Chapter 19: The Party

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I slept on Jamie's shoulder during the short flight back to the Lake District while he spoke quietly with Osian. Next thing I knew I was being carried off the boat and onto the island. I rubbed my eyes and Jamie smiled down at me, gently setting me on my feet.

"Hey there, sleepyhead," he murmured and I hugged him tightly.

"Welcome back, Gracie," Evan said as he tied anchored the boat on the shore.

"Ev, are you okay?" I asked, feeling the tension rolling off him in intense waves. He frowned.

"Yeah, I guess..." He trailed off, pausing briefly. "Honestly, I feel really weird."

"What's up?" Jamie asked, approaching him to rest a hand in his shoulder.

"I don't know man, I just feel jittery, like there's so much energy built up inside me and I can't burn it off, it's horrible," be admitted.

"Why don't you head back to the mainland before the party? Try to burn some of it off," Jamie suggested, his brows furrowing with concern.

"I tried that, I've gone for two hour runs every day for the last few days, I just finished one when I met you guys on the dock, it's not working," Evan said sadly.

"Have you seen Dr.Beckett?" I asked.

"Yeah, he said nothing's wrong with me, that maybe I'm just stressed or anxious at being in charge while you guys were gone. I'm sure it'll be fine, I just wanna go get changed and get this party over with," he admitted.

"Ok," I said gently, resolving to help him figure it out the next day. But today, we had an 18th birthday party to get to and several guests of honour to attend to.

Jamie, Osian and I went inside to meet Owain, who had beaten us home. He introduced us to his new mate and he was clearly smitten with her. I was also introduced to Alpha Charlie from the Cotleigh pack who was visiting for Meredith's birthday. I'd been told it was typical for high ranking members from other packs to travel to these, especially for other high ranked wolves as it was most likely they'd be mated to someone of similar rank.

Jamie fended most of Charlie's questions about my newfound powers off, promising a meeting with all the Alpha's the next day since they were all staying on the island for the party. He insisted we all take the chance to rest for a while after travelling all morning, and there wasn't much anyone could do to argue with that.

Ashleigh was beside herself with excitement, as was Finn, when they ambushed us in the hall on the way to our suite, distracting us as they slipped inside with us.

"Gracie, why don't you go try to get a bit more sleep?" Jamie suggested. "I can wake you up a few hours before the party."

Ashleigh opened her mouth to argue, but got a warning look from Jamie and they seemed to have a conversation over mind-link.

"Yeah, go sleep, Gracie. I'll get your dress and everything ready and I'll help you with your hair and make up when you wake up," she said with a gentle smile, her eyes still burning with a thousand questions.

I groggily junped in the shower, eager to wash off several days of sand and stress before collapsing in my bed and drifting off to the sound of a muted conversation in the main room.


I answered as many of Ashleigh's questions as I could as she did my hair and makeup, looming stunning in her own. She held up a beautiful floor length dress, pinky-peach coloured with beautiful floral detail.

"Pastel floral is our signature formal style, I have decided," she told me with a grin.

We both got changed and she spun around, showing off her similar dress. Same neckline and sleeves, but in mint green and a hem that danced around her knees. We walked out into the main room to our mates, who both spun around beaming and took us in their arms.

The Alpha's Lost Mate [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora