Sweet Soldier Boy

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Captain: So, if you will follow me.

Julius: (nods. Finally, being able to have a good look at the handsome captain in front of him.)

They walk through the house captain tells Julius what each room was even if it was obvious. he was merely trying to occupy his thoughts from Julius. it didn't help that Julius continued to make flirty comments. but unlike Julian kept it to a level that Cap was actually, surprisingly, okay with.

Captain: and finally, this is one of the spare bedrooms where you can stay. Julian's is the one right next to it on the right not that he spends many nights in there and mine is on the left.

Julius: Thank you, Captain. that was a lovely tour.

Captain: it was no-


Julius: Holy-...... What was that?!?!?!

Captain: Well, one of the ghosts here reenacts her death every day when the old grandfather clock chimes. we use it as an alarm clock of sorts.

Juluis: hmmm. Interesting. [yeah, no whatever you think he is actually talking about your probably right ;)]

Captain: that also means that food club is starting soon. if you would like to come, pat organized that we have different clubs each day. a little thing we do to keep occupied.

Julius: I think I'll skip out on this one, Captain. I would rather spend time getting used to my surroundings.

Captain: (gay cough) alright then. I'll see you later, Julius.

Julius: I'll see you later solider boy. (smiles sweetly at captain and walks into his room)

Captain: (blushes, turning to head to food club)

in Captain's head: when I wished for a chap with strong arms, I never expected this, let alone who he was related to. not that I'm complaining.

in Julius' head: I need to make him mine.

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