45+9' The first half has some extra minutes because of the penalty checks from the VAR. This game is far from our best, the chances and possesion are there but we miss the final touch everytime. Georgia picks up a unnecessary yellow for a foul just before the referee blows for half time.

I go inside to grab a new bottle of water because I drank mine during the first half. 'Y/n?' I hear a female voice ask behind me 'Rose?' I ask suprised as I reconise her voice 'Wow this has been a long time' She says as we embrace eachother in a hug 'You could say so, about 5 years since the last time' I try to recall 'If it isn't longer'. We both smile at each other 'What are you up to now?' I ask her, while keeping an eye on the time. 'I am working in organisation for events now' She explains, we chat some more until I hear the whistle meaning the second half has started. 'We should go back to our seats' Rose says 'The one next to mine is free, if you want? We could catch up' I suggest 'Sounds lovely' She respond and we walk together back to were I sat. Rose and I have known eachother for quite some time now. I went out a lot after my father left, we were supposed to be a one night but instead of having sex we talked about all our struggles and insecurities. We kept in touch for some time until she moved to England a few years back and I stayed in Australia.

51' England keeps having almost all the possesion but it seems like they are more focused on keeping the possesion then scoring goals. The ball keeps getting played back to the defenders instead of going forward to the attackers. Hempo has received a yellow card for making a wrong tackle after losing the ball.

63' Sarina makes a few attacking subs.

< 7 - Lauren James
> 11 - Lauren Hemp

< 9 - Rachel Daly
> 23 - Alessia Russo

75' The subs haven't done what they supposed to do, score a goal. The score is still 1-0 for England. England are starting to play more around the box of Haiti but the finishes are not clinical enough, most go wide or are easy saves for the goalkeeper.

80' The game isn't boring but it is very one sided, most of the time England are in attack but no good finishes to double the lead. Haiti are getting tired by tracing the ball for 80 minutes but are not giving up.

90' Fuut! Fuut! The referee blows her whistle and the game is finished. England win 1-0 which could and should have been a lot more.

'Good game right?' Rose says while the players are shaking hands on the pitch 'Mmm should have scored more but atleast we got the three points' 'Exactly, look at it from the bright side' Rose says with a smile I chuckle 'Always you and your positive mindset' I say which causes her to laugh. 'I should go inside and into changingroom for the debrief' I tell Rose as I notice the girls going inside 'We should catch up sometime soon' She says as we both stand up 'We should, your still live in England?' 'Happily in Manchester' I laugh at her comment 'We should exchange numbers, I lost yours over time I think' She adds with a small blush 'I don't think I have yours anymore as well' I respond making us both laugh, I put my number in her phone as she puts hers in mine. 'Glad we got to have a chat again' I say before Rose embraces me in a big hug 'Me too' she says while hugging. I feel eyes in the side of my head and turn my face to the right when I am met with no one other then Leah. Fuck. I pull away from the hug rather quickly which leaves Rose a bit confused, I keep my eyes on Leah as she makes her way towards us. 'Leah you played amazing today' Rose says friendly, Leah gives her a forced smile and a brief 'Thank you' before turning her attention on me. 'Sarina send me to get you, she wants a full squad evoluation of the game' She says with her captain voice 'Lead the way' I say feeling really awkward in this situation and I don't know why.
'Leah can we talk?' I ask as we walk through the corridor towards the changingroom 'Later' She says not even giving me a look, I grab her shoulder forcing her to turn around 'Between me and Rose there is nothing going on, we are just old friends' I explain but Leah shakes her head 'Great for you, now can we continue walking? Sarina isn't in her best mood' Leah turns around and continues walking before I can even respond. Why is she suddenly being so distant?

Those Blue Eyesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن