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Julian: (grabs Robin's arm) Fancy a game of chess?

Robin: Sure

they walk away from the group and the tomato-red Captain to the living room to "play chess."

Julian: (looks around to make sure everyone is too far away to hear him knowing if they got caught dating, they would be hounded for it by Fanny) What's wrong love? You look upset.

Robin: me not like when you cry. never seen it before, it's not fun.

Julian: it's only because my brother is here. I haven't seen him for years.

Robin: he made you cry. I no like him.

Julian: love, I told you its only because I missed him, I swear...... don't your role your eyes at me.

Robin: I didn't! (crosses arms)

Julian: how about this... (gets up, walking behind Robin, hugging him from behind pulling him close)

Robin: (is visible confused.) You see mike do this to Alison? you know I know you not know romance Julian.

Julian: first off, I saw this on tv. Second please don't be a smart mouth. Third why don't we lighten your mood and go outside. the moon is still out......

Robin: YES (gets up almost knocking Julian over in the process)

Julian: well, your excited. (watches Robin run out of the room towards the back door) HEY WAIT FOR ME!


they run outside to see the moon lowering in the sky getting ready for the coming sunrise.

Julian: Wow...... it's amazing. you can even see the sun kind of starting to rise.

Robin: One thing me never get tired of. The sun rise...... and you.

Julian: (laughs a little, rapping an arm around robin's shoulder) I'll never get tired of you either. love you darling.

Robin: love you too.

Julian: want to sit?

Robin: me guess.

They sit down in the cold grass. Julian pulling Robin into his lap holding him.

Robin: you ridiculous.

Julian: ha, I know. So, believe in monogamy yet?

Robin: No, not yet.

Julian: Alright then. (mumbles) thats not what you said last night~

Robin: (hits his arm and gets up walking [sassily] back into the house)

Julian: what?!?!

Robin: (ignores him, heading to their secretly shared room)

Julian: (runs inside after him) Come on! You said it yourself! Darling? Robin?!?!

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