Chapter 1: Summer breeze

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It was a beautiful day.

The sky was bright and sunshine came through the window painting the room in shades of gold. The summer breeze carried with it the aroma of lemon and orange trees, the songs of the birds being the only sound to break the quiet.

Ginger couldn't be more at peace.

The cushions she laid on enveloping her in a soft embrace as her eyes lazily skimmed through the flowery words of the book she read.

If her Teacher saw her like this, sprawled on the floor surrounded by all of the pillows, cushions and blankets she could find around her room, he would be fumming. And she relished at the thought

The book she was reading was the kind of book that would make that same teacher frown and her lord father grow red in the face.

It fit perfectly in her hands, a sweet smell came from the pages, painted flowers that shimmered against the sunlight decorated the cover and it's title 'A summer on passion's arms' was written in big flowy letters painted gold.

You were made to stand out

she had thought the same thing the first time she held it. And stand out it did when it sat on her library surrounded by the bulky greying volumes that she had studied time once and time again. The little thing looked like a blossom among stones : fancy, bright and fresh. Very much out of place, it was, something she would definitely not pick by or for herself, wich made sense since the book had been a gift from someone who thought her life needed a "little bit of fun"

Wich was somehow true.

After a decade of having to put aside pretty books in order to concentrate in the 'useful' ones she had almost forgotten about colorful covers and provocative titles, she couldn't remember the last time she read something less than fifty years old.

Her teen years were spent with the dust of old knowledge covering her hands, eyes burning along with flickering candles as she stayed awake learning lessons left behind by people long gone with the moon as her only companion, the wisdom old masters put down on paper passed down generation after generation until they reached her.

And she loved every minute.

But sometimes she couldn't help but wonder how her life could have been if she had taken a different path. Maybe I'd be like Rosa, she thought, the main character of the book she was reading and her life filled with passionate affairs and adventures appeared on her mind.

That would be nice, an absent smile painted her lips, the idea of a fiery romance feeding her imagination with material for romantic fantasies, i too want someone to hold at night

She closed the book and threw it to the side as the unstoppable daydreaming left her unable to concentrate

...or maybe not, nights here can be terribly warm

the sound of her bedroom door opening without warning made her snap out of her thoughts about sweaty skin sticking together on hot summer nights

What in the world is going on?

before she could gather her bearings someone came into the room, a man, specifically, speaking in a loud, agitated voice, the sound breaking trough the peaceful quiet like a thunder

" I'm not being ridiculous, this is a perfectly appropriate reaction!"

And a woman followed after him, a frown on her face and her hands clenching the fabric of her skirt as she walked into the room.

" There is nothing appropriate about entering a lady's room without announcing yourself or at least knocking!"

It was a lovely, calm day

Until it wasn't.

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