sorry

Humphery: thank you. anyways I can answer both or your questions and I'm going to whether you like it or not. (gives a smug grin)

Julian + Julius: (they look at each other then back at Humphrey)

oh, shit things are getting juicy. a little cliff hanger he he he. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

what it the ghosts had siblings with them?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें