Chapter Twenty One: The Point

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**Gracie's POV**

I woke up suddenly, my head pounding, even the faint moonlight filtering through the window too bright for my eyes to adjust to. I squeezed them shut, holding my head in my hands as I cringed into the soft bed beneath me.

What happened?

How long was I out?

Where's Meredith?

That snapped me out of it, instincts buried deep inside me sprung to life. I was her Luna, I had to protect her.

I sat up groggily, swiping my hair out of my face and saw her curled up next to me.

"Mer," I hissed, shaking her harshly. "Mer, wake up!"

She came to as suddenly as I did, springing away from me and falling off the bed.

"Shh!" I warned her, lacing my whisper with authority. "Are you okay?"

She nodded solemnly as I made my way to the door. It was locked. I checked the window. Also locked. I looked out across the garden two floors below us bathed in the glow of gentle moonlight. It didn't look familiar. Was it not Cain who took us?

"Gracie I can't reach the pack, I can't - I can't shift," Mer whispered frantically, starting to pace the room.

"How long have we been out?" I wondered out loud, feeling the panic rise with bile to my throat, threatening to choke me. I grasped at the neckline of my dress, desperately pulling it off my chest as it suffocated me.

"Oh, Goddess, you don't think we've been gone for a month like you were before, do you?" She asked, her voice rising in fear.

"I don't know, keep your voice down," I whispered.

"I can't reach Evan!" She sobbed. "I've ruined everything, this is all my fault! We could die and he's gonna think I didn't want to be his mate, that I hated him!"

"We are not going to die," I ground out, stroking her arm. "I need you to calm down."

She pulled me in for a tight hug. "I'm so scared Gracie."

"I know," I said, stroking her hair. "Jamie and Evan will find us, I know they will."

"No," she sniffled. "Evan's never gonna look at me again, how could he?"

"You made a mistake Mer, yeah it was a big one but we all make big mistakes sometimes," I reassured her. "He's your mate, he'll forgive you."

"I hurt him so much, meeting your mate is supposed to be the most beautiful moment of your life and I broke his heart," she wailed.

"Meredith, please, please keep your voice down. Take some deep breaths," I pleaded.

We both spun to face the door as the lock clicked and it swung open slowly.

"Gracie, Gracie, Gracie... What am I going to do with you?" A familiar voice admonished, making every hair on my body raise. I instinctively pushed Meredith behind me. "You nearly ruined my plan, you know?"

Cain stepped into the room, flicking the harsh overhead light on. It illuminated his face, over defining the sharp lines of his jaw. His eyes burned with anger. I bit my tongue, unsure of how much he knew, as he locked the door behind him.

"I know you don't remember, well, anything," he said with a cruel laugh, and relief washed over me.

"What's going on?" I asked as innocently as I could.

"Oh now, don't play coy with me, I know your little mate found you and took you away," he hissed. "You were always such an ungrateful little brat. I got you out of that hostel, I put a roof over your head and protected you from this world! And you repay me by running off with that filthy dog. You disappointed me."

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